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Section 254.340 Content of the General Plan
The general plan for education for employment shall be prepared and submitted on forms provided by the State Board of Education and shall be made available for review and comment by interested parties, including the designated administrative entity under the Job Training Partnership Act (29 U.S.C. 1501). The general plan shall cover a two-year period which coincides with the two-year period of the State Plan for fiscal years 1989-1990 and each two-year period thereafter, and shall be updated annually. The plan shall describe the vocational education programs, services, and activities proposed to be funded and how the proposed programs, services, and activities will be coordinated with relevant programs under the Job Training Partnership Act and the Adult Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.) in order to avoid duplication and shall include the following:
a) General Information, including
1) The name and address of the eligible recipient together with the names of administrative, professional, and advisory staff having designated responsibilities,
2) The names and addresses of member districts of the regional system, if applicable, together with a current copy of the system's cooperative agreement,
3) A current copy of all applicable articulation agreements,
4) If the eligible recipient or any member district contracts with a private institution to provide vocational education for students of the recipient, a signed current copy of the contract with the institution,
5) The administrative structure of the regional system, if applicable, in the form of
A) an organizational chart which shows relationships between and among the board of control, board committees, community colleges, system director, other system personnel, and vocational instructional staff, and
B) job descriptions listing the duties and responsibilities of the system director and other professional personnel directly employed by the system such as special needs coordinator, guidance coordinator, etc.,
6) The advisory council structure, in the form of
A) an organizational chart depicting the structure of the advisory council and any committees established for it,
B) a description of the roles and responsibilities of the advisory council, and
C) a description of the process for determining membership on the advisory council and committees, and
7) The public information strategies of the regional system, if applicable, in the form of an action plan to inform the public of the education for employment programs in the communities served by the system;
b) Student services information, including
1) Organization of the student services committee of the regional system, if applicable, in the form of
A) a description of the membership and organization chart, and
B) a description of the roles and responsibilities of the committee,
2) Coordination and articulation of student services, in the form of
A) a description of the process used to assure coordination of student services,
B) a description of the process used to articulate student services between the secondary regional delivery system and community colleges, and
C) a description of the process used to transfer/share student records, transcripts, and other relevant information within the regional delivery system and between the system and other agencies, if applicable,
3) A description of the student services to be provided in each of the following categories
A) Special Needs (Disadvantaged, Handicapped, Limited-English Proficient), including a copy of the eligible recipient's current application for funding through the Vocational Education Support Services Addendum (VESSA) or, if no application has been submitted, an explanation of how such services will be provided,
B) Sex Equity, including a copy of the eligible recipient's current application for a Building Fairness Grant or, if no application has been submitted, an explanation as to how sex bias and sex role stereotyping will be overcome,
C) Single Parents and Homemakers, including whether the eligible recipient has received a Building Opportunity contract or, if not, what services will be provided,
D) Counseling and Guidance (Key Components),
E) Other Student Services (if provided),
4) Identification of the degree to which the guidance and counseling key components of general counseling, assessment and evaluation, career information, educational/career planning, placement, special population services, sex equity, and student follow-up are available to students, indicating if the component requires improvement, and
5) A counseling and guidance improvement plan addressing the key components identified as needing improvement and including improvement objectives, activities, persons responsible, anticipated completion date, and accomplishments,
c) Information relative to coordination with other federally funded programs, including
1) A description of how the programs, services and activities in the plan will be coordinated with relevant programs under the Job Training Partnership Act and the area planning council for adult education, including the process which will be utilized and the topics which will be discussed.
2) A copy of the correspondence which transmits the plan for review and reaction to the appropriate administrative entities for JTPA and the area planning council, and copies of any reactions to the plan received from such entities or council or, if no reaction has been received from any of these parties, a statement to this effect, and
3) A response to any concerns or reactions to the plan received from the administrative entities for JTPA and the area planning council, indicating the action to be taken to address the response or concern;
d) A vocational education program description and program development plan
1) For community colleges, this section of the general plan can be completed by addressing the following statements:
A) Submit a current copy of the college's catalogue that describes the offerings available within the institution.
B) Describe the process utilized by the college to develop new units of instruction (programs) and courses, including the involvement of advisory committees in the process. Include an outline of the steps followed within the college to review and approve the new program and/or courses.
C) Identify existing programs which require, or for which the college has sought optional external accreditation and/or approval and by what entity. Include those programs which require an individual to become licensed, certified, or registered upon completion of the program and by what entity. If this information is included in the college catalogue, please note this in response to this item.
D) Provide the most recent copy of the planned curriculum additions and withdrawals submitted to the Illinois Community College Board. Of specific interest are the occupational curricula that the college plans to add or withdraw.
E) Complete the program articulation form listing the name of each occupational program that has an established or planned articulation component with a secondary regional delivery system. For each program, describe the nature of the established or planned articulation activities.
2) For secondary regional systems, this section of the general plan may be prepared in two stages, with specific requirements associated with each stage by individual program. It is not necessary for a regional system to complete Stage I for an individual program if the system can complete Stage II and implement programs in the 1988-89 school year. If existing course offerings will not be changed by the 1988-89 school year, Stage I must be completed to obtain conditional approval for continued reimbursement.
A) At a minimum, the following information must be submitted as a Stage I application to gain conditional approval for the 1988-89 school year:
i) program name and Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code, which is provided annually by the State Board of Education.
ii) list of occupations included in the program together with documentation of task list verification submitted for each occupation on prescribed forms indicating by name, position, and representation the individual instructors and members of business/industry involved and for instructors, the manner of involvement in the verification process,
iii) separate program approval forms submitted for each member district of the regional system, listing the individual courses related to each program previously approved by the State Board of Education pursuant to the provisions of Section 254.390 and the course credit or contact hours by term, and identifying the regional system and member district by name and identification number, and
iv) A Stage I program development plan submitted on the form provided by the State Board and listing planned developmental activities together with the persons responsible for the activity and anticipated completion date for each of four major steps in program development: comparing existing program content with verified task lists developed in accordance with the provisions of Section 254.390(a)(4); assessing equipment needs for program implementation; assessing curriculum material needed to implement the program; and assessing staff development activities needed to implement the program (activities, persons responsible and anticipated completion dates need only be identified for those steps not yet accomplished).
B) The first and succeeding annual updates to the regional plan must be submitted as a Stage II application for approval by March 31 of each year beginning in 1989, and shall contain individual program names and CIP codes and a listing of occupations included in each program together with documentation of task list verification, all as for Stage I approval (i.e., as in subsection (d)(2)(A)(i) and (ii)), together with the following:
i) narrative course descriptions for each course provided as a part of the program or as an adult vocational education course, including course title, regional course identification code, primary enrollment level, units of credit provided, and descriptions of all cooperative education courses, including the provision and content of the related class associated with each such course,
ii) for each course included in the plan, a listing of tasks to be taught, indicating whether as a part of the secondary curricula or through vocational student organizations or whether to be articulated with the postsecondary delivery system,
iii) a course-by-site matrix listing of all courses, using a code developed by the applicant, shall be included in the plan to indicate the site(s) at which each course is provided,
iv) a listing of the vocational student organizations which are available to students enrolled in each program,
v) a regional program approval form which lists programs previously approved by the State Board of Education pursuant to the provisions of Section 254.390, and
vi) a Stage II program development plan listing planned developmental activities together with the persons responsible for the activity, the anticipated completion date, and accomplishments addressing identified needs in each of three areas: equipment, curriculum materials, and staff development;
e) Vocation education program personnel information, including
1) The names of all full-time and part-time vocational administrators, instructors, guidance personnel, special needs coordinators, and Title IX and Section 504 designees with vocational education responsibilities under the general plan, listed by participating district for regional systems, indicating the occupational assignment of each and the CIP program code corresponding to the primary teaching area of all vocational instructors,
2) The names and specific deficiencies of vocational education staff not meeting minimum qualifications of the State Board of Education set forth for professional personnel in the public schools in 23 Ill. Adm. Code 1 (Public Schools Evaluation, Recognition and Supervision) and for professional vocational education personnel in other institutions in Section 254.820 of this Part, and
3) A description of the professional development experiences identified to help each staff member who does not meet minimum requirements to overcome vocational instructional deficiencies;
f) Special funding applications related to the general plan, such as equipment, Adult Training and Retraining, and Quality Assistance Plan applications; and
g) The annual application assurances required by Section 254.360 of this Part.
(Source: Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 8459, effective May 22, 1989) |