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Section 27.490 Health Careers
The standards established in this Section will be applicable until October 1, 2024.
a) The competent health careers teacher understands the foundations of work, the career development process, occupational skill standards, and workplace skill requirements.
1) Knowledge Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) understands the history, organization, and future of work and how work relates to needs and functions of the economy and society.
B) understands career development concepts, the relationship between work and learning, and the career planning process.
C) understands the use of the relevant Illinois Occupational Skill Standards in the development of curriculum (see "Clinical Laboratory Science/Biotechnology Cluster" (1998), "Medical Office Cluster" (1998), "Nursing Cluster" (1998), "Occupational Therapy Cluster" (2001), "Physical Therapist Assistant Cluster" (1999), and "Surgical Technologist" (1999), all published by the Illinois Occupational Skill Standards and Credentialing Council, 2450 Foundation Drive, Springfield IL 62703-5432; no later editions or revisions are incorporated).
2) Performance Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) relates workplace cultural expectations to workplace skills.
B) develops partnerships with members of the business community to provide learning opportunities for students.
C) provides advice in the career planning process.
D) selects appropriate skill standards for the program areas.
b) The competent health careers teacher demonstrates the ability to plan, deliver, and evaluate instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter in the field; student organizations; student, community and work needs; curriculum goals; and findings of educational research.
1) Knowledge Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) understands pedagogy unique to the discipline.
B) understands the rationale for integrating student organizations' activities into the curriculum.
C) understands professional literature relating to specific content area and to workplace needs.
D) understands economic/socio-economic conditions, patterns of business development, and changing labor and career opportunities and their impact on the relevancy of classroom instruction.
2) Performance Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) utilizes appropriate pedagogy unique to the individual discipline within career and technical education.
B) creates learning environments and classroom activities that develop life/workplace skills and knowledge in the discipline.
C) identifies and utilizes educational research findings that justify teaching strategies.
D) applies curricular content and processes in order to achieve the goals of student organizations.
E) applies post-secondary admission standards and occupational skill standards when designing curriculum and assessment.
F) designs appropriate assessment plans for and by students.
G) develops collaborative partnerships with students, colleagues, community, business/industry, and parents to maximize resources.
H) participates in appropriate professional organizations and develops a plan for continued personal and professional growth.
I) plans, organizes, and manages laboratories/technical facilities for instruction that meet diverse needs of students (i.e., safety, inventory, filing, requisitioning equipment and materials, maintenance, budgeting).
J) implements laws and policies relating to safe environments and incorporates appropriate safety standards, healthy practices, and ergonomic needs.
c) The competent health careers teacher understands the process of reading and demonstrates instructional abilities to teach reading in the content area of health careers education.
1) Knowledge Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) understands that the reading process is the construction of meaning through the interactions of the reader's background knowledge and experiences, the information in the text, and the purpose of the reading situation.
B) recognizes the relationships among the four language arts (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), and knows how to provide opportunities to integrate these through instruction.
C) understands how to design, select, modify, and evaluate materials in terms of the reading needs of the learner.
D) understands the importance of and encourages the use of literature for adolescents in the curriculum and for independent reading.
E) understands the relationship between oral and silent reading.
F) understands the role of subject-area vocabulary in developing reading comprehension.
G) understands the importance of the unique study strategies required of the specific content area in developing reading comprehension.
H) understands the importance of the relationship between assessment and instruction in planning.
2) Performance Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) plans and teaches lessons for students that develop comprehension of content-area materials through instructional practices that include analyzing critically, evaluating sources, synthesizing and summarizing material.
B) plans and teaches lessons on how to monitor comprehension and correct confusions and misunderstandings that arise during reading.
C) plans and models use of comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading of text.
D) provides opportunities for students to develop content-area vocabulary through instructional practices that develop connections and relationships among words, use of context clues, and understanding of connotative and denotative meaning of words.
E) plans and teaches lessons that encourage students to write about the content read in order to improve understanding.
F) plans and teaches lessons for students to develop study strategies that include previewing and preparing to read text effectively, recognizing organizational patterns unique to informational text, and using graphic organizers as an aid for recalling information.
G) plans and teaches units that require students to carry out research or inquiry using multiple texts, including electronic resources.
H) provides continuous monitoring of students' progress through observations, work samples, and various informal reading assessments.
I) analyzes and evaluates the quality and appropriateness of instructional materials in terms of readability, content, length, format, illustrations, and other pertinent factors.
J) promotes the development of an environment that includes classroom libraries that foster reading.
d) The health careers teacher shall be currently registered, licensed, or certified to practice in the specific health profession for which he/she has been educated.
1) Knowledge Indicator – The competent health careers teacher understands the body of knowledge necessary to fulfill requirements for obtaining a license, certificate, or registration to practice in a specific health career.
2) Performance Indicator – The competent health careers teacher demonstrates the expertise required to obtain a license, certificate, or registration in a specific health career.
e) The competent health careers teacher understands the basic concepts and issues in health care.
1) Knowledge Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) understands the concepts of wellness and illness and basic health maintenance practices.
B) understands career development concepts, understands career ladders and occupational restrictions within the health field.
2) Performance Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) exhibits workplace skills and relates workplace cultures/expectations.
B) demonstrates the ability to develop partnerships with individuals and agencies in health care systems to provide access to learning opportunities.
f) The competent health careers teacher understands human biology, growth, and development.
1) Knowledge Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) understands basic functions of and relationships among the systems of the human body.
B) understands human physical, cognitive, emotional, and social growth and development.
2) Performance Indicator – The competent health careers teacher recognizes how human biology affects growth and development.
g) The competent health careers teacher explains health maintenance and disease prevention.
1) Knowledge Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) understands nutritional principles, nutritional requirements, and health problems involving nutrition.
B) understands the impact of stress and the need for exercise, rest, relaxation, and sleep.
C) understands causes and prevention of communicable diseases.
D) understands non-communicable diseases, hereditary diseases, chronic diseases, disabilities, and terminal illnesses.
E) understands social pathologies including violence, child and spousal abuse, sexual abuse, and substance abuse.
F) understands causes and treatments of mental illness.
G) understands community and societal health.
2) Performance Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) promotes healthy habits.
B) assists students and clients to model principles of health maintenance and disease prevention.
h) The competent health careers teacher demonstrates fundamental procedures in patient care and safety precautions in health situations.
1) Knowledge Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) understands fundamental patient care procedures.
B) understands standard transmission (universal) and OSHA standards.
2) Performance Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) executes fundamental procedures in patient care and safety precautions in health-related situations.
B) demonstrates emergency medical procedures and procedures for preventing, reporting, and reacting to fires, accidents, and natural disasters.
i) The competent health careers teacher describes the current health care industry.
1) Knowledge Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) understands the current health care industry.
B) understands career options and requirements in health care.
2) Performance Indicators – The competent health careers teacher:
A) demonstrates ability to work in a health care setting.
B) demonstrates ability to work within a system. |