(745 ILCS 49/30)
    Sec. 30. Free medical clinic; exemption from civil liability for services performed without compensation.
    (a) A person licensed under the Medical Practice Act of 1987, a person licensed to practice the treatment of human ailments in any other state or territory of the United States, or a health care professional, including but not limited to an advanced practice registered nurse, physician assistant, nurse, pharmacist, physical therapist, podiatric physician, or social worker licensed in this State or any other state or territory of the United States, who, in good faith, provides medical treatment, diagnosis, or advice as a part of the services of an established free medical clinic providing care to medically indigent patients which is limited to care that does not require the services of a licensed hospital or ambulatory surgical treatment center and who receives no fee or compensation from that source shall not be liable for civil damages as a result of his or her acts or omissions in providing that medical treatment, except for willful or wanton misconduct.
    (b) For purposes of this Section, a "free medical clinic" is:
        (1) an organized community based program providing medical care without charge to
individuals unable to pay for it, at which the care provided does not include the use of general anesthesia or require an overnight stay in a health-care facility; or
        (2) a program organized by a certified local health department pursuant to Part 600 of
Title 77 of the Illinois Administrative Code, utilizing health professional members of the Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps (the federal organization under 42 U.S.C. 300hh-15) providing medical care without charge to individuals unable to pay for it, at which the care provided does not include an overnight stay in a health-care facility.
    (c) The provisions of subsection (a) of this Section do not apply to a particular case unless the free medical clinic has posted in a conspicuous place on its premises an explanation of the exemption from civil liability provided herein.
    (d) The immunity from civil damages provided under subsection (a) also applies to physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers that provide further medical treatment, diagnosis, or advice to a patient upon referral from an established free medical clinic without fee or compensation.
    (e) Nothing in this Section prohibits a free medical clinic from accepting voluntary contributions for medical services provided to a patient who has acknowledged his or her ability and willingness to pay a portion of the value of the medical services provided.
    Any voluntary contribution collected for providing care at a free medical clinic shall be used only to pay overhead expenses of operating the clinic. No portion of any moneys collected shall be used to provide a fee or other compensation to any person licensed under Medical Practice Act of 1987.
    (f) The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly apply only to causes of action accruing on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 99-42, eff. 1-1-16; 100-513, eff. 1-1-18.)