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Section 3035.520 Grant Applications
a) For projects with a total cost equal to or greater than $75,000, an architect or engineer licensed to practice in Illinois is required. The selection of an architect-engineer shall be in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act [50 ILCS 510]. Public libraries are allowed to choose the architect and engineer for their public library construction projects. No project may be disapproved by the State Librarian solely due to a public library's selection of an architect or engineer as stipulated in this subsection.
b) To qualify for and be eligible for a Public Library Construction Act grant, public libraries shall apply to the State Librarian for public library construction project grants on the forms prepared and made available for this purpose. The grant application must include these components:
1) A service plan statement of no more than two pages that states:
A) How the project addresses one or more of the five levels of priority described in Section 15-30 of the Act.
B) The necessity for the proposed project.
C) Plans to meet Serving Our Public 4.0: Standards for Illinois Public Libraries (current version), incorporated by reference in Section 3035.115(a).
D) A description of the project's potential contribution to the improvement of library services within the library's area of service and in any other portions of the State.
E) An affirmative statement that the applicant and its employees do not have any conflicts of interest or apparent conflicts of interest that may impair the fairness and impartiality of the grant process.
F) Pursuant to 75 ILCS 10/3, the applicant must certify that it has adopted either the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights that indicates materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval or provide a written policy, adopted by the library's board of trustees, that indicates the applicant will protect the intellectual freedom of the library user and shall prevent censorship of its library materials, ensuring that items are not withdrawn from its library collection merely because individuals or groups object to the material. The applicant shall certify that for grants made under this Section on or after January 1, 2024, and upon request of the State Librarian, the library agrees to provide the Illinois State Library with any final decision for the reconsideration of library materials during the term of the grant award.
2) A public library facilities plan with the following components:
A) An examination of the present and future public library facility needs of present and anticipated public library programming. Library buildings are to be planned for 20-year population projection (for new construction, conversions, and additions to buildings).
B) A site analysis, space needs assessment, and project design.
C) How the library facility will provide access for the physically disabled, as required in the Illinois Capital Development Board's Illinois Accessibility Code (71 Ill. Adm. Code 400), and shall display the symbol of accessibility.
3) Supporting Documentation
A) A letter from the Illinois Historic Preservation Office evidencing compliance with the Illinois State Agency Historic Resources Preservation Act [20 ILCS 3420].
B) For new construction, additions, and projects involving evacuation of soil:
i) Documentation stating whether the project site is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (found at the Illinois State Water Survey's Illinois Floodplain Map website, http://www.illinoisfloodmaps.org/). If the project site is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area, the applicant shall submit an assurance letter from the Office of Water Resources of the Department of Natural Resources stating that the project meets the requirements of Executive Order 2006-5 regarding flood damages.
ii) A subsurface soil analysis by a soils engineer and environmental site assessment, if applicable.
iii) A site assessment by a licensed environmental/hazardous materials consultant to determine the existence of asbestos and/or lead paint. This assurance does not apply to new buildings unless demolition of existing buildings (other than residences) is necessary.
C) Documentation that a deed of ownership or proof of long-term occupancy (20-year minimum) is or will be available to the public library. The deed or lease agreement shall include a legal description of the affected real estate. The building must remain in use as a public library facility for not less than 20 years after its construction unless other use is approved by the State Librarian.
D) Funding sources and cost estimates, including the availability of local financial resources, current revenues, fund balances, and unused bonding capacity, and a fiscal plan for meeting present and anticipated debt service obligations.
E) A timeline of major events, including dates of the letting of bids, groundbreaking, substantial completion, occupancy, and dedication.
F) A maintenance plan and schedule that contains necessary assurances that new, renovated, and existing facilities are being or will be properly maintained.
c) Each public library that is determined to be eligible shall annually update its public library facilities plan and submit the revised plan to the State Librarian for approval.
d) Eligible libraries are qualified for a library construction project grant but are not guaranteed receipt of a grant.
e) Grant applications are subject to the conditions stipulated in Section 3035.140.
f) In Fiscal Year 2013 and in subsequent fiscal years, grant applications are due on April 15 prior to the fiscal year in which a grant award will be made. In the case of a disaster described in Section 3035.525(a)(1), a library may submit an application for a Public Library Construction Act grant at any time.
g) In all projects in which the acquisition of property is pending as permitted in Section 3035.565(c), supporting documentation related to the project site shall be provided before a grant award is made.
(Source: Amended at 48 Ill. Reg. 948, effective January 1, 2024) |