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Section 301.120 Definitions
All definitions set forth in this Section have the following meanings throughout this Part, unless specifically provided otherwise. Words and terms not defined have the meanings set forth in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act.
"Act" means the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act [20 ILCS 3305].
"Accreditation" means recognition of an emergency services and disaster agency by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, in accordance with the requirements of Section 301.510.
"Annex" means descriptions in the emergency operations plan of policies, processes, roles and responsibilities that agencies and departments carry out before, during and after any disaster or emergency. Annexes focus on critical operational functions and entities responsible for those functions.
"Assumptions" means the information, facts and data treated as true for development of the emergency operations plan.
"Certification" means recognition of a non-mandated emergency services and disaster agency by an accredited county or multiple county emergency services and disaster agency in conjunction with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, or by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency in the event that no accredited county or multiple county emergency services and disaster agency serves the county in which the non-mandated emergency services and disaster agency is located, in accordance with Section 301.520.
"Concept of Operations" means the overall approach of the political subdivision to the management of a disaster, such as who directs response efforts, what should happen, and when it should happen, including, but not limited to, how the political subdivision will implement the concepts and procedures of a recognized incident command system.
"Coordinator" means the staff assistant to, or the person appointed in accordance with Section 10(i) of the Act by, the principal executive officer of a political subdivision with the duty of coordinating the emergency management programs of that political subdivision.
"Damage Assessment" means an appraisal or determination of the effects of the disaster on physical, economic and natural resources and on human life.
"Disaster" means an occurrence or threat of widespread or severe damage, injury or loss of life or property resulting from any natural or technological cause, including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, wind, storm, hazardous materials spill or other water contamination requiring emergency action to avert danger or damage, epidemic, air contamination, blight, extended periods of severe and inclement weather, drought, infestation, critical shortages of essential fuels and energy, explosion, riot, hostile military or paramilitary action, or acts of domestic terrorism. [20 ILCS 3305/4]
"Emergency Management" means the efforts of the political subdivisions to develop, plan, analyze, conduct, provide, implement and maintain programs for disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
"Emergency Operations Center" or "EOC" means a location where policy and strategic management decisions are made during a disaster or disaster exercise.
"Emergency Operations Plan" or "EOP" means the written plan of a political subdivision describing the organization, mission, and functions of the political subdivision government and supporting services for responding to and recovering from disasters.
"Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act" or "federal EPCRA" means 42 USC 11001.
"Emergency Services and Disaster Agency" or "ESDA" means the agency by this name, by the name emergency management agency, or by any other name that is established by ordinance within a political subdivision to coordinate the emergency management program within that political subdivision and with private organizations, other political subdivisions, the State and federal governments. [20 ILCS 3305/4]
"Exercise" means a planned event realistically simulating a disaster, conducted for the purpose of evaluating the political subdivision's coordinated emergency management capabilities, including, but not limited to, testing emergency operations plans. [20 ILCS 3305/4]
"Exercise Design Team" means the people selected in accordance with Section 301.420(a) to develop and coordinate the exercise and the team from which a team member is designated to be the design team leader.
"FEMA" means the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
"Goals" mean concepts adopted by strategic decision makers to give overall direction to disaster response and recovery, derived from one or more emergency management functions of the emergency operations plan and accomplished through decision makers of the emergency operations center and incident command system.
"Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program" or "HSEEP" means a guiding set of fundamental principles for exercise programs through which exercise program managers can develop, execute, and evaluate exercises that address the priorities established by a jurisdiction's/organization's senior leaders. It provides a method for jurisdictions/organizations to shape planning, assess and validate capabilities, and address areas for improvement in their emergency management programs. Further information regarding HSEEP may be found on FEMA's website at https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/national-preparedness/exercises/hseep.
"IEMA" means the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.
"Illinois Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act" or "Illinois EPCRA" means 430 ILCS 100.
"Incident Command" means a system that combines facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications to operate within a common organizational structure and that designates responsibility for the management of assigned resources to effectively accomplish stated goals and objectives.
"Local Emergency Planning Committee" or "LEPC" means the committee appointed in each emergency planning district by the State Emergency Response Commission pursuant to federal EPCRA and Illinois EPCRA.
"Mandated Emergency Services and Disaster Agency" or "Mandated ESDA" means each ESDA required to be established pursuant to Section 10 of the Act:
Each county ESDA, unless multiple county ESDA consolidation is authorized by IEMA with the consent of the respective counties in accordance with Section 301.140;
Each multiple county ESDA authorized in accordance with Section 301.140;
Each ESDA in a municipality with a population of over 500,000; and
Each ESDA determined by the Governor to be required for a municipal corporation pursuant to Section 10(d) of the Act.
"Mitigation" means actions taken to eliminate or reduce the degree of risk to life and property from hazards, either prior to or following a disaster.
"National Standard" means the version of the Emergency Management Standard developed by the Emergency Management Accreditation Program and accepted by IEMA. The National Standard can be obtained at https://www.emap.org or by contacting an IEMA regional office (https://www2.illinois.gov/iema/Contacts /Pages/Contacts-Regional.aspx).
"Non-Mandated Emergency Services and Disaster Agency" or "Non-Mandated ESDA" means an ESDA not required to be established pursuant to the Act, but established by ordinance of the political subdivision it serves.
"Objectives" mean definable and measurable concepts adopted by tactical decision makers to accomplish the goals of disaster response and recovery, usually derived from one or more emergency management functions of the emergency operations plan.
"Political Subdivision" means any county, city, village, or incorporated town or township if the township is in a county having a population of more than 2,000,000. [20 ILCS 3305/4]
"Preparedness" means actions taken and programs and systems developed prior to a disaster to support and enhance response to and recovery from a disaster.
"Principal Executive Officer" means chair of the county board, supervisor of a township if the township is in a county having a population of more than 2,000,000, mayor of a city or incorporated town, president of a village, or in their absence or disability, the interim successor as established under Section 7 of the Emergency Interim Executive Succession Act [5 ILCS 275]. [20 ILCS 3305/4]
"Recovery" means restoration actions and programs.
"Response" means the actions taken to address the immediate and short-term effects of a disaster.
"State Emergency Response Commission" or "SERC" means the Illinois Emergency Management Agency in accordance with Illinois EPCRA.
"Strategic Decisions" means policy decisions that determine the goals of disaster response and recovery, usually made by elected officials or by designees appointed by ordinance, law, or emergency operations plan to act on behalf of elected officials during a disaster.
"Tactical Decisions" means decisions that determine the objectives to satisfy the goals set by strategic decision makers, usually made by designees of the strategic decision makers, including command or general staff within the incident command system.
"Work Plan" means a narrative description of the ESDA's specific actions to be accomplished.
(Source: Amended at 44 Ill. Reg. 17631, effective October 31, 2020) |