(220 ILCS 5/16-111.5A)
    Sec. 16-111.5A. Provisions relating to electric rate relief.
    (a) The General Assembly finds that action must be taken in order to mitigate the 2007 electric rate increases approved for residential and certain nonresidential customers served by the State's largest electric utilities in 2007. The General Assembly further finds that although various means of providing rate relief have been proposed, including imposition of a rate freeze on the electric utilities or a tax on generation within the State, the establishment of voluntary rate relief programs provides the most immediate and certain means of providing that rate relief. Accordingly, if the residential customer electric service rates that were charged to residential customers beginning January 2, 2007 by an electric utility that on December 31, 2005 provided electric service to at least 100,000 customers in Illinois resulted in an annual increase of more than 20% in an electric utility's average rate charged to residential customers for bundled electric service, those electric utilities and their holding companies or other affiliates, and any other company owning generation in this State or its affiliates, may, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, and without obtaining any approvals from the Commission or any other agency, regardless of whether any such approval would otherwise be required, establish and make payments to provide funds that can be used to provide rate relief beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly through July 31, 2011.
    (b) For purposes of this Section, the "Ameren Utilities" means Illinois Power Company, Central Illinois Public Service Company, and Central Illinois Light Company.
    (c) For purposes of this Section, the "Generators" means Exelon Generation Company, LLC; Ameren Energy Resources Generating Company; Ameren Energy Marketing Company; Ameren Energy Generating Company; MidAmerican Energy Company; Midwest Generation, LLC; and Dynegy Holdings Inc.; and may include non-utility affiliates of the entities named in this subsection.
    (d) For purposes of this Section, "Rate Relief Agreements" means the 2 Rate Relief Funding Agreements, the Escrow Funding Agreement, and the Illinois Power Agency Funding Agreement that Commonwealth Edison Company, the Ameren Utilities, and Generators have entered into with the Illinois Attorney General on behalf of the People of the State of Illinois for the purpose of providing $1,001,000,000 to be used to fund rate relief programs for customers of Commonwealth Edison Company and the Ameren Utilities and for the Illinois Power Agency Trust Fund and that become effective on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly. The Rate Relief Agreements have been filed with the Illinois Secretary of State Index Department and designated as "95-GA-C01" through "95-GA-C04" inclusive. The Illinois Attorney General has the right to enforce the provisions of all of the Rate Relief Agreements on behalf of the People of the State of Illinois or the Illinois Power Agency, or both, as appropriate.
    (e) Subject to the terms, conditions, and contingencies of the Rate Relief Agreements, Commonwealth Edison Company will apply a total of $488,000,000 in rate relief to residential and certain nonresidential customers from 2007 through 2010. Commonwealth Edison Company will apply bill credits for all of its residential customers in its service territory in the following amounts: $250,000,000 in 2007, $125,500,000 in 2008, and $36,000,000 in 2009. Any undisbursed rate relief funds shall be applied to the targeted programs. Commonwealth Edison Company will provide rate relief for residential and certain nonresidential customers through targeted programs in the following amounts: $33,000,000 in 2007, $18,000,000 in 2008, $15,500,000 in 2009, and $10,000,000 in 2010. Subject to the terms, conditions, and contingencies of the Rate Relief Agreements, the targeted programs for 2007 consist of the following, some of which are already underway and, in the aggregate, therefore total more than $33,000,000:
        (1) an electric space heating customer relief program costing approximately $8,000,000
designed to lower the average percentage increase of residential electric space heating customers to rate increases similar to other residential customers;
        (2) a summer assistance program costing approximately $10,300,000 for working families
and low-income customers, including low-income seniors;
        (3) a residential rate relief program costing approximately $5,500,000 for working
families and low-income customers, including low-income seniors, with higher than average rate increases (over 30%);
        (4) a residential special hardship program costing approximately $5,000,000 to address
special circumstances and hardships;
        (5) a nonresidential special hardship program costing approximately $1,500,000 to
address special circumstances and hardships;
        (6) a relief program for the common area accounts of apartment building owners and
condominium associations costing approximately $4,500,000 designed to reduce rate increases for these customers to rate increases similar to those for residential customers and to mitigate the impact of their rate increase;
        (7) a weatherization assistance program for electric space heating low-income customers
costing approximately $3,900,000 designed to provide energy efficiency assistance; and
        (8) energy efficiency, environmental, education, and assistance programs costing
approximately $5,000,000 designed to promote the use of energy efficiency programs and services by residential customers, maintenance and upgrades of a website that allows those customers to analyze their energy usage and provides incentives for the purchase of energy efficient products, the provision of energy efficient light bulbs to residential customers at a discount, and free efficient light bulbs and other assistance to low-income customers.
    Based on the outcome of these targeted programs, Commonwealth Edison Company will design and implement, subject to the terms, conditions, and contingencies of the Rate Relief Agreements, targeted programs for working families, seniors, and other customers in need in 2008, 2009, and 2010.
    (f) Subject to the terms, conditions, and contingencies of the Rate Relief Agreements, the Ameren Utilities will apply a total of $488,000,000 in rate relief to residential and certain nonresidential customers from 2007 through 2010. The Ameren Utilities will apply bill credits for all of their residential customers in their service territories in the following aggregate amounts: $213,000,000 in 2007, $109,000,000 in 2008, and $78,000,000 in 2009. The Ameren Utilities will apply bill credits to certain nonresidential customers in the following aggregate amounts: $26,000,000 in 2007, $11,000,000 in 2008, and $11,000,000 in 2009. Any undisbursed rate relief funds shall be applied to the targeted programs. The Ameren Utilities will provide rate relief for residential and certain nonresidential customers through targeted programs in the following amounts: $13,500,000 in 2007, $13,500,000 in 2008, $7,500,000 in 2009, and $5,500,000 in 2010. Subject to the terms, conditions and contingencies of the Rate Relief Agreements, the targeted programs consist of the following for 2007:
        (1) a cooling assistance program costing approximately $2,000,000 to provide donations
to the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program;
        (2) a bill payment assistance program costing approximately $2,000,000 for working
families and low-income customers, including low-income seniors;
        (3) a residential special hardship program costing approximately $2,000,000 to address
special circumstances and hardships;
        (4) a nonresidential special hardship program costing approximately $2,000,000 to
address special circumstances and hardships;
        (5) a percent-of-income payment program pilot costing approximately $2,500,000 that will
be designed to determine for low-income electric space heating customers if paying a percentage of income for their electricity will make electricity more affordable and promote regular paying habits;
        (6) a weatherization assistance program for all electric space heating low-income
customers costing approximately $1,000,000 designed to provide energy efficiency assistance;
        (7) a compact fluorescent light bulb distribution program costing approximately
$1,000,000 designed to provide energy efficient light bulbs to residential customers at a discount; and
        (8) a municipal street lighting conversion program costing approximately $1,000,000 to
convert existing street lights to more efficient lights at a discount.
    Based on the outcome of these targeted programs, the Ameren Utilities will design and implement, subject to the terms, conditions, and contingencies of the Rate Relief Agreements, targeted programs for working families, seniors, and other customers in need in 2008, 2009, and 2010.
    In addition, the Ameren Utilities voluntarily agree to waive outstanding late payment charges associated with unpaid electric bills for usage on and after January 2, 2007, through the September 2007 billing period.
    (g) Programs that use funds that are provided by electric utilities and their holding companies or other affiliates, and any other company owning generation in this State or its affiliates, to reduce utility bills, or to otherwise offset costs incurred by the utilities in mitigating rate increases for certain customer groups, may be implemented through tariffs that are filed with and reviewed by the Commission. If a utility elects to file tariffs with the Commission to implement all or a portion of the programs, those tariffs shall, regardless of the date actually filed, be deemed accepted and approved, and shall become effective, on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly. The electric utilities whose customers benefit from the funds that are disbursed as contemplated in this Section shall file annual reports documenting the disbursement of those funds with the Commission and the Illinois Attorney General. The Commission has the authority to audit disbursement of the funds to ensure they were disbursed consistently with this Section.
    (h) Nothing in this Section shall be interpreted to limit the Commission's general authority over ratemaking.
    (i) Subject to the terms, conditions, and contingencies of the Rate Relief Agreements, the Generators are providing a total of $25,000,000 to the Illinois Power Agency Trust Fund.
    (j) None of the contributions by Commonwealth Edison Company or the Ameren Utilities pursuant to this Section may be recovered in rates.
    (k) Nothing in this Section shall be interpreted to limit the authority or right of the Illinois Attorney General, under the terms of the Rate Relief Agreements, to review or audit documents, make demands, or file suit or to take other action to enforce the provisions of the Rate Relief Agreements.
(Source: P.A. 95-481, eff. 8-28-07.)