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Section 270.401 General Application Information
a) An owner or operator of a CAAPP source shall submit to the Agency four copies of a single complete CAAPP application covering all emission units and air pollution control equipment at the source.
b) A CAAPP application shall contain a table of contents and a list of items and activities for which a permit is being sought.
c) In accordance with Section 39.5(5)(c) of the Act, a CAAPP application shall contain all information sufficient to evaluate the subject source and its application, to determine all applicable requirements, including establishing the basis for fees, and to evaluate compliance of the subject source with these applicable requirements.
d) Information, as specified in Section 270.402 (excluding Section 207.402(a)) through Section 270.405 of this Part, including data and calculations for emissions of hazardous air pollutants listed in Section 112(b) of the Clean Air Act, is not required to be submitted for insignificant activities or emission levels at the source, as defined by applicable Board regulations, provided a list of such activities or emission levels is submitted in the application identifying the particular definition under which each listed activity or emission level qualifies as significant and accompanied by a certification that all listed activities and emission levels qualify as insignificant, unless additional information is requested by the Agency.
e) A CAAPP application in which the owner or operator of a CAAPP source is seeking an alternative emission limit to that contained in the applicable Board regulations shall include a showing that the applicable Board regulation and State Implementation Plan adopted by USEPA allow for such an alternative emission limit to be set by the Agency in a permit and shall demonstrate that the proposed limit is equivalent to the applicable Board regulation.
f) A CAAPP application shall contain a certification by a responsible official that, based on information and belief formed by the responsible official after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the application are true, accurate, and complete. This certification shall be dated and signed by the responsible official.
g) An owner or operator of a CAAPP source which seeks exclusion from the CAAPP through the imposition of federally enforceable conditions, limiting the potential to emit of the source to a level below the major source threshold as described in Section 39.5(2)(c) of the Act, must request such exclusion within a CAAPP application submitted consistent with this Part on or after the date that the CAAPP application for the source is due. Prior to such date, but in no case later than nine months after the effective date of the CAAPP, such owner or operator may request the imposition of federally enforceable conditions pursuant to Section 39.5(1.1)(b) of the Act. (See Section 39.5(5)(u) of the Act)
h) Notwithstanding other provisions of this Subpart, once the Agency has issued a general permit for a source category, the Agency may waive the requirement for submittal of particular information in subsequent applications for coverage under such general permit, provided that such applications meet all requirements of Title V of the Clean Air Act and include all information necessary to determine qualification for and to assure compliance with the general permit.
(Note: To determine whether data and calculations for emissions of hazardous air pollutants listed in Section 112(b) of the Clean Air Act must be included in the CAAPP application, see 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201 Subpart F.) |