(225 ILCS 443/25)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2028)
    Sec. 25. Exemptions. The following do not constitute violations of this Act:
        (1) Persons interpreting in religious activities.
        (2) Notwithstanding other State or federal laws or rules regarding emergency
treatment, persons interpreting in an emergency situation involving health care services in which the consumer and a health care provider or professional agree that the delay necessary to obtain a licensed interpreter is likely to cause injury or loss to the consumer, until such time as the services of a licensed interpreter can be obtained, where there is continued need for an interpreter.
        (3) Persons currently enrolled in a course of study leading to a certificate or degree
in interpreting, provided that such persons engage only in activities and services that constitute a part of a supervised course of study and clearly designate themselves as student, trainee, or intern.
        (4) Persons working as an educational interpreter in compliance with the rules
established by the State Board of Education.
        (5) Persons interpreting at the request of a deaf or hard of hearing individual,
provided that the person providing the service informs the deaf or hard of hearing individual that he or she is not licensed under this Act.
        (6) Persons who do not reside in Illinois and hold either an accepted certificate or an
interpreting license from another state and who either:
            (A) engage in interpreting in this State for a period of time not to exceed 14 days
in a calendar year; services provided during declared State or national emergencies shall not count towards the limitation set forth in this subparagraph (A); or
            (B) engage in interpreting by teleconference, video conference, or other use of
technological means of communication.
        (7) Instances in which sign language interpreters for the deaf are necessary for
effective communication for the provision of services to the consumer and in which teleconference, video conference, or other use of technological means of communication or an interpreter are unavailable.
(Source: P.A. 95-617, eff. 9-12-07.)