(225 ILCS 732/1-80)
    Sec. 1-80. Water quality monitoring.
    (a) Each applicant for a high volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing permit shall provide the Department with a work plan to ensure accurate and complete sampling and testing as required under this Section. The work plan shall ensure compliance with the requirements of this Section and include, at a minimum, the following:
        (1) information identifying all water sources within the range of testing under this
        (2) a sampling plan and protocol, including notification to the Department at least 7
calendar days prior to sample collection;
        (3) the name and contact information of an independent third party under the supervision
of a professional engineer or professional geologist that shall be designated to conduct sampling to establish a baseline as provided for under subsection (b) of this Section;
        (4) the name and contact information of an independent third party under the supervision
of a professional engineer or professional geologist that shall be designated to conduct sampling to establish compliance with monitoring as provided within subsection (c) of this Section;
        (5) the name and contact information of an independent testing laboratory, certified to
perform the required laboratory method, to conduct the analysis required under subsections (b) and (c) of this Section;
        (6) proof of access and the right to test within the area for testing prescribed within
subsection (b) of this Section during the duration of high volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing operations covered under the permit application, and copies of any non-disclosure agreements made under subsection (d) of this Section; and
        (7) identification of practicable contingency measures, including provision for
alternative drinking water supplies, which could be implemented in the event of pollution or diminution of a water source as provided for in Section 1-83.
    (b) Prior to conducting high volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing operations on a well, a permittee shall retain an independent third party, as required within paragraph (3) of subsection (a) of this Section, and shall conduct baseline water quality sampling of all water sources within 1,500 feet of the well site prior to any fracturing activities. Where (i) there are no groundwater wells within 1,500 feet of a well site, or access to groundwater wells within 1,500 feet of the well site has been denied under subsection (d) of this Section, and (ii) the proposed well site is located within 1,500 feet horizontally from any portion of an aquifer, the permittee shall conduct sampling of the aquifer at the closest groundwater well with access to the aquifer to which the permittee has not been denied access under subsection (d) of this Section. Installation of a groundwater monitoring well is not required to satisfy the sampling requirements of this Section. The samples collected by the independent third party, under the supervision of a professional engineer or professional geologist, shall be analyzed by an independent testing laboratory in accordance with paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of this Section. Testing shall be done by collection of a minimum of 3 samples for each water source required to be tested under this Section. The permittee shall, within 7 calendar days after receipt of results of tests conducted under this subsection, submit the results to the Department or to the owner of the water source under a non-disclosure agreement under subsection (d) of this Section. The Department shall post the results on its website within 7 calendar days after receipt. The results shall, at a minimum, include a detailed description of the sampling and testing conducted under this subsection, the chain of custody of the samples, and quality control of the testing.
    (c) After baseline tests are conducted under subsection (b) of this Section and following issuance of a permit by the Department, the permittee shall have all water sources which are subjected to sampling under subsection (b) of this Section sampled and tested in the same manner 6 months, 18 months, and 30 months after the high volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing operations have been completed. Sampling of a water source under this subsection is not required if the water source was sampled under this subsection or subsection (b) within the previous month. The permittee shall notify the Department at least 7 calendar days prior to taking the sample. The permittee shall, within 7 calendar days after receipt of results of tests conducted under this subsection (c), submit the results to the Department or to the owner of the water source pursuant to a non-disclosure agreement under subsection (d) of this Section. The results shall include, at a minimum, a detailed description of the sampling and testing conducted under this subsection, the chain of custody of the samples, and quality control of the testing.
    (d) Sampling of private water wells or ponds wholly contained within private property shall not be required where the owner of the private property declines, expressly and in writing, to provide access or permission for sampling. If the owner of the private property declines to provide proof of his or her refusal to allow access in writing, the operator shall provide the Department evidence as to the good faith efforts that were made to secure the required documentation. Permits issued under this Act cannot be denied if the owner of the private property declines to provide proof of his or her refusal to allow access in writing and the permittee provides evidence that good faith efforts were made to gain access for the purposes of conducting tests. The owners of private property may condition access or permission for sampling of a private water well or pond wholly within the property or a portion of any perennial stream or river that flows through the property under a non-disclosure agreement, which must include the following terms and conditions:
        (1) the permittee shall provide the results of the water quality testing to the property
        (2) the permittee shall retain the results of the water quality testing until at least
one year after completion of all monitoring under this Section for review by the Department upon request;
        (3) the permittee shall not file with the Department the results of the water quality
testing, except under paragraph (4) of subsection (d) of this Section; and
        (4) the permittee shall notify the Department within 7 calendar days of its receipt of
the water quality data where any testing under subsection (c) of this Section indicates that concentrations exceed the standards or criteria referenced in the definition of pollution or diminution under Section 1-5 of this Act.
    (e) Each set of samples collected under subsections (b) and (c) of this Section shall include analyses for:
        (1) pH;
        (2) total dissolved solids, dissolved methane, dissolved propane, dissolved ethane,
alkalinity, and specific conductance;
        (3) chloride, sulfate, arsenic, barium, calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, selenium,
cadmium, lead, manganese, mercury, and silver;
        (4) BTEX; and
        (5) gross alpha and beta particles to determine the presence of any naturally occurring
radioactive materials.
    Sampling shall, at a minimum, be consistent with the work plan and allow for a determination of whether any hydraulic fracturing additive or other contaminant has caused pollution or diminution for purposes of Sections 1-83 and 1-85 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 98-22, eff. 6-17-13.)