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Section 217.50 Tabulation of Ranking Ballots
a) All ranking ballots shall be remade on a ballot of the same type that is used by in-precinct voters in the election authority's jurisdiction. Except as provided in this Section, the ballots shall be processed in the same manner as those processed at the central counting center (absentee, early and grace period). The provisions in the Election Code allowing for poll watchers during the counting of provisional ballots shall be applicable to the counting of ranking ballots.
b) A single remade ballot shall be used to record the voters' choices on the ranking ballot and the voters' choices on the consolidated ballot that contains non-municipal and township races. The remade ballot shall be marked so that the highest ranked (closest to "one") candidates among those candidates who appear on the consolidated election ballot shall receive the voter's votes. The remade ballot shall carry an identifying mark that indicates it was remade based on the corresponding ranking ballot and non-municipal and non-township ballot. The election authority shall maintain the voter's absentee ballot application, or a copy of the application, with its records for both the consolidated primary and consolidated election. The remade ballot shall be stored with the ranking and non-municipal and non-township ballots that were returned by the voter.
c) All ranking ballots must be received and accepted according to Article 19 or 21 of the Election Code. A ranking ballot shall be deemed to have been timely received if it arrives in the office of the election authority within 14 days after the consolidated election.
d) The election judges shall be responsible for any determination of voter intent, including but not limited to interpretation of illegible or obscured numerical indications. A majority vote of the judges shall be the final determination of the voter's intent.
e) If the voter's intent to cast a vote cannot be ascertained due to a lack of a numerical notation on the blank line opposite any of the candidate's names on the ballot at the consolidated election, no vote shall be cast for that candidate.
f) Ranking ballots shall be safeguarded and secured, as required by Section 17-20 of the Code, by the election authority during the period between the municipal primary and municipal election and will not be available for any public inspection. The ranking ballots shall be destroyed in accordance with Section 17-20 of the Code.
g) If the voter has the opportunity to vote for multiple positions within the same race, the highest ranked candidates appearing on the consolidated election ballot, up to the number of candidates to be elected to that office, shall receive the votes. The highest ranking shall be the ranking that is closest to the number one.
h) Ballots that are remade and cast pursuant to this Part shall be attributed to the precinct in which the voter resides.
i) Voter history shall be recorded for the consolidated election for each individual who casts a ranked ballot.
j) If the voter only returns a ranking ballot, it shall be remade and counted regardless of the fact that the voter did not return a consolidated primary or non-municipal or non-township ballot. |