(720 ILCS 570/315.6)
    Sec. 315.6. Risks of dependence on opioids.
    (a) Definitions. As used in this Section:
        (1) "Opioid" means a narcotic drug or substance that is a Schedule II controlled
substance under paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (5) of subsection (b) or under subsection (c) of Section 206 of this Act.
        (2) "Department" means the Department of Human Services.
    (b) The Department shall develop and make available on its website information on the risks of developing a physical or psychological dependence on opioids and any alternative treatments, including the Opioid Alternative Pilot Program.
    (c) The Department shall develop and make available upon request to all prescribers, pharmacists, and patients in the State a pamphlet which explains the risks of developing a physical or psychological dependence on opioids. This pamphlet may contain any information which the Secretary of the Department deems necessary and may be revised by the Department whenever new information becomes available. The pamphlet shall be downloadable from the Department's website.
    (d) A pharmacist shall, prior to dispensing an opioid that is a Schedule II controlled substance, furnish the pamphlet or information therein developed by the Department and discuss the risks of developing a physical or psychological dependence on opioids.
(Source: P.A. 102-608, eff. 8-27-21.)