(315 ILCS 20/42) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 292)
    Sec. 42. Proceedings to condemn real property.
    (1) Before a condemnation proceeding may be instituted by a Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation, such Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation shall present to the Redevelopment Commission an application requesting approval of the proposed condemnation proceeding, which shall contain, among other things:
        (a) The legal description, and the description thereof by city blocks, street and
number, if any, of the real property proposed to be condemned, and the character of the estates, in fee-simple or otherwise, thus to be acquired.
        (b) Proof that such real property is within the Development Area of the applicant
Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation.
        (c) Proof that the Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation has acquired by purchase or
has secured options to purchase sixty per centum or more in area of the land within the Development Area, or, in alternative, that the owners of sixty percentum or more in the area of the land within the Development Area have, by an instrument in writing duly signed and acknowledged and delivered to the Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation, assented to and consented to be bound by the terms and provisions of the Development Plan of the Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation as to themselves and their property.
        (d) A copy of any proposed contract or contracts with contractors for the work proposed
to be done in the development of the Development Area, and a copy of any bond or bonds to be required by the Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation from the contractors to insure the performance of the contract or contracts.
    (2) The Redevelopment Commission shall determine within a reasonable time thereafter the sufficiency of the statements in the application and the verity of the copies of the contracts and bonds appended to the application. If the Redevelopment Commission finds:
        (a) That the determination should be in the affirmative;
        (b) That the bond or bonds are sufficient in form, amount and security; and
        (c) That the Development Plan of the applicant Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation
has been approved by the Redevelopment Commission and the procedure for judicial review thereof has not been initiated within the time prescribed by this Act, or, if a judicial review has been so initiated, that a final order shall have been had, as specified in Section 18 of this Act, whereby the Development Plan was "Approved", then the Redevelopment Commission shall issue to the applicant Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation a certificate of approval of the institution of the proposed condemnation proceedings, which certificate shall contain a legal description of the real property proposed to be condemned and the character of the estates, in fee-simple or otherwise, thus to be acquired, the facts so determined with respect thereto, and a statement that the real property proposed to be condemned is required for a public use and that its acquisition for such use is necessary and convenient.
    (3) The acquisition by condemnation of real property by a Neighborhood Redevelopment Corporation shall be in the manner provided for the exercise of the right of eminent domain under the Eminent Domain Act, as amended.
    (4) The provisions of this section shall be applicable to any proceeding to condemn real property pursuant to a Development Plan amended in accordance with Section 23 of this Act; Provided, however, that in the instance of the increase of a Development Area pursuant to Section 24 of this Act, the provisions of subparagraph (c) of Paragraph 1 of this section shall not apply to the additional area forming the increase.
(Source: P.A. 96-328, eff. 8-11-09.)