(225 ILCS 407/20-15)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2030)
Sec. 20-15. Disciplinary actions; grounds. The Department may refuse to issue
or renew a
license, may place on probation or administrative supervision, suspend, or
revoke any license or may
reprimand or take other disciplinary or non-disciplinary action as the Department may deem proper, including the imposition of fines not to exceed $10,000 for each violation upon any licensee or applicant under this Act or any person or entity who holds oneself out as an applicant or licensee for any of the following reasons:
(1) False or fraudulent representation or material misstatement in furnishing |
| information to the Department in obtaining or seeking to obtain a license.
(2) Violation of any provision of this Act or the rules adopted under this
(3) Conviction of or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, as set forth in
| subsection (c) of Section 10-5, to any crime that is a felony or misdemeanor under the laws of the United States or any state or territory thereof, or entry of an administrative sanction by a government agency in this State or any other jurisdiction.
(3.5) Failing to notify the Department, within 30 days after the occurrence, of the
| information required in subsection (c) of Section 10-5.
(4) Being adjudged to be a person under legal disability or subject to involuntary
| admission or to meet the standard for judicial admission as provided in the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code.
(5) Discipline of a licensee by another state, the District of Columbia, a territory of
| the United States, a foreign nation, a governmental agency, or any other entity authorized to impose discipline if at least one of the grounds for that discipline is the same as or the equivalent to one of the grounds for discipline set forth in this Act or for failing to report to the Department, within 30 days, any adverse final action taken against the licensee by any other licensing jurisdiction, government agency, law enforcement agency, or court, or liability for conduct that would constitute grounds for action as set forth in this Act.
(6) Engaging in the practice of auctioneering, conducting an auction, or providing an
| auction service without a license or after the license was expired, revoked, suspended, or terminated or while the license was inoperative.
(7) Attempting to subvert or cheat on the auctioneer exam or any continuing education
| exam, or aiding or abetting another to do the same.
(8) Directly or indirectly giving to or receiving from a person, firm, corporation,
| partnership, or association a fee, commission, rebate, or other form of compensation for professional service not actually or personally rendered, except that an auctioneer licensed under this Act may receive a fee from another licensed auctioneer from this State or jurisdiction for the referring of a client or prospect for auction services to the licensed auctioneer.
(9) Making any substantial misrepresentation or untruthful advertising.
(10) Making any false promises of a character likely to influence,
(11) Pursuing a continued and flagrant course of misrepresentation or the making of
| false promises through a licensee, agent, employee, advertising, or otherwise.
(12) Any misleading or untruthful advertising, or using any trade name or insignia of
| membership in any auctioneer association or organization of which the licensee is not a member.
(13) Commingling funds of others with the licensee's own funds or failing to keep the
| funds of others in an escrow or trustee account.
(14) Failure to account for, remit, or return any moneys, property, or documents coming
| into the licensee's possession that belong to others, acquired through the practice of auctioneering, conducting an auction, or providing an auction service within 30 days of the written request from the owner of said moneys, property, or documents.
(15) Failure to maintain and deposit into a special account, separate and apart from any
| personal or other business accounts, all moneys belonging to others entrusted to a licensee while acting as an auctioneer, auction firm, or as a temporary custodian of the funds of others.
(16) Failure to make available to Department personnel during normal business hours all
| escrow and trustee records and related documents maintained in connection with the practice of auctioneering, conducting an auction, or providing an auction service within 24 hours after a request from Department personnel.
(17) Making or filing false records or reports in the licensee's practice, including,
| but not limited to, false records or reports filed with State agencies.
(18) Failing to voluntarily furnish copies of all written instruments prepared by the
| auctioneer and signed by all parties to all parties at the time of execution.
(19) Failing to provide information within 30 days in response to a written request made
(20) Engaging in any act that constitutes a violation of the Illinois Human Rights Act.
(21) (Blank).
(22) Engaging in dishonorable, unethical, or unprofessional conduct of a character
| likely to deceive, defraud, or harm the public.
(23) Offering or advertising real estate for sale or lease at auction without a valid
| broker or managing broker's license under the Real Estate License Act of 1983, or any successor Act, unless exempt from licensure under the terms of the Real Estate License Act of 2000, or any successor Act, except as provided in Section 5-32 of the Real Estate License Act of 2000.
(24) Inability to practice the profession with reasonable judgment, skill, or safety as
| a result of a physical illness, mental illness, or disability.
(25) A pattern of practice or other behavior that demonstrates incapacity or
| incompetence to practice under this Act.
(26) Being named as a perpetrator in an indicated report by the Department of
| Children and Family Services under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act and upon proof by clear and convincing evidence that the licensee has caused a child to be an abused child or a neglected child as defined in the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act.
(27) Inability to practice with reasonable judgment, skill, or safety as a result of
| habitual or excessive use or addiction to alcohol, narcotics, stimulants, or any other chemical agent or drug.
(28) Willfully failing to report an instance of suspected child abuse or neglect as
| required by the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act.
(29) Violating the terms of any order issued by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 102-970, eff. 5-27-22; 103-236, eff. 1-1-24.)