Synopsis As Introduced Provides that the Bureau of Administrative Hearings of the Department of Central Management Services, the Department of Human Rights, and the Human Rights Commission shall coordinate to achieve efficiencies and eliminate backlogs, including: developing a benchmarking system and a plan for backlog elimination that will require the elimination of the backlog in Human Rights Commission cases within 18 months; reviewing rights and requirements at the Department of Human Rights and the Human Rights Commission and identifying where legislation, rules, and internal policies can be proposed or amended to highlight similarities between the Department of Human Rights and the Human Rights Commission; executing intergovernmental agreements to share resources and smooth workloads through the administrative hearings process; developing technological solutions and shared case management systems; tracking and reporting the number of pending cases, the average and median length of time for resolution of cases, and other information; soliciting feedback and surveying parties and incorporating, as appropriate, suggestions for better service in the hearings process; and developing and participating in training programs. Provides that no aspect of coordination should work to limit the constitutional or statutory due process rights of parties before the Department of Human Rights or the Human Rights Commission. Provides that the Bureau of Administrative Hearings of the Department of Central Management Services shall provide reports on coordination efforts and data reporting and work with the Department of Innovation and Technology to include proposed or implemented technological changes affecting the operations of the Department of Human Rights and the Human Rights Commission. Contains provisions regarding: savings; prior executive orders; severability; and other matters. Effective immediately.