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Section 2905.110 Records that Will Be Withheld from Disclosure
When a request is made to inspect or copy a record that contains information that is otherwise exempt from disclosure under this Section, but also contains information that is not exempt from disclosure, the Agency shall make the remaining information available for inspection and copying. (Section 7(1) of FOIA)
a) Subject to this requirement and Section 7 of FOIA, the following shall be exempt from inspection and copying:
1) Information specifically prohibited from disclosure by federal or State law or rules and regulations implementing federal or State law; (Section 7(1)(a) of FOIA)
2) Private information, unless disclosure is required by another provision of FOIA, a State or federal law or a court order; (Section 7(1)(b) of FOIA)
3) Personal information contained within records, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, unless the disclosure is consented to in writing by the individual subjects of the information. "Unwarranted invasion of personal privacy" means the disclosure of information that is highly personal or objectionable to a reasonable person and in which the subject's right to privacy outweighs any legitimate public interest in obtaining the information. The disclosure of information that bears on the public duties of public employees and officials shall not be considered an invasion of personal privacy; (Section 7(1)(c) of FOIA)
4) Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person or business where the trade secrets or commercial or financial information is furnished under a claim that it is proprietary, privileged or confidential, and that disclosure of the trade secrets or commercial or financial information would cause competitive harm to the person or business, and only insofar as the claim directly applies to the records requested. All trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained by a public body, including a public pension fund, from a private equity fund or a privately held company within the investment portfolio of a private equity fund as a result of either investing or evaluating a potential investment of public funds in a private equity fund. The exemption contained in this subsection (a)(4) does not apply to the aggregate financial performance information of a private equity fund, nor to the identity of the fund's managers or general partners. The exemption contained in this subsection (a)(4) does not apply to the identity of a privately held company within the investment portfolio of a private equity fund, unless the disclosure of the identity of a privately held company may cause competitive harm. Nothing in this subsection (a)(4) shall be construed to prevent a person or business from consenting to disclosure; (Section 7(1)(g) of FOIA)
5) Proposals and bids for any contract, grant, or agreement, including information that if it were disclosed would frustrate procurement or give an advantage to any person proposing to enter into a contract or agreement with the body, until an award or final selection is made. Information prepared by or for the body in preparation of a bid solicitation shall be exempt until an award or final selection is made; (Section 7(1)(h) of FOIA)
6) Minutes of meetings of public bodies closed to the public as provided in the Open Meetings Act [5 ILCS 120] until the public body makes the minutes available to the public under Section 2.06 of the Open Meetings Act; (Section 7(1)(l) of FOIA)
7) Communications between the Agency and an attorney or auditor representing the Agency that would not be subject to discovery in litigation, and materials prepared or compiled by or for the Agency in anticipation of a criminal, civil or administrative proceeding upon the request of an attorney advising the Agency, and materials prepared or compiled with respect to internal audits of the Agency; (Section 7(1)(m) of FOIA)
8) Records relating to the Agency's adjudication of employee grievances or disciplinary cases; however, this exemption shall not extend to the final outcome of cases in which discipline is imposed; (Section 7(1)(n) of FOIA)
9) Administrative or technical information associated with automated data processing operations, including but not limited to software, operating protocols, computer program abstracts, file layouts, source listings, object modules, load modules, user guides, documentation pertaining to all logical and physical design of computerized systems, employee manuals, and any other information that, if disclosed, would jeopardize the security of the system or its data or the security of materials exempt under this Section; (Section 7(1)(o) of FOIA)
10) Test questions, scoring keys, and other examination data used to determine the qualifications of an applicant for a license or employment. (Section 7(1)(q) of FOIA)
b) A record that is not in the possession of the Agency but is in the possession of a party with whom the Agency has contracted to perform a governmental function on behalf of the Agency, and that directly relates to the governmental function and is not otherwise exempt under FOIA, shall be considered a record of the Agency for purposes of Subpart C. (Section 7(2) of FOIA) |