Section 1457.620  Inventory Forms


a)         Definitions.  As used in this Section, the term "intercity" means transportation other than "short haul".  As used in this Section, the term "short haul" means transportation from the point of origin to the final destination of not more than 50 miles, except that moves which begin and end within the area covered by the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will shall be considered "short haul".


b)         Each carrier shall, prior to loading at the point of origin, prepare a written, photographic, or videographic inventory of each intercity shipment and of each shipment for which any type of storage service is requested. A written, photographic, or videographic inventory shall also be prepared for short haul movements at the request of the shipper, provided the shipper agrees to pay the tariff rate for preparation of an inventory. The carrier, however, shall not require the preparation of an inventory at the shipper's expense for short haul movements.


c)         A copy of the inventory, properly executed by both the carrier and the shipper, shall be given to the shipper at the point of origin, prior to loading.  Another copy, properly executed by the carrier and the shipper, and reflecting any changes in the number, nature, or condition of the lading, shall be given to the shipper at the final destination, subsequent to unloading. 


d)         Information required on an inventory.  Each inventory required under this Section shall:


1)         Show the name and current address of the carrier on file with the Commission where its employees can be reached;


2)         Show the shipper's name;


3)         Show the point of origin and the final destination of the shipment;


4)         Include the carrier's description of the goods contained within the shipment and the condition of those goods;


5)         Provide a column for the shipper to note exceptions to the inventory as prepared by the carrier;


6)         Note any goods held by the carrier pending payment of charges; and


7)         Identify spaces for both the shipper and carrier to sign at the point of origin and the final destination.


e)         The shipper shall be permitted to make notations upon delivery concerning the condition or absence of goods in the shipment, and shall be made aware by the carrier that notations regarding the inventory are permitted upon delivery.


f)         The inventory shall be on a Commission-approved Household Goods Inventory Form.  The Commission shall approve a carrier's inventory form if it meets the requirements of this Section and does not contain provisions contrary to the Illinois Commercial Transportation Law or any Commission rules.


(Source:  Amended at 49 Ill. Reg. 1149, effective January 9, 2025)