(225 ILCS 210/5001) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 1-5001)
    Sec. 5001. Powers, duties, and functions of Department. In addition to the powers, duties, and functions vested in the Department by this Act, or by other laws of this State, the Department shall have the full powers and authority to carry out and administer this Act, including the following powers, duties, and functions:
        (a) To adopt reasonable rules consistent with this Act to carry out the purposes and
enforce the provisions of this Act.
        (b) To prescribe and furnish application forms, licenses, certificates, and any other
forms necessary under this Act.
        (c) To prescribe examinations which reasonably test the applicant's knowledge of the
safe and proper use, storage, possession, handling, and transfer of explosive materials.
        (d) To establish and enforce reasonable standards for the use, storage, disposal, and
transfer of explosive materials.
        (e) To issue licenses and certificates to qualified applicants who comply with the
requirements of this Act and its rules.
        (f) To suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew licenses or certificates, or take
other disciplinary action, including the imposition of fines. All fines collected under this Act shall be deposited into the Explosives Regulatory Fund.
        (g) To establish by rule the expiration and renewal period for licenses and certificates
issued under this Act, and to establish and collect license and certificate application fees, fees required by the Illinois State Police for criminal identification purposes, and such other fees as are authorized or necessary under this Act.
        (h) To conduct and prescribe rules of procedure for hearings under this Act.
        (i) To appoint qualified inspectors to periodically visit places where explosive
materials may be stored or used, and to make such other inspections as are necessary to determine satisfactory compliance with this Act.
        (j) To receive data and assistance from federal, State, and local governmental agencies,
and to obtain copies of identification and arrest data from all federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies for use in carrying out the purposes and functions of the Department and this Act.
        (k) To receive and respond to inquiries from the industry, public, and agencies or
instrumentalities of the State, and to offer advice, make recommendations, and provide monitoring services pertinent to such inquiries regarding the safe and proper storage, handling, and use of explosive materials.
        (l) To inform, advise, and assist the State's Attorney of the county where any
noncompliance with or violation of this Act occurs when the State's Attorney is seeking criminal charges against a person pursuant to Section 5010 or 5011 of this Act.
        (m) To bring an action in the name of the Department, through the Attorney General of
the State of Illinois, whenever it appears to the Department that any person is engaged or is about to engage in any acts or practices that constitute or may constitute a violation of the provisions of this Act or its rules, for an order enjoining such violation or for an order enforcing compliance with this Act. Upon filing of a verified petition in such court, the court may issue a temporary restraining order without notice or bond and may preliminarily or permanently enjoin such violation. If it is established that such person has violated or is violating the injunction, the court may punish the offender for contempt of court. Proceedings under this paragraph are in addition to, and not in lieu of, all other remedies and penalties provided for by this Act.
    The powers, duties, and functions vested in the Department under the provisions of this Act shall not be construed to affect in any manner the powers, duties, and functions vested in the Department under any other provision of law.
(Source: P.A. 96-1194, eff. 1-1-11; 97-333, eff. 8-12-11.)