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Section 590.270 Grades and Attendance
a) Grades
1) DHS-DRS will provide financial contribution to a customer in educational training as long as the customer meets each part of the following two-part test:
A) maintains a cumulative "C" grade point average (GPA); and
B) maintains a sufficient cumulative GPA to meet graduation requirements in his or her major field of study. If the customer does not have a major field of study, the customer meets this second test by maintaining a sufficient cumulative GPA to meet graduation requirements.
2) If at any time a customer's cumulative GPA fails to meet either part of the two part test in subsection (a)(1), DHS-DRS will only continue to provide financial contribution for one additional grading period, regardless of when taken, provided the customer and counselor agree continued educational training is appropriate. DHS-DRS must give notice to the customer of this additional grading period of financial contribution as soon as it learns of the customer's GPA deficiency. This notice may come after the start of the additional grading period. At the completion of the additional grading period, the customer must meet each of the two tests in subsection (a)(1). DHS-DRS may continue vocational rehabilitation services but will discontinue paid financial contribution toward the educational training until the customer has removed deficiencies without DHS-DRS paid financial contribution.
3) If the customer fails a course that DHS-DRS paid for, the customer will be required to pay for an equal number of hours, applicable toward the degree, the following term. DHS-DRS will not provide financial contribution for support or auxiliary services for those numbers of hours.
4) Changing, withdrawing, or dropping courses during a term requires documented pre-approval from the DHS-DRS counselor. If a customer drops a course or withdraws without pre-approval, the customer will be required to pay for an equal number of hours, applicable toward the degree, the following term. DHS-DRS will not provide financial contribution for support or auxiliary services for those numbers of hours.
b) Attendance
1) DHS-DRS will allow a customer up to three years from the start date of the initial training service, as indicated on the IPE, to complete an associate's degree or reach junior standing, and no more than three additional years to complete a bachelor's degree. If the customer requires additional terms to complete the degree, DHS-DRS will not provide financial contribution for those additional terms or for support or auxiliary services for those additional terms.
2) DHS-DRS will allow a customer in a graduate program up to three years from the start date of the initial training service, as indicated on the IPE, to complete a master's degree, and no more than three additional years to complete a doctorate degree. If the customer requires additional terms to complete the degree, DHS-DRS will not provide financial contribution for those additional terms or for support or auxiliary services for those additional terms.
3) Exceptions for a customer to be given additional time may be granted, by the appropriate Bureau Chief, if there are extenuating circumstances relating to the customer's disability or personal and/or financial situation.
4) Specialized programs of study (i.e., medical, law) that do not conform to the traditional master's and doctoral programs may be granted an exception by the appropriate Bureau Chief when written justification is provided.
(Source: Amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 6598, effective April 13, 2012) |