(820 ILCS 193/25)
    Sec. 25. Complaint procedure.
    (a) A freelance worker may file a complaint with the Department alleging a violation of the Act by submitting a completed form, provided by the Department, and by submitting copies of all supporting documentation. The Department is authorized to request or require any information the Director deems relevant to the complaint or to its reporting requirements under Section 50, including, but not limited to:
        (1) the general sector or occupation of the freelance worker submitting a claim under
this Act;
        (2) the county where the work by the freelance work was performed, if in Illinois; and
        (3) at the discretion of the freelance worker, the demographic data of the freelance
worker submitting a claim under this Act.
    (b) Complaints alleging violation of Section 10, 15, or 20 shall be filed within 2 years after the date the final compensation was due. Complaints shall be reviewed by the Department to determine whether there is cause for the Department to initiate the process of facilitating the exchange of information between the parties. The Department is not required to initiate an information facilitation process if either party to the contract has initiated a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction alleging a violation of this chapter or a breach of contract arising out of the contract that is the subject of the complaint filed under this Act, unless such civil action has been dismissed without prejudice to future claims; or either party to the contract has filed a claim or complaint before any administrative agency under any local, State, or federal law alleging a breach of contract that is the subject of the complaint filed under this Act, unless the administrative claim or complaint has been withdrawn or dismissed without prejudice to future claims. Failure of a contracting entity to keep adequate records or provide written contract as required by this Act shall not operate as a bar to a freelance worker filing a complaint.
    (c) Each freelance worker who files a completed complaint alleging a violation of this Act or a rule adopted thereunder shall be provided with a written description of the anticipated processing of the complaint, including notification to the contracting entity and the contracting entity's opportunity to respond.
    (d) The Department shall, within 20 days of receiving a complaint alleging a violation of this Act, initiate the information facilitation process by sending the contracting entity named in the complaint a written notice of the complaint, or by notifying the freelance worker that the Department lacks jurisdiction to initiate such process. When the Department initiates this process, the notice of complaint shall: (i) inform the contracting entity that a complaint has been filed alleging a violation of this Act; (ii) detail the civil remedies available to a freelance worker for violations of this Act by a contracting entity; (iii) include a copy of the complaint; and (iv) state that failure to respond to the complaint by the deadline established in paragraph (1) of subsection (e) creates a rebuttable presumption in any civil action commenced in accordance with this Act that the contracting entity committed the violations alleged in the complaint. The Department shall send such notice by certified mail.
    (e) Response.
        (1) Within 20 days of receiving the notice of complaint, the contracting entity
identified in the complaint shall send the Director one of the following:
            (A) For a complaint under Section 10, a written statement that the freelance worker
has been paid in full and proof of such payment.
            (B) For a complaint under Section 10, a written statement that the freelance worker
has not been paid in full and the reasons for the failure to provide such payment.
            (C) For a complaint under Section 15 or 20, a defense against the alleged violation.
        (2) If the contracting entity identified in the complaint does not respond to the notice
within 20 days, such failure to respond creates a rebuttable presumption in any civil action commenced in accordance with this Act that the contracting entity committed the violations alleged in the complaint. Within 20 days of receiving a written response, the Director shall send the freelance worker a copy of:
            (A) the contracting entity's response;
            (B) any enclosures submitted with the response;
            (C) materials informing the freelance worker about the freelance worker's right to
bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction; and
            (D) any other information about the status of the complaint.
        (3) If the director receives no response to the notice of complaint within the time
provided by subsection (a), the Director shall mail a notice of non-response to both the freelance worker and the contracting entity by regular mail and shall include with such notice proof that the Director previously mailed the notice of complaint to the contracting entity by certified mail. Upon satisfying the requirements of this paragraph, the Director may close the case.
    (f) Attorney General powers.
        (1) Whenever the Attorney General has reasonable cause to believe that any person or
entity is engaged in a pattern and practice prohibited by this Act, the Attorney General may initiate or intervene in a civil action in the name of the People of the State of Illinois in any appropriate court to obtain appropriate relief.
        (2) Before initiating an action, the Attorney General may conduct an investigation and
            (A) require an individual or entity to file a statement or report in writing under
oath or otherwise, as to all information the Attorney General may consider necessary;
            (B) examine under oath any person alleged to have participated in or with knowledge
of the alleged violation; or
            (C) issue subpoenas or conduct hearings in aid of any investigation.
        (3) Service by the Attorney General of any notice requiring a person or entity to file a
statement or report, or of a subpoena upon any person or entity, shall be made:
            (A) personally by delivery of a duly executed copy thereof to the person to be
served or, if a person is not a natural person, in the manner provided in the Code of Civil Procedure when a complaint is filed; or
            (B) by mailing by certified mail a duly executed copy thereof to the person to be
served at the person's last known abode or principal place of business within this State or, if a person is not a natural person, in the manner provided in the Code of Civil Procedure when a complaint is filed.
        The Attorney General may compel compliance with investigative demands under this Section
through an order by any court of competent jurisdiction.
        (4)(A) In an action brought under this Act, the Attorney General may obtain, as a
remedy, monetary damages to the State, restitution, and equitable relief, including any permanent or preliminary injunction, temporary restraining order, or other order, including an order enjoining the defendant from engaging in a violation, or order any action as may be appropriate. In addition, the Attorney General may request and the court may impose a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 for each violation or $10,000 for each repeat violation within a 5-year period. For purposes of this Section, each violation of this Act for each person who was subject to an agreement in violation of this Act shall constitute a separate and distinct violation.
        (B) A civil penalty imposed under this subsection shall be deposited into the Attorney
General Court Ordered and Voluntary Compliance Payment Projects Fund. Moneys in the Fund shall be used, subject to appropriation, for the performance of any function pertaining to the exercise of the duties of the Attorney General, including, but not limited to, enforcement of any law of this State and conducting public education programs; however, any moneys in the Fund that are required by the court or by an agreement to be used for a particular purpose shall be used for that purpose.
    (g) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent any freelance worker from making complaint or prosecuting his or her own claim for compensation. Any freelance worker aggrieved by a violation of this Act or any rule adopted under this Act may file suit in circuit court of Illinois, in the county where the alleged violation occurred or where any freelance worker who is party to the action resides, without regard to exhaustion of any alternative administrative remedies provided in this Act. Actions may be brought by one or more freelance workers for and on behalf of themselves and other freelance workers similarly situated.
    (h) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit the authority of the State's Attorney of any county to prosecute actions for violation of this Act or to enforce the provisions thereof independently and without specific direction of the Department.
(Source: P.A. 103-417, eff. 7-1-24.)