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Section 219.APPENDIX A Illinois eCanvass File Format
Master File Record Structure
(Master File Record Structure Cont.)
Vote File Record Structure
1 Ballot Style ID – A unique (to the jurisdiction) numeric identifier for the given ballot style 2 Ballot Style Name – A unique (to the jurisdiction) name assigned to the given ballot style 3 Ballot Style (Vendor) Party ID – Only applicable in a primary election, this party ID identifies the party for a given ballot style 4 Is Federal – Designates if a ballot style contains only federal contests 5 Proposition Only – Only applicable in a primary election, this identifies a ballot style as only having questions of public policy (referenda) 6 Precinct ID – Unique (to the jurisdiction) numeric identifier for the given precinct 7 Precinct Name – A unique (to the jurisdiction) name to identify the precinct 8 Registration – The number of registered voters within a precinct. This number should reflect only the "active" registered voters from that precinct 9 (Vendor) Party ID – Unique Identifier for the political parties active in a given election, assigned by the jurisdiction or tabulation vendor 10 Party Name – Name of a given political party 11 (SBEL) Party ID – ID assigned to a given political party by SBEL; SBEL party ID for a contest will reflect the party for a contest in a primary election; in a General Election this ID will be designated as "99" (Nonpartisan) since the office does not have a party affiliation in a General Election 12 District ID – Unique (to the jurisdiction) ID assigned by the jurisdiction to a given political district/unit of government 13 District Name – A unique text representation of the district/unit of government (e.g., 4TH APPELLATE COURT) 14 District List Order – A hierarchical number representing the order in which districts appear on the ballot 15 (Vendor) Contest ID – A unique ID number assigned to an office/contest by the jurisdiction or tabulation vendor 16 Contest Name – A unique text representation of the contest/office (e.g., 4TH APPELLATE COURT – SMITH VACANCY) 17 (SBEL) Contest ID – ID assigned to a given office/contest by SBEL; should be zero in the case that an ID is not assigned by SBEL for the given contest 18 Contest List Order – A hierarchical number representing the order in which offices/contests appear on the ballot 19 Is Proposal – Designates if a contest/office is actually a question of public policy (referenda) 20 Vote For – Number of candidates to be elected/nominated within a given office/contest 21 (Vendor) Candidate ID – Unique ID assigned to a candidate by jurisdiction/vendor 22 Candidate Name – Name of candidate or position on a referendum question 23 (SBEL) Candidate ID – ID assigned by SBEL for the given candidate; in the event that no ID is assigned by SBEL, this ID shall be zero 24 Candidate List Order – A hierarchical number representing the order in which candidates appear on the ballot 25 (Vendor) Candidate Party ID – ID assigned by the jurisdiction or vendor to the candidate 26 Turnout Record – In the vote file, a turnout record will have a contest ID of zero and a candidate ID of zero, and will have one record per precinct and ballot style combination; the turnout record will effectively report the number of times a ballot style was counted within a particular precinct 27 Reporting of Under Votes, Over Votes and Blank Ballots – Under votes, over votes and blank ballots shall be designated in the candidate ID field with codes of 9999998, 9999999 and 9999997, respectively, and shall have a corresponding contest ID 28 Under Votes – The number of times that the contest was on a tabulated ballot when votes cast are less than the Vote For number 29 Over Votes – The number of times that the contest was on a tabulated ballot when votes cast are more than the Vote For number 30 Blank Ballots – For a given contest, the number of times a ballot is cast when the contest has no candidates 31 Is Write-in – Identifies that the candidate is a write-in candidate
(Source: Amended at 41 Ill. Reg. 12883, effective September 26, 2017) |