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Section 10.120 Definitions
"AABD" or "Aid to the Aged, Blind or Disabled" Financial assistance and medical assistance available to individuals who have been determined to be aged, blind or disabled as defined by the Social Security Administration.
"Adequate Consideration" − The receipt of goods, monies or services at least in the amount of the fair market value of the property sold.
"Adult Cases" − A case in which no child is included in the assistance unit.
"Adverse Action" − Any action that reduces SNAP benefits or terminates participation in SNAP within a certification period.
"Agency Error" − An action or inaction of the Department resulting in assistance benefits being furnished to or in behalf of a client for which the client is not eligible.
"Applicant" − An individual requesting assistance by completion of a signed, written application form or a person in whose behalf a signed written application form requesting assistance is completed.
"Application" − A request for assistance by means of a completed, signed designated form. For SNAP purposes, only a name, address and signature are needed on the form.
"Assistance Unit" − The individual or individuals living together for whom the Department determines eligibility and, if eligible, provides financial and/or medical assistance as one unit.
"Beneficiary" − Any person nominated in a will to receive an interest in property other than in a fiduciary capacity.
"Caretaker Relative" or "Specified Relative" − A relative, as specified in this definition, with whom a child must live to be eligible for TANF and who is providing care, supervision and a home for the child.
Blood or adoptive relatives within the fifth degree of kinship:
Father Mother
Brother Sister
Grandmother Grandfather (including up to great-great-great)
Uncle Aunt (including up to great-great)
Nephew Niece (including up to great-great)
First Cousin
First Cousin once removed (child of first cousin)
Second Cousin (child of great-aunt/uncle)
Step-Father Step-Mother
Step-Brother Step-Sister
Person who is or has been married to one of the above relatives.
"Categorical Assistance Programs" − TANF, AABD and related MANG programs.
"Categorically Eligible" − The meeting of all eligibility requirements for a categorical assistance program other than financial need.
"Certification for SNAP" − Authorization of eligibility of a household for SNAP.
"Certification Period" − The period of time for which a household is authorized to participate in SNAP.
"Certifying Office" − The DHS local office or General Assistance unit office responsible for certification of SNAP participants.
"Child and Family Assistance Case" − A General Assistance case in which case eligibility is based on pregnancy or the presence of an eligible child.
"Client" − The adult in the family or unit applying for assistance or receiving assistance on behalf of the family.
"Client Error" − A client's mistake, misunderstanding, misrepresentation or concealment of information or failure to report information promptly that results in financial and/or medical assistance being paid to or in behalf of a recipient for which the recipient is not eligible.
"Correspondent" − A specific individual who has been legally designated to handle the affairs of another individual, that is, parents, court-appointed guardian or conservator.
"DCFS" − Illinois Department of Children and Family Services.
"Department" − The Illinois Department of Human Services.
"Dependent Child" − A child age 18 or under who is living with a relative. If age 18, the child must be a full-time high school (or equivalent) student.
"Disbursing Order" − An invoice voucher form given to a client authorizing a vendor to provide specified goods and/or services.
"Disposition of an Application" − The determination of eligibility or ineligibility.
"Diverted Income" − Earned or unearned income of a parent used to meet the needs of ineligible person or persons, including the parent, their dependent child or children or their spouse.
"DOC" − Illinois Department of Corrections.
"DOL" − Illinois Department of Labor.
"Earmarked Income" − Income restricted for the use of an individual by court order or by legal stipulation of a contributor. Only income of a child may be considered earmarked for Departmental purposes. The income of an eligible child who has siblings in the home receiving TANF financial assistance cannot be earmarked.
"Earned Income" − Pay derived through the receipt of wages or salary for services performed as an employee or profits from activity in which the individual is self-employed.
"Effective Date" − The date for which case action is authorized.
"Enrolled MANG Participant" − Person or unit meeting the nonfinancial factors of eligibility.
"Established 12-Month Period" − The period of 12 calendar months over which income is compared to the applicable MANG standard.
"Estate" − All real and personal property within an individual's estate as provided in Illinois probate law. For a decedent who received benefits under a long term care insurance policy in connection with which assets were disregarded, the term "estate" includes all real and personal property in which the individual had legal title or interest at the time of death (to the extent of such interest), including assets conveyed to a survivor, heir or assignee of the deceased person through joint tenancy, tenancy in common, survivorship, life estate, living trust or other arrangement.
"Expedited Issuance" − Authorization of SNAP benefits after the household has been determined to be destitute or to have zero net income.
"Expedited Service" − An immediate processing of a SNAP application and determination of eligibility for expedited issuance.
"Final Administrative Decision" − A decision made by the Department as a result of an appeal. It either upholds or reverses the appealed action or determines a lack of jurisdiction.
"Financial Assistance" − Public assistance paid in the form of a cash benefit to a recipient for income maintenance needs. Medical assistance and SNAP benefits are not considered financial assistance.
"Financial Factors of Eligibility" − Income, assets and Department levels of assistance.
"Financially Eligible" − The meeting of all financial factors of eligibility.
"Fiscal Month" − Begins on a given day in one calendar month and ends on the day prior to the same given day in the next calendar month.
"FNS" − The Food and Nutrition Service of the United States Department of Agriculture.
"Full-Time Employment" − Employment of 30 hours per week or more.
"GA" or "General Assistance" Financial and medical assistance available to eligible needy families or individuals who are ineligible to receive assistance through a categorical assistance program. All State funded General Assistance and related medical benefits were eliminated effective July 1, 2012.
"Grant" − The total amount of a monthly financial assistance payment.
"Grant Cases" − Public assistance cases authorized for financial assistance payments to the recipient.
"Head of Household" − The person in whose name application is made for participation in SNAP. This person is normally the individual who is the household's primary source of income.
"Hearing" − The actual presentation and consideration of the issue under appeal before a hearing officer of the Department.
"Heir" − Any person entitled under the statutes to an interest in property of a decedent.
"HFS" − Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, formerly known as the Illinois Department of Public Aid (DPA).
"Initial Prorated Entitlement" or "IPE" − Financial assistance to cover the period from the initial point of eligibility (application for assistance or initial needs of a person being added to the assistance unit) through two days after the mailing date of the first regular monthly assistance warrant.
"In-Kind Income" − Income received by or paid in behalf of an individual in a form other than money.
"Interim Assistance" − Assistance furnished to or in behalf of an individual financed totally from State and/or local funds for basic maintenance needs and furnished during the period beginning with the month in which the individual filed an application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and for which the individual was found eligible.
"Local Governmental Unit" − Every county, city, village, incorporated town or township charged with the duty of providing public aid under General Assistance and County Veterans Assistance Commissions providing assistance to indigent war veterans and their families.
"Local Office" − Department of Human Services-Division of Human Capital Development office that serves clients.
"Lump-Sum Payment" − An extraordinary or non-recurring income payment received by a client.
"MAG" or "Medical Assistance Grant" Medical assistance paid on behalf of a recipient of financial assistance.
"MANG" or "Medical Assistance No Grant" Medical assistance paid on behalf of a recipient of categorical assistance who is not receiving financial assistance.
"MANG(AABD)" − Medical assistance available to individuals who have sufficient income and assets to meet all maintenance needs other than medical care and who are receiving Supplemental Security Income benefits or who are determined to be aged, blind or disabled by the Department of Human Services.
"MANG(C)" − Medical Assistance to Needy Families with Children, which is available to families with one or more children who would qualify for TANF on the basis of non-financial eligibility factors but have sufficient income and assets to meet all maintenance needs other than medical care.
"Medicaid" − Medical assistance issued by the Department under provisions of Title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 USC 1396); MAG and MANG.
"Medical Assistance" − Medicaid.
"MediPlan Card" − A document that identifies individuals for whom HFS will pay for essential medical services and supplies.
"Migrant Worker" − Any person residing temporarily in and employed in Illinois who moves seasonally from one place to another for the purpose of employment in agricultural activities, including the planting, raising or harvesting of any agricultural or horticultural commodities and the handling, packing or processing of those commodities on the farm where produced or at the point of first processing.
"OASDI" or "Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance" Often termed "Social Security".
"OJT" − On-the-job training programs sponsored through the TANF Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Employment and Training Program or WIA.
"Participant" − A person taking part in SNAP or a Departmental employment and training program.
"Recipient" − An individual who receives benefits under an assistance program.
"SNAP" − Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program. A food and nutrition supplement program available to individuals and families.
"SNAP Benefits" − The cash value of benefits that a SNAP unit receives from the program.
"SNAP Household" or "SNAP Unit" − For purposes of SNAP, a household or unit is defined as any of the following:
An individual living alone;
An individual living with others, who customarily purchases food and prepares meals for home consumption separate and apart from others;
A group of individuals who live together and customarily purchase food and prepare meals together for home consumption or who, because of their relationship, are required to qualify for SNAP as a unit.
"Specified Relative" − Same as caretaker relative.
"Spenddown" − The amount by which a client's nonexempt income during the eligibility period exceeds the MANG income and asset standards.
"SSA" − The Social Security Administration.
"SSI" or "Supplemental Security Income" A program administered by the Social Security Administration providing monthly aid to aged, blind and disabled individuals.
"Student" − An individual who is enrolled at least half time (as defined by the institution) in any elementary/middle school, high school, vocational school, technical school, training program or institution of higher education. Enrollment in a mail, self-study or correspondence course does not meet the definition of a student.
"Supervision" − Exercising of responsibility for the child's welfare by the caretaker.
"Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Employment and Training Program" − Employment and training program for SNAP recipients.
"TANF" or "Temporary Assistance for Needy Families" − Financial and medical assistance available to families with one or more dependent children.
"Temporary Caretaker" − Another individual temporarily acting as a caretaker (not included in the assistance unit) when no caretaker relative is available.
"UI" − Unemployment Insurance Benefits.
"Unearned Income" − All income other than earned income.
"Vendor Payment" − Direct payment to vendors for items or services provided to clients.
"WIA" − The federal Workforce Investment Act (29 USC 2801 et seq.).
"Work Experience" − A Department program that provides experience in a job.
(Source: Amended at 37 Ill. Reg. 1865, effective February 4, 2013) |