(735 ILCS 5/21-103) Sec. 21-103. Notice by publication. (a) Previous notice shall be given of the intended application by publishing a notice thereof in some newspaper published in the municipality in which the person resides if the municipality is in a county with a population under 2,000,000, or if the person does not reside in a municipality in a county with a population under 2,000,000, or if no newspaper is published in the municipality or if the person resides in a county with a population of 2,000,000 or more, then in some newspaper published in the county where the person resides, or if no newspaper is published in that county, then in some convenient newspaper published in this State. The notice shall be inserted for 3 consecutive weeks after filing, the first insertion to be at least 6 weeks before the return day upon which the petition is to be heard, and shall be signed by the petitioner or, in case of a minor, the minor's parent or guardian, and shall set forth the return day of court on which the petition is to be heard and the name sought to be assumed. (b) The publication requirement of subsection (a) shall not be required in any application for a change of name involving a minor if, before making judgment under this Article, reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard is given to any parent whose parental rights have not been previously terminated and to any person who has physical custody of the child. If any of these persons are outside this State, notice and opportunity to be heard shall be given under Section 21-104. (b-3) The publication requirement of subsection (a) shall not be required in any application for a change of name involving a person who has received a judgment of dissolution of marriage or declaration of invalidity of marriage and wishes to change his or her name to resume the use of his or her former or maiden name. (b-5) The court may issue an order directing that the notice and publication requirement be waived for a change of name involving a person who files with the court a statement, verified under oath as provided under Section 1-109 of this Code, that the person believes that publishing notice of the name change would be a hardship, including, but not limited to, a negative impact on the person's health or safety. (b-6) In a case where waiver of the notice and publication requirement is sought, the petition for waiver is presumed granted and heard at the same hearing as the petition for name change. The court retains discretion to determine whether a hardship is shown and may order the petitioner to publish thereafter. (c) The Director of the Illinois State Police or his or her designee may apply to the circuit court for an order directing that the notice and publication requirements of this Section be waived if the Director or his or her designee certifies that the name change being sought is intended to protect a witness during and following a criminal investigation or proceeding. (c-1) The court may also enter a written order waiving the publication requirement of subsection (a) if: (i) the petitioner is 18 years of age or older; and (ii) concurrent with the petition, the petitioner files with the court a statement, |
| verified under oath as provided under Section 1-109 of this Code, attesting that the petitioner is or has been a person protected under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986, the Stalking No Contact Order Act, the Civil No Contact Order Act, Article 112A of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963, a condition of pretrial release under subsections (b) through (d) of Section 110-10 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963, or a similar provision of a law in another state or jurisdiction.
The petitioner may attach to the statement any supporting documents, including relevant court orders.
(c-2) If the petitioner files a statement attesting that disclosure of the petitioner's address would put the petitioner or any member of the petitioner's family or household at risk or reveal the confidential address of a shelter for domestic violence victims, that address may be omitted from all documents filed with the court, and the petitioner may designate an alternative address for service.
(c-3) Court administrators may allow domestic abuse advocates, rape crisis advocates, and victim advocates to assist petitioners in the preparation of name changes under subsection (c-1).
(c-4) If the publication requirements of subsection (a) have been waived, the circuit court shall enter an order impounding the case.
(d) The maximum rate charged for publication of a notice under this Section may not exceed the lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space in the newspaper in which the notice appears and shall include all cash discounts, multiple insertion discounts, and similar benefits extended to the newspaper's regular customers.
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-1133, eff. 1-1-24; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)