(220 ILCS 5/16-111.8)
    Sec. 16-111.8. Automatic adjustment clause tariff; uncollectibles.
    (a) An electric utility shall be permitted, at its election, to recover through an automatic adjustment clause tariff the incremental difference between its actual uncollectible amount as set forth in Account 904 in the utility's most recent annual FERC Form 1 and the uncollectible amount included in the utility's rates for the period reported in such annual FERC Form 1. The Commission may, in a proceeding to review a general rate case filed subsequent to the effective date of the tariff established under this Section, prospectively switch from using the actual uncollectible amount set forth in Account 904 to using net write-offs in such tariff, but only if net write-offs are also used to determine the utility's uncollectible amount in rates. In the event the Commission requires such a change, it shall be made effective at the beginning of the first full calendar year after the new rates approved in such proceeding are first placed in effect and an adjustment shall be made, if necessary, to ensure the change does not result in double-recovery or unrecovered uncollectible amounts for any year. For purposes of this Section, "uncollectible amount" means the expense set forth in Account 904 of the utility's FERC Form 1 or cost of net write-offs as appropriate. In the event the utility's rates change during the period of time reported in its most recent annual FERC Form 1, the uncollectible amount included in the utility's rates during such period of time for purposes of this Section will be a weighted average, based on revenues earned during such period by the utility under each set of rates, of the uncollectible amount included in the utility's rates at the beginning of such period and at the end of such period. This difference may either be a charge or a credit to customers depending on whether the uncollectible amount is more or less than the uncollectible amount then included in the utility's rates.
    (b) The tariff may be established outside the context of a general rate case filing and shall specify the terms of any applicable audit. The Commission shall review and by order approve, or approve as modified, the proposed tariff within 180 days after the date on which it is filed. Charges and credits under the tariff shall be allocated to the appropriate customer class or classes. In addition, customers who purchase their electric supply from an alternative retail electric supplier shall not be charged by the utility for uncollectible amounts associated with electric supply provided by the utility to the utility's customers, provided that nothing in this Section is intended to affect or alter the rights and obligations imposed pursuant to Section 16-118 of this Act and any Commission order issued thereunder. Upon approval of the tariff, the utility shall, based on the 2008 FERC Form 1, apply the appropriate credit or charge based on the full year 2008 amounts for the remainder of the 2010 calendar year. Starting with the 2009 FERC Form 1 reporting period and each subsequent period, the utility shall apply the appropriate credit or charge over a 12-month period beginning with the June billing period and ending with the May billing period, with the first such billing period beginning June 2010.
    (c) The approved tariff shall provide that the utility shall file a petition with the Commission annually, no later than August 31st, seeking initiation of an annual review to reconcile all amounts collected with the actual uncollectible amount in the prior period. As part of its review, the Commission shall verify that the utility collects no more and no less than its actual uncollectible amount in each applicable FERC Form 1 reporting period. The Commission shall review the prudence and reasonableness of the utility's actions to pursue minimization and collection of uncollectibles which shall include, at a minimum, the 6 enumerated criteria set forth in this Section. The Commission shall determine any required adjustments and may include suggestions for prospective changes in current practices. Nothing in this Section or the implementing tariffs shall affect or alter the electric utility's existing obligation to pursue collection of uncollectibles or the electric utility's right to disconnect service. A utility that has in effect a tariff authorized by this Section shall pursue minimization of and collection of uncollectibles through the following activities, including, but not limited to:
        (1) identifying customers with late payments;
        (2) contacting the customers in an effort to obtain payment;
        (3) providing delinquent customers with information about possible options, including
payment plans and assistance programs;
        (4) serving disconnection notices;
        (5) implementing disconnections based on the level of uncollectibles; and
        (6) pursuing collection activities based on the level of uncollectibles.
    (d) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to require a utility to immediately disconnect service for nonpayment.
(Source: P.A. 96-33, eff. 7-10-09; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10.)