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Section 620.505 Compliance Determination
a) Compliance with standards at a site is to be determined as follows:
1) For a structure (e.g., buildings), at the closest practical distance beyond the outermost edge for the structure.
2) For groundwater that underlies a potential primary or secondary source, the outermost edge as specified in Section 620.240(e)(1).
3) For groundwater that underlies a coal mine refuse disposal area, a coal combustion waste disposal area, or an impoundment that contains sludge, slurry, or precipitated process material at a coal preparation plant, the outermost edge as specified in Section 620.240(f)(1) or location of monitoring wells in existence as of the effective date of this Part on a permitted site.
4) For a groundwater management zone, as specified in a corrective action process.
5) For groundwater, any point where monitoring is conducted using a water well, or a monitoring well that meets one of the following conditions:
A) For a potable water supply well if geologic logs exist for this well or geologic logs in the immediate 1,000-foot area of this well are representative of the hydrogeologic materials encountered by this well as determined by a licensed professional geologist or a licensed professional engineer or a WHPA has been delineated outside of an applicable setback zone of a community water well or well field in accordance with the "Guidance Document for Groundwater Protection Needs Assessments," incorporated by reference at Section 620.125, and "The Illinois Wellhead Protection Program," incorporated by reference at Section 620.125.
B) For a potable water supply well other than a community water supply well, a construction report has been filed with the Department of Public Health for such potable well, or such well has been located and constructed (or reconstructed) to meet the Illinois Water Well Construction Code [415 ILCS 30] and 77 Ill. Adm. Code 920.
C) For a potable water supply well that was constructed prior to August 20, 1965, the enactment of the Illinois Water Well Construction Code [415 ILCS 30], and meets all of the following criteria:
i) Construction must be done in a manner that will enable the collection of groundwater samples that represent in situ groundwater conditions;
ii) Casings and screens must be made from durable material resistant to expected chemical or physical degradation that do not interfere with the quality of groundwater samples being collected; and
iii) The annular space opposite the screened section of the well (i.e., the space between the bore hole and well screen) must be filled with gravel or sand if necessary to collect groundwater samples. The annular space above and below the well screen must be sealed to prevent migration of water from adjacent formations and the surface to the sampled depth.
D) For a community water supply well, such well has been permitted by the Agency, or has been constructed in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 602.115.
E) For a water well other than a potable water supply well (e.g., a livestock watering well or an irrigation well), a construction report has been filed with the Department of Public Health or the Office of Mines and Minerals in the Department of Natural Resources for such well, or such well has been located and constructed (or reconstructed) to meet the Illinois Water Well Construction Code [415 ILCS 30] and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 920.
F) For a monitoring well, such well meets the following requirements:
i) Construction must be done in a manner that will enable the collection of groundwater samples;
ii) Casings and screens must be made from durable material resistant to expected chemical or physical degradation that do not interfere with the quality of groundwater samples being collected; and
iii) The annular space opposite the screened section of the well (i.e., the space between the bore hole and well screen) must be filled with gravel or sand if necessary to collect groundwater samples. The annular space above and below the well screen must be sealed to prevent migration of water from adjacent formations and the surface to the sampled depth.
6) Monitoring shall not be conducted for compliance determinations pursuant to subsection (a) of this Section:
A) For a water well that is:
i) Less than 15 feet in total depth from the land surface,
ii) bored or dug,
iii) constructed of permeable materials (e.g., cement, tile, stone or brick), and
iv) 36 inches or more in diameter.
B) For a water well with water quality problems due to damaged well construction materials or poorly-designed well construction;
C) For a water well in a basement or pit; or
D) For water well water from a holding tank.
b) For a spring, compliance with this Subpart shall be determined at the point of emergence.
(Source: Amended at 36 Ill. Reg. 15206, effective October 5, 2012) |