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Section 1350.120 Organization Structure
The Department is comprised of the Office of the Director, Marketing Division, Finance Division, and Operations Division. Certain aspects of the Department's operation are additionally overseen by the Lottery Control Board. The structure and responsibilities of each organizational segment of the Department are as follows:
a) The Office of the Director consists of the Director of the Department; Associate Director; Executive Assistant to the Director in Chicago; Public Information Office; Internal Audit Unit; Legal Unit; Legislative Liaison; Human Resources Section; Creative and Promotions Unit; Sales Section and Retailer Relations Unit. The Office of the Director also assumes functional responsibility for the Administrative Operations Section.
1) The Director, with the support of the Executive Assistant, oversees all aspects of agency operations.
2) The Associate Director serves as the agency's primary liaison with the Governor's Office of Statewide Performance Review, the Governor's Office of Strategic Planning, and the Comptroller's Service Efforts & Accomplishments Reporting program, for the purpose of ongoing assessment of the agency's function, objectives and performance.
3) The Public Information Office prepares press releases and otherwise disseminates general information to the public regarding the Department's operations and activities. The office additionally responds to requests for information from the public and the press, with the exception of inquiries made pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act or by members of the General Assembly.
4) The Internal Audit Unit conducts an ongoing review of agency policies and practices to ensure compliance with the Act and rules promulgated pursuant thereto, and adherence to accepted accounting and business standards.
5) The Legal Unit provides legal counsel to the Director, Department personnel and the Lottery Control Board on both policy issues and proposed actions affecting Department operations; coordinates litigation involving the Department, agency administrative hearings, and agency rulemaking; responds to requests for information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act; and reviews agency contracts and advertising.
6) The Legislative Liaison monitors the status of state and federal legislation impacting the Department, secures sponsorship for legislation developed by the Department, prepares agency position papers regarding pending legislation, and responds to inquiries from members of the General Assembly concerning the Department's operations.
7) The Human Resources Section provides human resource services for the Department, encompassing employee benefits, worker's compensation, labor relations, organizational analysis, equal employment opportunity and affirmative action, and personnel transactions.
8) The Creative and Promotions Unit develops special game and promotion concepts, typically involving the participation of private sector firms, designed to increase sales of Lottery products.
9) The Sales Section administers the sale and distribution of Lottery products through the Department's statewide regional and district offices and through the agency's telemarketing program. Sales Section staff recruit new Lottery retailers to sell the Department's products, and provide service to thousands of existing Lottery retailers through product orientation, point of sale marketing services and claims assistance.
10) The Retailer Relations Unit plans, directs and coordinates the administration and management of statewide retailer relations and incentive programs; develops new retailer strategies and programs; and analyzes retailer performance in order to identify practices and procedures which could be implemented to maximize retailer performance.
11) The Administrative Operations Section manages real estate leasing, printing, procurement, mail services, supply services, maintenance, and forms design and control; processes on-line game subscriptions; processes Lottery retailer applications; and manages the Department's records retention program.
b) The Marketing Division consists of the Office of the Deputy Director, the On-Line Product Section, the Instant Product Section and the Sales Section. The Marketing Division collectively manages the development and marketing of all Lottery games and products, working closely with the Department's on-line games provider, instant ticket supplier, advertising and promotion agencies, Creative and Promotions staff, and sales force to maximize product sales.
c) The Finance Division consists of the Office of the Deputy Director, Chief Accountant, Finance & Contracts Section, Ticket Validation Section, Functional Support Section, Return Ticket Control Section and Collections Section.
1) The Office of the Deputy Director administers all financial functions of the Department, including management of the Department's investment portfolio which funds deferred Lottery prizes, development and administration of the agency's budget, payment of prizes, and collection of sales proceeds.
2) The Chief Accountant, with the support of the Finance & Contracts Section, prepares agency financial reports, monitors budgetary compliance, deposits and transfers funds, processes vouchers for prizes or payments, manages accounts receivable, processes payroll, files liens for past-due amounts, prepares and processes agency contracts, and manages the agency's petty cash fund.
3) The Ticket Validation Section verifies prize claims submitted for payment through the Department's central office, initiates prize payment to verified Lottery winners, coordinates payment of prizes through the Department's statewide checkwriting centers, processes certain requests for credit from Lottery retailers, and conducts special drawings.
4) The Functional Support Section prepares and maintains the Department's personal services budget, manages the Department's vehicle fleet and coordinates agency needs with the Department of Central Management Services motor pool, provides agency-wide staffing support for special projects, and is responsible for agency property control.
5) The Return Ticket Control Section receives and audits instant tickets returned by Lottery retailers, processes Lottery retailer stolen ticket claims, receives and conducts spot audits of retailer settlements, and audits promotional coupons for credit to retailers.
6) The Collections Office manages the collection of overdue monies from Lottery retailers and doubles as a checkwriting center.
d) The Operations Division consists of the Office of the Deputy Director, Security and Warehouse Operations Section and Information Resource Services Section.
1) The Office of the Deputy Director manages the internal security, warehouse operations and data processing functions of the Department, and coordinates activities with the Illinois State Police, such as investigations of ticket alterations and background checks of Lottery retailers. The Office of the Deputy Director further oversees the day to day activities of the Administrative Operations Section.
2) The Security and Warehouse Operations Section provides building security and manages the warehouse at Lottery Central. Warehouse operations include instant ticket inventory receipt and transfer; promotional material receipt and distribution; surplus property storage; and transportation of agency property and supplies between Lottery Central and agency satellite offices.
3) The Information Resource Services Section manages the data processing and telecommunications functions for the agency, including system design and programming services for both mainframe and personal computers; procurement of voice, data and radio communications systems and services; and data entry and control.
e) The Lottery Control Board is a five (5) member advisory board appointed by the Governor which meets at least quarterly. It designates hearing officers and reviews hearing officer recommendations upon appeal, reports to the Governor and other officials any matters necessitating immediate change to the Act or to the Department's rules, makes recommendations to the Director regarding the functions and operations of the Department, and reviews proposed advertising to ensure compliance with established advertising policy.
f) A functional organization chart appears in Appendix A of this Part.
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. 12252, effective July 24, 2002) |