(735 ILCS 30/25-5-90)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on August 20, 2024)
    Sec. 25-5-90. Quick-take; Moultrie County; Township Road 185A.
    (a) Quick-take proceedings under Article 20 may be used for a period of no more than 2 years after August 20, 2021 (the effective date of Public Act 102-564) by Moultrie County for the acquisition of the following described property for the purpose of replacing a structure and constructing an associated roadway on Township Road 185A:
        A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 12 North, Range 6 East of the
Third Principal Meridian located in Moultrie County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows:
        Commencing at the Southeast corner of the said Northeast Quarter; thence North 88°48'50"
West along the South line of said Northeast Quarter, 966.15 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 00°09'24" West, 13.14 feet to the centerline of proposed improvement; thence continuing North 00°09'24" West, 30.00 feet to a point being 30 feet distant measured and perpendicular to the North of said centerline; thence North 84°54'18" West, 109.25 feet to a point being 40 feet distant measured and perpendicular to and North of said centerline; thence parallel with said centerline 169.29 feet along a circular curve to the right having a chord bearing of North 68°09'28" West with a chord length of 165.14 feet and a radius of 220.12 feet; thence parallel with said centerline North 46°09'33" West, 296.16 feet: thence parallel with said centerline 73.65 feet along a circular curve to the left having a chord bearing of North 53°10'55" West with a chord length of 73.47 feet and a radius of 300.44 feet to the South line of the North 70 acres of the West Half of the said Northeast Quarter; thence North 88°59'47" West along the South line of said North 70 acres, 620.26 feet; thence South 01°25'31" East, 29.21 feet to the existing South right-of-way line of the East-West public road; thence South 82°37'17" East, 75.89 feet to the point being 30 feet distant measured and perpendicular to the South of the said centerline; thence parallel with said centerline North 88°34'29" East, 100 feet; thence South 63°13'29" East, 42.32 feet to a point being 50 feet distant measured and perpendicular to and South of the said centerline; thence parallel with said centerline 109.31 feet along a circular curve to the right having a chord bearing of South 89°44'30" East, with a chord length of 109.29 feet and a radius of 1859.51 feet; thence North 89°05'34" East,100.58 feet to a point being 45 feet distant measured and perpendicular to and South of said centerline; thence parallel with said centerline South 88°03'29" East, 54.61 feet; thence parallel with said centerline 157.54 feet along a circular curve to the right having a chord bearing of South 67°06'30" East with a chord length of 165.14 feet and a radius of 220.12 feet,; thence parallel with said centerline South 46°09'33" East, 79.94 feet; thence North 43°50'27" East, 5.00 feet to a point being 40 feet distant measured and perpendicular to and South of said centerline; thence parallel with said centerline South 46°09'33" East, 161.15 feet to the West line of Southeast Quarter of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 01°05'23" East along the West line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, 87.37 feet to the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence Easterly along the South line said Northeast Quarter, 355.8 feet to the point of beginning.

        A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 12 North, Range 6 East of the
Third Principal Meridian located in Moultrie County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows:
        Commencing at the Southeast corner of the said Northeast Quarter; thence North 88°48'50"
West along the South line of said Northeast Quarter, 1319.84 feet; thence North 01°11'10" East, 190.97 feet to a point being 40 feet distant measured and perpendicular to and North of the centerline of proposed improvement and the point of beginning; thence North 43°50'27" East, 50.00 feet to a point being 90 feet distant measured and perpendicular to and North of said centerline: thence parallel with said centerline North 46°09'33" West, 120.00 feet; thence South 43°50'27" West, 50.00 feet to the proposed right-of-way line of proposed improvement, said point being 40 feet distant measured and perpendicular to and North of said centerline; thence South 46°09'33" East along said proposed right-of-way line, 120.00 feet to the point of beginning.

        A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 12 North, Range 6 East of the
Third Principal Meridian located in Moultrie County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows:
        Commencing at the Southeast corner of the said Northeast Quarter; thence North 88°48'50"
West along the South line of said Northeast Quarter, 1351.98 feet; thence North 01°11'10" East, 111.80 feet to the proposed right-of-way line of the proposed improvement, said point being 40 feet distant measured and perpendicular to and South of the centerline of proposed improvement and the point of beginning; thence parallel with said centerline North 46°09'33" West along said proposed right-of-way line, 125.00 feet; thence South 43°50'27" West along said proposed right-of-way line, 5.00 feet to a point being 45 feet distant measured and perpendicular to and South of said centerline; thence parallel with said centerline North 46°09'33" West along said proposed right-of-way, 25.00 feet; thence South 43°50'27" West. 35.00 feet to a point being 80 feet distant measured and perpendicular to and South of said centerline; thence parallel with said centerline South 46°09'33" East, 150.00 feet; North 43°50'27" East, 40.00 feet to the point of beginning.

        A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 12 North, Range 6 East of the
Third Principal Meridian located in Moultrie County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows:
        Commencing at the Southeast corner of the said Northeast Quarter; thence North 88°48'50"
West along the South line of said Northeast Quarter, 1527.33 feet; thence North 01°11'30" East, 264.11 feet to the proposed right-of-way line of the proposed improvement, said point being 45 feet distant measured and perpendicular to and South of the centerline of proposed improvement and the point of beginning; thence parallel with said centerline 73.33 feet along a circular curve to the left having a chord bearing of North 63°12'22" West with a chord length of 72.94 feet and a radius of 215.44 feet; thence South 17°06'20" West, 35.00 feet to a point being 80 feet distant measured and perpendicular to and South of said centerline; thence parallel with said centerline 61.41 feet along a circular curve to the right having a chord bearing of South 63°08'38" East with a chord length of 61.12 feet and a radius of 180.44 feet; thence North 36°36'25" East, 35.00 feet to the point of beginning.
    (b) This Section is repealed August 20, 2024 (3 years after the effective date of Public Act 102-564).
(Source: P.A. 102-564, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)