(225 ILCS 37/27)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2029)
Sec. 27. Renewals; restoration.
(a) The expiration date and renewal period for each license issued under
this Act shall be set by rule. As a condition for renewal of a license, the
licensee shall be required to complete continuing education requirements as
set forth in rules by the Department. Licensees who are 70 years of age
or older and have been licensed under this Act for at least 4 years shall be
exempt from the continuing education requirements.
(b) A person who has permitted a license to expire for a period less than 5 years may have the license
restored by making application to the Department and filing proof, acceptable
to the Department, of fitness to have the license restored. Proof may include
(i) sworn evidence certifying to active practice in another jurisdiction that
is satisfactory to the Department, (ii) complying with any continuing education
requirements, and (iii) paying the required restoration fee.
(c) A person seeking restoration of a license that has been expired or placed on inactive status for more than 5 years may have the license restored by making application to the Department and filing proof, acceptable to the Department, of fitness to have the license restored. Proof may include (i) sworn evidence of active practice in another jurisdiction, (ii) an affidavit attesting to military service as provided in subsection (c) of this Section, (iii) proof of passage of the environmental Health Proficiency Examination during the period the license was lapsed or on inactive status, (iv) sworn evidence of lawful practice under the supervision of an Illinois-licensed Environmental Healthcare Practitioner in the State of Illinois that is satisfactory to the Department, or (v) proof of current certification, including continuing education, from the National Environmental Health Association Accreditation Council for environmental health curricula or its equivalent as approved by the Department. An applicant for restoration under this Section shall be required to pay any restoration fees as required under this Act and provide proof of meeting continuing education requirements during the 2 years prior to restoration.
However, a person whose license expired while (i) in federal service on
active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States or called into service
or training with the State Militia or (ii) in training or education under the
supervision of the United States, preliminary to induction into the military
service may have his or her license renewed or restored without paying any
lapsed renewal fees if, within 2 years after honorable termination of the
service, training, or education, except under conditions other than honorable,
he or she furnishes the Department with satisfactory evidence to the effect
that he or she has been so engaged and that the service, training, or education
has been terminated.
(d) A person who notifies the Department, in writing on forms prescribed
by the Department, may place his or her license on inactive status and shall be
excused from the payment of renewal fees until the person notifies the
Department, in writing, of the intention to resume active practice.
(e) A person requesting his or her license be changed from inactive to
active status shall be required to pay the current renewal fee and shall also
demonstrate compliance with the continuing education requirements.
(f) An environmental health practitioner whose license is not renewed
or whose license is on
inactive status shall not engage in the practice of environmental health in the
State of Illinois or use the title or advertise that he or she performs the
services of a "licensed environmental health practitioner".
(g) A person violating subsection (f) of this Section shall be considered
to be practicing without a license and shall be subject to the disciplinary
provisions of this Act.
(h) A license to practice shall not be denied any applicant because of the
applicant's race, religion, creed, national origin, political beliefs or
activities, age, sex, sexual orientation, or physical impairment that does not affect a person's ability to practice with reasonable judgment, skill, or safety as determined by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 96-671, eff. 8-25-09.)