(735 ILCS 30/25-5-35)
    Sec. 25-5-35. Quick-take; City of Country Club Hills. Quick-take proceedings under Article 20 may be used for a period of no longer than one year from the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly by the City of Country Club Hills for the acquisition of the following described property for the purpose of building streets, roadways, or other public improvements to serve the City's I-57/I-80 Tax Increment Financing District:
    That part of Lots 2, 4 through 10 (both inclusive) and 16 in Gatling Country Club Hills
Resubdivision being a Resubdivision of part of Gatling Country Club Hills Subdivision in the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 36 North, Range 13 East of the Third Principal Meridian, South of the Indian Boundary Line, according to the plat thereof recorded June 9, 2004 as Document No. 0416145163, taken as a tract and described as follows: Beginning at the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 10; thence North 89 Degrees 58 Minutes 52 Seconds West along the North line of said Lot 16, 100.47 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 16; thence South 00 Degrees 01 Minute 08 Seconds West along the West line of Lot 16, 24.00 feet; thence North 89 Degrees 58 Minutes 52 Seconds West, 12.20 Feet; thence South 11 Degrees 27 Minutes 13 Seconds East, 46.94 feet; thence South 00 Degrees 00 Minutes 31 Seconds East, 132.33 feet to a point of curve; thence Southerly along a curve concave Westerly having a radius of 37.73 feet and a central angle of 50 Degrees 50 Minutes 17 Seconds a distance of 30.81 feet to a point of tangency, thence South 50 Degrees 05 Minutes 28 Seconds West, 30.65 feet; thence South 90 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds West, 1177.04 feet to the West line of said Resubdivision; thence South 00 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds West along said last described line, 45.00 feet; thence South 90 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds East, 1192.95 feet; thence South 45 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds East, 54.13 feet; thence South 00 Degrees 03 Minutes 38 Seconds East, 18.73 feet; thence North 89 Degrees 56 Minutes 22 Seconds East, 45.00 feet; thence North 00 Degrees 03 Minutes 38 Seconds West, 20.23 feet; thence North 45 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds, 43.46 feet; thence North 90 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds East, 163.27 feet; thence North 00 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds West, 50.00 feet; thence North 89 Degrees 59 Minutes 59 Seconds West, 69.27 feet; thence North 85 Degrees 04 Minutes 24 Seconds West, 51.65 feet; thence North 74 Degrees 17 Minutes 00 Seconds West, 26.77 feet; thence North 00 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds East, 8.29 feet; thence North 45 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds West, 43.54 feet; thence North 00 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds East, 133.54 feet; thence North 19 Degrees 33 Minutes 58 Seconds East, 69.77 feet to the point of beginning, all in Cook County, Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 96-1537, eff. 3-4-11; 97-813, eff. 7-13-12.)