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Section 1285.30 Programs of Chiropractic Education
a) A program of chiropractic education shall be deemed approved in the judgment of the Division if it meets the following requirements:
1) a Dean or other Executive Officer, employed on a full-time basis supervises the students and curriculum.
2) the faculty is comprised of graduates in their specialty from legally recognized and authorized professional colleges or institutions by the jurisdiction in which the college is located.
3) the faculty is organized and each department has a director and professors, each responsible to the director for instruction in the particular subjects he or she teaches.
4) annually, a catalogue or brochure is published setting forth the requisites for admission to the college, tuition, rates, courses offered, dates of sessions, schedule of classes, requirements for graduation, a roster of the undergraduate students and a roster of the last graduating class. The catalogue or brochure shall contain a list of the departments of the school, the titles of the personnel and a brief summary of each person's qualifications. The curriculum shall include, but not be limited to, 4 academic years' instruction in the following subjects:
A) Anatomy
i) Embryology
ii) Histology
iii) Neuro-anatomy
B) Physiology and Chemistry
C) Pathology and Bacteriology
D) Diagnosis
i) Physical
ii) Differential
iii) Laboratory
5) buildings provided with laboratories equipped for instruction in anatomy, chemistry, physiology, bacteriology and other areas of learning necessary to the due course of study prescribed by this Part; and that a laboratory equipped with supplies, models, mannequins, charts, stereopticon, roentgen-ray and other special apparatus used in teaching the system to treat human ailments without the use of medicine and operative surgery, be provided.
6) a library, accessible to students is maintained, with a librarian in constant attendance. The library shall contain a standard medical dictionary, texts and reference books, and the files of professional periodicals.
7) the college or institution requires all students to furnish, before matriculation, satisfactory proof of the preliminary education required by the Act.
8) full and complete records are kept showing the credentials for admission, attendance, grades and financial accounts of each student.
9) admission of transfer students will be limited to honorably dismissed students from another approved college or institution teaching the same system. The transcript of record obtained directly from the transferring school shall be kept on file. It shall be the duty of a college or institution to furnish such a transcript for the benefit of each student subject to honorable dismissal. No credit shall be given a transferred student for final or "senior year" work or for any courses taken by correspondence.
10) students shall start class attendance within one week after the start of each session. Credit for completion of a course will not be granted a student who failed to attend 80% of the complete session of the course.
b) Applicants seeking licensure who have received a chiropractic degree from a college that is not fully accredited in accordance with Section 11(B) of the Act and who are seeking licensure based on a second, duplicate or similar degree must pay the required fee and provide an official transcript specified in Section 21 of the Act to the Division showing:
1) completion of a least 2 additional academic years of study in the clinical sciences of not less than 960 clock hours per academic year in a fully accredited college during the time of additional study; and
2) the hours of clinical practice retaken to fulfill the chiropractic degree requirements. No credit will be given for prior credits in clinical practice.
c) All chiropractic colleges fully accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the Council of Chiropractic Education or its successor at the time of graduation shall be deemed to have met the minimum standards.
(Source: Amended at 29 Ill. Reg. 18823, effective November 4, 2005) |