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Section 620.40 Eligible Applicants
The grant application has been divided into four separate categories. Separate eligibility criteria have been established for each of the four grant categories established in the Act as follows:
a) To be eligible for matching grants under Category I, Matching Grants to Existing Local Labor-Management Committees, local labor-management committees must meet the eligibility criteria specified in Section 46.32a(b)(1) (first list of small numerals (i) through (vii)) of "AN ACT in relation to labor relations and workers' compensation, amending certain Acts herein named" (P.A. 85-1385, effective September 2, 1988). However, no funds will be awarded to local labor-management committees under the following circumstances:
1) no assistance can be given for plant labor-management committees unless the employees in that plant are represented by a labor organization and there is in effect at that plant a collective bargaining agreement;
2) no assistance can be given for an area, public sector or industry-wide labor-management committee unless its participants include any labor organizations certified or recognized as the representative of employees of an employer participating in such a committee. However, employers whose employees are not represented by a labor organization may participate on such area or industry-wide committees; and,
3) no assistance can be given to any committee which interferes with the collective bargaining activities in any plant or industry.
b) To be eligible to apply for matching grants under Category II, Matching Grants to Developing Local Labor - Management Committees, the local labor-management committee must meet the eligibility criteria specified in Section 46.32a(b)(2) (small numerals (i) through (iv)) of "AN ACT in relation to labor relations and workers' compensation, amending certain Acts herein named" (P.A. 85-1385, effective September 2, 1988). However, no funds will be awarded to local labor-management committees under the following circumstances:
1) no assistance can be given for plant labor-management committees unless the employees in that plant are represented by a labor organization and there is in effect at that plant a collective bargaining agreement;
2) no assistance can be given for an area, public sector or industry-wide labor-management committee unless its participants include any labor organizations certified or recognized as the representative of employees of an employer participating in such a committee. However, employers whose employees are not represented by a labor organization may participate on such area or industry-wide committees; and
3) no assistance can be given to any committee which interferes with the collective bargaining activities in any plant or industry.
c) Eligible applicants for a grant under Category III, Grants for Education and Training, will include any group, organization, committee or individual who can demonstrate an expertise in the development and delivery of education and training programs designed for labor and/or management representatives or labor-management committees.
d) Eligible applicants for a grant under Category IV, Grants for Research and Development, will include any group, organization, committee or individual who can demonstrate an expertise in the area of research and development projects. Priority consideration will be given to applicants who have experience in the area of labor-management relations and cooperative programs.
e) In addition, the Department will accept an application for funding from any person, organization or consortium of organizations which contains a project proposal which seeks to improve labor-management relations, job security, organizational effectiveness, enhancing economic development or involving workers in decisions affecting their jobs, including improving communications with respect to subjects of mutual interest and concern.
(Source: Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 1758, effective January 27, 1989) |