(220 ILCS 5/7-102) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 7-102)
    Sec. 7-102. Transactions requiring Commission approval.
    (A) Unless the consent and approval of the Commission is first obtained or unless such approval is waived by the Commission or is exempted in accordance with the provisions of this Section or of any other Section of this Act:
        (a) No 2 or more public utilities may enter into contracts with each other that will
enable such public utilities to operate their lines or plants in connection with each other.
        (b) No public utility may purchase, lease, or in any other manner acquire control,
direct or indirect, over the franchises, licenses, permits, plants, equipment, business or other property of any other public utility.
        (c) No public utility may assign, transfer, lease, mortgage, sell (by option or
otherwise), or otherwise dispose of or encumber the whole or any part of its franchises, licenses, permits, plant, equipment, business, or other property, but the consent and approval of the Commission shall not be required for the sale, lease, assignment or transfer (1) by any public utility of any tangible personal property which is not necessary or useful in the performance of its duties to the public, or (2) by any railroad of any real or tangible personal property.
        (d) No public utility may by any means, direct or indirect, merge or consolidate its
franchises, licenses, permits, plants, equipment, business or other property with that of any other public utility.
        (e) No public utility may purchase, acquire, take or receive any stock, stock
certificates, bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of any other public utility.
        (f) No public utility may in any manner, directly or indirectly, guarantee the
performance of any contract or other obligation of any other person, firm or corporation whatsoever.
        (g) No public utility may use, appropriate, or divert any of its moneys, property or
other resources in or to any business or enterprise which is not, prior to such use, appropriation or diversion essentially and directly connected with or a proper and necessary department or division of the business of such public utility; provided that this subsection shall not be construed as modifying subsections (a) through (e) of this Section.
        (h) No public utility may, directly or indirectly, invest, loan or advance, or permit to
be invested, loaned or advanced any of its moneys, property or other resources in, for, in behalf of or to any other person, firm, trust, group, association, company or corporation whatsoever, except that no consent or approval by the Commission is necessary for the purchase of stock in development credit corporations organized under the Illinois Development Credit Corporation Act, providing that no such purchase may be made hereunder if, as a result of such purchase, the cumulative purchase price of all such shares owned by the utility would exceed one-fiftieth of one per cent of the utility's gross operating revenue for the preceding calendar year.
    (B) Any public utility may present to the Commission for approval options or contracts to sell or lease real property, notwithstanding that the value of the property under option may have changed between the date of the option and the subsequent date of sale or lease. If the options or contracts are approved by the Commission, subsequent sales or leases in conformance with those options or contracts may be made by the public utility without any further action by the Commission. If approval of the options or contracts is denied by the Commission, the options or contracts are void and any consideration theretofore paid to the public utility must be refunded within 30 days following disapproval of the application.
    (C) The proceedings for obtaining the approval of the Commission provided for in this Section shall be as follows: There shall be filed with the Commission a petition, joint or otherwise, as the case may be, signed and verified by the president, any vice president, secretary, treasurer, comptroller, general manager, or chief engineer of the respective companies, or by the person or company, as the case may be, clearly setting forth the object and purposes desired, and setting forth the full and complete terms of the proposed assignment, transfer, lease, mortgage, purchase, sale, merger, consolidation, contract or other transaction, as the case may be. Upon the filing of such petition, the Commission shall, if it deems necessary, fix a time and place for the hearing thereon. After such hearing, or in case no hearing is required, if the Commission is satisfied that such petition should reasonably be granted, and that the public will be convenienced thereby, the Commission shall make such order in the premises as it may deem proper and as the circumstances may require, attaching such conditions as it may deem proper, and thereupon it shall be lawful to do the things provided for in such order. The Commission shall impose such conditions as will protect the interest of minority and preferred stockholders.
    (D) The Commission shall have power by general rules applicable alike to all public utilities, other than electric and gas public utilities, affected thereby to waive the filing and necessity for approval of the following: (a) sales of property involving a consideration of not more than $300,000 for utilities with gross revenues in excess of $50,000,000 annually and a consideration of not more than $100,000 for all other utilities; (b) leases, easements and licenses involving a consideration or rental of not more than $30,000 per year for utilities with gross revenues in excess of $50,000,000 annually and a consideration or rental of not more than $10,000 per year for all other utilities; (c) leases of office building space not required by the public utility in rendering service to the public; (d) the temporary leasing, lending or interchanging of equipment in the ordinary course of business or in case of an emergency; and (e) purchase-money mortgages given by a public utility in connection with the purchase of tangible personal property where the total obligation to be secured shall be payable within a period not exceeding one year. However, if the Commission, after a hearing, finds that any public utility to which such rule is applicable is abusing or has abused such general rule and thereby is evading compliance with the standard established herein, the Commission shall have power to require such public utility to thereafter file and receive the Commission's approval upon all such transactions as described in this Section, but such general rule shall remain in full force and effect as to all other public utilities to which such rule is applicable.
    (E) The filing of, and the consent and approval of the Commission for, any assignment, transfer, lease, mortgage, purchase, sale, merger, consolidation, contract or other transaction by an electric or gas public utility with gross revenues in all jurisdictions of $250,000,000 or more annually involving a sale price or annual consideration in an amount of $5,000,000 or less shall not be required. The Commission shall also have the authority, on petition by an electric or gas public utility with gross revenues in all jurisdictions of $250,000,000 or more annually, to establish by order higher thresholds than the foregoing for the requirement of approval of transactions by the Commission pursuant to this Section for the electric or gas public utility, but no greater than 1% of the electric or gas public utility's average total gross utility plant in service in the case of sale, assignment or acquisition of property, or 2.5% of the electric or gas public utility's total revenue in the case of other sales price or annual consideration, in each case based on the preceding calendar year, and subject to the power of the Commission, after notice and hearing, to further revise those thresholds at a later date. In addition to the foregoing, the Commission shall have power by general rules applicable alike to all electric and gas public utilities affected thereby to waive the filing and necessity for approval of the following: (a) sales of property involving a consideration of $100,000 or less for electric and gas utilities with gross revenues in all jurisdictions of less than $250,000,000 annually; (b) leases, easements and licenses involving a consideration or rental of not more than $10,000 per year for electric and gas utilities with gross revenues in all jurisdictions of less than $250,000,000 annually; (c) leases of office building space not required by the electric or gas public utility in rendering service to the public; (d) the temporary leasing, lending or interchanging of equipment in the ordinary course of business or in the case of an emergency; and (e) purchase-money mortgages given by an electric or gas public utility in connection with the purchase of tangible personal property where the total obligation to be secured shall be payable within a period of one year or less. However, if the Commission, after a hearing, finds that any electric or gas public utility is abusing or has abused such general rule and thereby is evading compliance with the standard established herein, the Commission shall have power to require such electric or gas public utility to thereafter file and receive the Commission's approval upon all such transactions as described in this Section and not exempted pursuant to the first sentence of this paragraph or to subsection (g) of Section 16-111 of this Act, but such general rule shall remain in full force and effect as to all other electric and gas public utilities.
    Every assignment, transfer, lease, mortgage, sale or other disposition or encumbrance of the whole or any part of the franchises, licenses, permits, plant, equipment, business or other property of any public utility, or any merger or consolidation thereof, and every contract, purchase of stock, or other transaction referred to in this Section and not exempted in accordance with the provisions of the immediately preceding paragraph of this Section, made otherwise than in accordance with an order of the Commission authorizing the same, except as provided in this Section, shall be void. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to any transactions by or with a political subdivision or municipal corporation of this State.
    (F) The provisions of this Section do not apply to the purchase or sale of emission allowances created under and defined in Title IV of the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (P.L. 101-549), as amended.
(Source: P.A. 90-561, eff. 12-16-97; 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)