(225 ILCS 427/10)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2027)
    Sec. 10. Definitions. As used in this Act:
    "Address of record" means the designated street address, which may not be a post office box, recorded by the Department in the applicant's or licensee's application file or license file maintained by the Department.
    "Advertise" means, but is not limited to, issuing or causing to be distributed any card, sign or device to any person; or causing, permitting or allowing any sign or marking on or in any building, structure, newspaper, magazine or directory, or on radio or television; or advertising by any other means designed to secure public attention, including, but not limited to, print, electronic, social media, and digital forums.
    "Board" means the Community Association Manager Licensing and Disciplinary Board.
    "Community association" means an association in which membership is a condition of ownership or shareholder interest of a unit in a condominium, cooperative, townhouse, villa, or other residential unit which is part of a residential development plan and that is authorized to impose an assessment, rents, or other costs that may become a lien on the unit or lot.
    "Community association funds" means any assessments, fees, fines, or other funds collected by the community association manager from the community association, or its members, other than the compensation paid to the community association manager for performance of community association management services.
    "Community association management firm" means a company, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, or other entity that engages in community association management services.
    "Community association management services" means those services listed in the definition of community association manager in this Section.
    "Community association manager" means an individual who:
        (1) has an ownership interest in or is employed by a community association management
firm, or is directly employed by or provides services as an independent contractor to a community association; and
        (2) administers for remuneration the financial, administrative, maintenance, or other
duties for the community association, including the following services:
            (A) collecting, controlling or disbursing funds of the community association or
having the authority to do so;
            (B) preparing budgets or other financial documents for the community association;
            (C) assisting in the conduct of community association meetings;
            (D) maintaining association records;
            (E) administering association contracts or procuring goods and services in
accordance with the declaration, bylaws, proprietary lease, declaration of covenants, or other governing document of the community association or at the direction of the board of managers; and
            (F) coordinating financial, administrative, maintenance, or other duties called for
in the management contract, including individuals who are direct employees of the community association.
    "Community association manager" does not mean support staff, including, but not limited to bookkeepers, administrative assistants, secretaries, property inspectors, or customer service representatives.
    "Department" means the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.
    "Designated community association manager" means a licensed community association manager who: (1) has an ownership interest in or is employed by a community association management firm to act as a controlling person; and (2) is the authorized signatory or has delegated signing authority for the firm on community association accounts; and (3) supervises, manages, and is responsible for the firm's community association manager activities pursuant to Section 50 of this Act.
    "Email address of record" means the designated email address recorded by the Department in the applicant's application file or the licensee's license file, as maintained by the Department.
    "License" means the privilege conferred by the Department to a person that has fulfilled all requirements prerequisite to any type of licensure under this Act.
    "Licensee" means any person licensed under this Act.
    "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or other legal entity.
    "Secretary" means the Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation or the Secretary's designee.
(Source: P.A. 102-20, eff. 1-1-22; 102-970, eff. 5-27-22.)