(735 ILCS 30/15-5-40)
    Sec. 15-5-40. Eminent domain powers in ILCS Chapters 705 through 820. The following provisions of law may include express grants of the power to acquire property by condemnation or eminent domain:
(765 ILCS 230/2); Coast and Geodetic Survey Act; United States of America; for carrying out
coast and geodetic surveys.
(765 ILCS 505/1); Mining Act of 1874; mine owners and operators; for roads, railroads, and
(805 ILCS 25/2); Corporation Canal Construction Act; general corporations; for levees, canals,
or tunnels for agricultural, mining, or sanitary purposes.
(805 ILCS 30/7); Gas Company Property Act; consolidating gas companies; for acquisition of stock
of dissenting stockholder.
(805 ILCS 120/9); Merger of Not For Profit Corporations Act; merging or consolidating
corporations; for acquisition of interest of objecting member or owner.
(Source: P.A. 96-863, eff. 1-19-10.)