(220 ILCS 5/9-229)
    Sec. 9-229. Consideration of attorney and expert compensation as an expense and intervenor compensation fund.
    (a) The Commission shall specifically assess the justness and reasonableness of any amount expended by a public utility to compensate attorneys or technical experts to prepare and litigate a general rate case filing. This issue shall be expressly addressed in the Commission's final order.
    (b) The State of Illinois shall create a Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund subject to the following:
        (1) Provision of compensation for Consumer Interest Representatives that intervene in
Illinois Commerce Commission proceedings will increase public engagement, encourage additional transparency, expand the information available to the Commission, and improve decision-making.
        (2) As used in this Section, "Consumer interest representative" means:
            (A) a residential utility customer or group of residential utility customers
represented by a not-for-profit group or organization registered with the Illinois Attorney General under the Solicitation of Charity Act;
            (B) representatives of not-for-profit groups or organizations whose membership is
limited to residential utility customers; or
            (C) representatives of not-for-profit groups or organizations whose membership
includes Illinois residents and that address the community, economic, environmental, or social welfare of Illinois residents, except government agencies or intervenors specifically authorized by Illinois law to participate in Commission proceedings on behalf of Illinois consumers.
        (3) A consumer interest representative is eligible to receive compensation from the
consumer intervenor compensation fund if its participation included lay or expert testimony or legal briefing and argument concerning the expenses, investments, rate design, rate impact, or other matters affecting the pricing, rates, costs or other charges associated with utility service, the Commission adopts a material recommendation related to a significant issue in the docket, and participation caused a significant financial hardship to the participant; however, no consumer interest representative shall be eligible to receive an award pursuant to this Section if the consumer interest representative receives any compensation, funding, or donations, directly or indirectly, from parties that have a financial interest in the outcome of the proceeding.
        (4) Within 30 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General
Assembly, each utility that files a request for an increase in rates under Article IX or Article XVI shall deposit an amount equal to one half of the rate case attorney and expert expense allowed by the Commission, but not to exceed $500,000, into the fund within 35 days of the date of the Commission's final Order in the rate case or 20 days after the denial of rehearing under Section 10-113 of this Act, whichever is later. The Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund shall be used to provide payment to consumer interest representatives as described in this Section.
        (5) An electric public utility with 3,000,000 or more retail customers shall contribute
$450,000 to the Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. A combined electric and gas public utility serving fewer than 3,000,000 but more than 500,000 retail customers shall contribute $225,000 to the Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. A gas public utility with 1,500,000 or more retail customers that is not a combined electric and gas public utility shall contribute $225,000 to the Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. A gas public utility with fewer than 1,500,000 retail customers but more than 300,000 retail customers that is not a combined electric and gas public utility shall contribute $80,000 to the Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. A gas public utility with fewer than 300,000 retail customers that is not a combined electric and gas public utility shall contribute $20,000 to the Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. A combined electric and gas public utility serving fewer than 500,000 retail customers shall contribute $20,000 to the Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly. A water or sewer public utility serving more than 100,000 retail customers shall contribute $80,000, and a water or sewer public utility serving fewer than 100,000 but more than 10,000 retail customers shall contribute $20,000.
        (6)(A) Prior to the entry of a Final Order in a docketed case, the Commission
Administrator shall provide a payment to a consumer interest representative that demonstrates through a verified application for funding that the consumer interest representative's participation or intervention without an award of fees or costs imposes a significant financial hardship based on a schedule to be developed by the Commission. The Administrator may require verification of costs incurred, including statements of hours spent, as a condition to paying the consumer interest representative prior to the entry of a Final Order in a docketed case.
        (B) If the Commission adopts a material recommendation related to a significant issue
in the docket and participation caused a financial hardship to the participant, then the consumer interest representative shall be allowed payment for some or all of the consumer interest representative's reasonable attorney's or advocate's fees, reasonable expert witness fees, and other reasonable costs of preparation for and participation in a hearing or proceeding. Expenses related to travel or meals shall not be compensable.
        (C) The consumer interest representative shall submit an itemized request for
compensation to the Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund, including the advocate's or attorney's reasonable fee rate, the number of hours expended, reasonable expert and expert witness fees, and other reasonable costs for the preparation for and participation in the hearing and briefing within 30 days of the Commission's final order after denial or decision on rehearing, if any.
        (7) Administration of the Fund.
        (A) The Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund is created as a special fund in the State
treasury. All disbursements from the Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund shall be made only upon warrants of the Comptroller drawn upon the Treasurer as custodian of the Fund upon vouchers signed by the Executive Director of the Commission or by the person or persons designated by the Director for that purpose. The Comptroller is authorized to draw the warrant upon vouchers so signed. The Treasurer shall accept all warrants so signed and shall be released from liability for all payments made on those warrants. The Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund shall be administered by an Administrator that is a person or entity that is independent of the Commission. The administrator will be responsible for the prudent management of the Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund and for recommendations for the award of consumer intervenor compensation from the Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund. The Commission shall issue a request for qualifications for a third-party program administrator to administer the Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund. The third-party administrator shall be chosen through a competitive bid process based on selection criteria and requirements developed by the Commission. The Illinois Procurement Code does not apply to the hiring or payment of the Administrator. All Administrator costs may be paid for using monies from the Consumer Intervenor Compensation Fund, but the Program Administrator shall strive to minimize costs in the implementation of the program.
        (B) The computation of compensation awarded from the fund shall take into consideration
the market rates paid to persons of comparable training and experience who offer similar services, but may not exceed the comparable market rate for services paid by the public utility as part of its rate case expense.
        (C)(1) Recommendations on the award of compensation by the administrator shall include
consideration of whether the Commission adopted a material recommendation related to a significant issue in the docket and whether participation caused a financial hardship to the participant and the payment of compensation is fair, just and reasonable.
        (2) Recommendations on the award of compensation by the administrator shall be submitted
to the Commission for approval. Unless the Commission initiates an investigation within 45 days after the notice to the Commission, the award of compensation shall be allowed 45 days after notice to the Commission. Such notice shall be given by filing with the Commission on the Commission's e-docket system, and keeping open for public inspection the award for compensation proposed by the Administrator. The Commission shall have power, and it is hereby given authority, either upon complaint or upon its own initiative without complaint, at once, and if it so orders, without answer or other formal pleadings, but upon reasonable notice, to enter upon a hearing concerning the propriety of the award.
    (c) The Commission may adopt rules to implement this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-662, eff. 9-15-21.)