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Section 670.250 Administrative Requirements
a) Application Process for Grant Awards to Intermediaries
1) DCEO will post one or more Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on the GATA Grantee Portal seeking applications from eligible organizations, contingent upon available funds. The NOFO will describe in detail the types of projects for which funding is available (see Sections 670.50 and 670.220). Applicants shall submit their application materials by the deadlines set forth by DCEO in the NOFO which will be at least 30 days after posting the NOFO.
2) The applicants will be required to submit an application package, which will include the following:
A) uniform grant application;
B) uniform budget template;
C) conflict of interest disclosure form;
D) mandatory disclosures form;
E) project narrative;
F) documentation demonstrating that applicant is in good standing to operate in the State of Illinois, including but not limited to, proof of current registration with all government entities the applicant is required to register with in order to operate;
G) resumes of key program staff;
H) W-9 and Internal Revenue Service letter to verify the W-9;
I) agreements with contractors or subrecipients demonstrating the intent to provide services if the applicant receives the award, if the intermediary applicant will be sharing responsibilities for some of the grant project with one or more organizations; and
J) any additional documentation to demonstrate or support the information submitted by the applicant for the proposed project.
3) Applicants shall provide the following information about the proposed project in the narrative:
A) A description of the structure of the applicant organization, including:
i) identification of the organization's leadership team and a description of their responsibilities;
ii) a summary of the organization's core skills and competencies;
iii) identification of relevant experience and skill sets of staff who will be assigned responsibility over the program; and
iv) other factors that make the applicant organization well-suited for overseeing a grant program for capital improvement projects;
B) A description of the applicant's experience working with human services providers and low-income or marginalized populations;
C) A description of the applicant's administrative capacity to manage a grant program, including:
i) the organization's experience overseeing grant programs pertaining to economic development or capital improvement projects; and
ii) a demonstration that the applicant has a good understanding of the Human Services Capital Investment Grant Program requirements and will commit resources necessary to successfully complete responsibilities;
D) A narrative explaining how the organization would be capable of administering a program statewide or within certain regions of the State, if required by the NOFO;
E) A detailed budget and supporting justification of the expenditures requested;
F) A description of the applicant's ability and plan to offer technical assistance to human services provider grantees and applicants in a manner that does not create a conflict of interest, including both webinars and individual assistance;
G) A description of the applicant's plan for the subaward application process, evaluating and selecting applications from human services providers, disbursing grant funds and timelines for the subaward application and selection processes;
H) A description of the applicant's understanding of the laws and rules applicable to State capital improvement projects or bondable capital improvements; and
I) A description of how the applicant will manage and oversee a large number of subawards to human services providers.
b) Grant Award Selection Grants will be awarded by DCEO to one or more intermediaries following a merit review by DCEO and DHS pursuant to GATA requirements (44 Ill. Adm. Code 7000.350). In evaluating applications, the Agencies will consider the following criteria:
1) Demonstrated grant administration experience, including the ability to issue large numbers of grants for eligible capital improvement projects or bondable capital improvements, as applicable, and disburse funds in a timely manner while following all program requirements;
2) The ability to establish a grant application and award process that is clear and simple for applicants to apply, while following all program requirements;
3) The ability to effectively and timely evaluate proposed subaward projects that are eligible, and an efficient process for sending recommendations to DCEO for final subaward selection;
4) Demonstrated understanding of or experience working with human services providers or low-income or marginalized populations;
5) The ability of the organization to administer a program statewide or within certain regions of the State, if required by the NOFO;
6) A sufficiently detailed budget that includes only eligible expenditures and demonstrates efficient use of funds that aligns properly with the program goals;
7) Demonstrated knowledge of State and federal requirements for capital improvement grants or bondable capital improvements, as applicable;
8) The ability to perform all intermediary responsibilities within the timeframes set forth in the NOFO; and
9) The ability to provide effective oversight and technical assistance in a manner that does not create a conflict of interest, including webinars and individual assistance to human services provider applicants and grantees to promote a successful program.
c) Grant Disbursements Disbursement of grant funds from DCEO to selected intermediaries will be made in accordance with a schedule included in the grant agreement. DCEO will disburse funds based on the intermediary making satisfactory progress to implement grant activities.
d) Grant Performance, Administration, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Intermediaries shall comply with all GATA and DCEO requirements set forth in the grant agreement for grant performance, administration, audits, monitoring and reporting.
1) Grant performance goals and performance and expenditure reporting will be based on the specific grant project activities of each grant award and will follow GATA requirements (44 Ill. Adm. Code 7000.410), which include periodic financial and performance reports at least quarterly and final financial and performance close-out reports after the end of the grant term (see 44 Ill Adm. Code 7000.440). Intermediaries will be required to gather and report to DCEO detailed information on the subawards issued to human services providers with their quarterly and close-out reports. The deadlines for all required reports will be set forth in the grant agreement.
2) Grant audits shall be based on the standards set forth in the GATA requirements (44 Ill. Adm. Code 7000.90).
3) Intermediaries must monitor their grant activities and the human services provider grantees to assure compliance with applicable State and federal requirements and to assure their performance expectations and those of the human services providers are being achieved. DCEO will monitor the activities of the intermediaries to assure compliance with all requirements and performance expectations of the award. Intermediaries shall timely submit all financial and performance reports, and shall supply, upon DCEO's request, documents and information relevant to the award. DCEO may monitor activities through site visits.
e) Compliance with Applicable Laws Intermediaries shall comply with, and shall be responsible for compliance by the grantees, with all applicable State and federal laws, including, but not limited to, the Prevailing Wage Act [820 ILCS 130], the Illinois Works Jobs Program Act [30 ILCS 559/20], the Business Enterprise Program for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act [30 ILCS 575], the Employment of Illinois Workers on Public Works Act [30 ILCS 570], and the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5], the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Act [520 ILCS 10], the Illinois Natural Areas Preservation Act [525 ILCS 30], the Interagency Wetland Policy Act of 1989 [20 ILCS 830], and the Illinois State Agency Historic Resources Preservation Act [20 ILCS 3420]. DCEO may suspend or terminate a grant agreement, recoup grant funds received under this Part or withhold any future year funding for non-compliance with this subsection (e).
f) Records Retention Intermediaries shall maintain, for the period of years set forth in the GATA rules (44 Ill. Adm. Code 7000.430(a) and (b)), adequate books, all financial records and supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to the program. If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the retention period, the records must be retained until all litigation, claims or audit exceptions involving the records have been resolved and final action taken. Intermediaries shall be responsible for ensuring that contractors, subrecipients and human services provider grantees comply with the retention requirements and shall retain all supporting documentation received from the grantees for the appropriate period. The applicable retention period for human services provider grantees will be dependent on the type of capital improvement project for the grant award as set forth in the GATA rules. |