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Section 293.40 Loan Application Review Committee Criteria
The State Fire Marshal shall appoint a Loan Application Review Committee to determine, based on system needs, financial need, and how recently the applicant has received a previous loan under this program, which eligible post-secondary educational institution will be recommended to the Authority to receive a low-interest loan under this program.
a) The Committee shall consist of the following seven members:
1) The State Fire Marshal, as chair;
2) One Fire Chief (from a community having a post-secondary educational institution within its protection area);
3) One representative from the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois;
4) One representative from the Illinois Finance Authority, as vice chair;
5) One member from the Illinois Fire Inspectors Association;
6) One member from the Illinois Association of Fire Protection Districts; and
7) One member representing the post-secondary educational institutions.
b) No Committee member who has a pending application for a loan under this program shall participate in the review process in which that application is pending. Any Committee member who has such a conflict shall notify the Fire Marshal of the conflict, so that the Fire Marshal can replace that Committee member for the relevant program application cycle as soon as possible.
c) Members shall serve without salary, but may receive reimbursement for reasonable expenses from OSFM from appropriations for those purposes.
d) All members shall have one vote, except for the State Fire Marshal, who shall only vote to break a tie.
e) Members shall serve a term of four years.
f) Upon the expiration of a member's term of office, the State Fire Marshal shall reappoint that member, or appoint a successor who is a representative of the same interests with which his or her predecessor was identified.
g) The State Fire Marshal may, at any time, remove any of the respective appointees for inefficiency or neglect of duty in office. In such instances, the State Fire Marshal shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term by appointing a member who is a representative of the same interests with which his or her predecessor was identified. Upon the death or incapacity of a member, the State Fire Marshal shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term by appointing a member who is a representative of the same interests with which his or her predecessor was identified.
h) Appointments shall be made to geographically represent the State.
i) As determined by the State Fire Marshal, the Committee shall meet and organize within ten days after the appointment of its members and, at that meeting, shall select a recording secretary.
j) Meetings of the Committee shall occur as deemed necessary by the State Fire Marshal, at a date, time and place to be fixed by the Committee (or by the State Fire Marshal, should he or she call for the meeting) and at such additional times as the Committee deems necessary for the consideration of loan applications, reviews or appeals and the transaction of any other business as properly may come before it.
k) A quorum shall be five members in attendance. Electronic attendance, as permitted by the Open Meetings Act [5 ILCS 120], may be permitted once a quorum is physically present either at the location set for the meeting or via video conference. |