(220 ILCS 5/16-104)
    Sec. 16-104. Delivery services transition plan. An electric utility shall provide delivery services to retail customers in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
    (a) Each electric utility shall offer delivery services to retail customers located in its service area in accordance with the following provisions:
        (1) On or before October 1, 1999, the electric utility shall offer delivery services (i)
to any non-residential retail customer whose average monthly maximum electrical demand on the electric utility's system during the 6 months with the customer's highest monthly maximum demands in the 12 months ending June 30, 1999 equals or exceeds 4 megawatts; (ii) to any non-governmental, non-residential, commercial retail customers under common ownership doing business at 10 or more separate locations within the electric utility's service area, if the aggregate coincident average monthly maximum electrical demand of all such locations during the 6 months with the customer's highest monthly maximum electrical demands during the 12 months ending June 30, 1999 equals or exceeds 9.5 megawatts, provided, however, that an electric utility's obligation to offer delivery services under this clause (ii) shall not exceed 3.5% of the maximum electric demand on the electric utility's system in the 12 months ending June 30, 1999; and (iii) to non-residential retail customers whose annual electric energy use comprises 33% of the kilowatt-hour sales, excluding the kilowatt-hour sales to customers described in clauses (i) and (ii), to each non-residential retail customer class of the electric utility.
        (2) On or before October 1, 2000, the electric utility shall offer delivery services to
the eligible governmental customers described in subsections (a) and (b) of Section 16-125A if the aggregate coincident average monthly maximum electrical demand of such customers during the 6 months with the customers' highest monthly maximum electrical demands during the 12 months ending June 30, 2000 equals or exceeds 9.5 megawatts.
        (2.5) On or before June 1, 2000, an electric utility serving more than 1,000,000
customers in this State shall offer delivery services to retail customers whose annual electric energy use comprises 33% of the kilowatt hour sales to that group of retail customers that are classified under Division D, Groups 20 through 39 of the Standard Industrial Classifications set forth in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the United States Office of Management and Budget, excluding the kilowatt-hour sales to those customers that are eligible for delivery services pursuant to clause (1)(i), and shall offer delivery services to its remaining retail customers classified under Division D, Groups 20 through 39 on or before October 1, 2000.
        (3) On or before December 31, 2000, the electric utility shall offer delivery services
to all remaining nonresidential retail customers in its service area.
        (4) On or before May 1, 2002, the electric utility shall offer delivery services to all
residential retail customers in its service area.
    The loads and kilowatt-hour sales used for purposes of this subsection shall be those for the 12 months ending June 30, 1999 for nonresidential retail customers. The electric utility shall identify those customers to be offered delivery service pursuant to clause (1)(iii) and paragraph (2.5) of subsection (a) of this Section and Section 16-111(e)(B)(iii) pursuant to a lottery or other random nondiscriminatory selection process set forth in the electric utility's delivery services implementation plan pursuant to Section 16-105, which process may include a registration process giving each nonresidential customer the opportunity to register for eligibility for delivery services under this Section, with a lottery of registered customers to be conducted if the annual electric energy use of all registered customers exceeds the limit set forth in clause (1)(iii) or clause (2.5) or Section 16-111(e)(B)(iii), as applicable; provided that the provision of this amendatory Act of 1999 as it relates to the registration and lottery process under clause (1)(iii) is not intended to nor does it make any change in the meaning of this Section, but is intended to remove possible ambiguities, thereby confirming the existing meaning of this Section prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1999. Provided, that non-residential retail customers under common ownership at separate locations within the electric utility's service area may elect, prior to the date the electric utility conducts the lottery or other random selection process for purposes of clause (1)(iii), to designate themselves as a common ownership group, to be excluded from such lottery and to instead participate in a separate lottery for such common ownership group pursuant to which delivery services will be offered to non-residential retail customers comprising 33% of the total kilowatt-hour sales to the common ownership group on or before October 1, 1999. For purposes of this subsection (a), an electric utility may define "common ownership" to exclude sites which are not part of the same business, provided, that auxiliary establishments as defined in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the United States Office of Management and Budget shall not be excluded.
    (b) The electric utility shall allow the aggregation of loads that are eligible for delivery services so long as such aggregation meets the criteria for delivery of electric power and energy applicable to the electric utility established by the regional reliability council to which the electric utility belongs, by an independent system operating organization to which the electric utility belongs, or by another organization responsible for overseeing the integrity and reliability of the transmission system, as such criteria are in effect from time to time. The Commission may adopt rules and regulations governing the criteria for aggregation of the loads utilizing delivery services, but its failure to do so shall not preclude any eligible customer from electing delivery services. The electric utility shall allow such aggregation for any voluntary grouping of customers, including without limitation those having a common agent with contractual authority to purchase electric power and energy and delivery services on behalf of all customers in the grouping.
    (c) An electric utility shall allow a retail customer that generates power for its own use to include the electrical demand obtained from the customer's cogeneration or self-generation facilities that is coincident with the retail customer's maximum monthly electrical demand on the electric utility's system in any determination of the customer's maximum monthly electrical demand for purposes of determining when such retail customer shall be offered delivery services pursuant to clause (i) of subparagraph (1) of subsection (a) of this Section.
    (d) The Commission shall establish charges, terms and conditions for delivery services in accordance with Section 16-108.
    (e) Subject to the terms and conditions which the electric utility is entitled to impose in accordance with Section 16-108, a retail customer that is eligible to elect delivery services pursuant to subsection (a) may place all or a portion of its electric power and energy requirements on delivery services.
    (f) An electric utility may require a retail customer who elects to (i) use an alternative retail electric supplier or another electric utility for some but not all of its electric power or energy requirements, and (ii) use the electric utility for any portion of its remaining electric power and energy requirements, to place the portion of the customer's electric power or energy requirement that is to be served by the electric utility on a tariff containing charges that are set to recover the lowest reasonably available cost to the electric utility of acquiring electric power and energy on the wholesale electric market to serve such remaining portion of the customer's electric power and energy requirement, reasonable compensation for arranging for and providing such electric power or energy, and the electric utility's other costs of providing service to such remaining electric power and energy requirement.
(Source: P.A. 90-561, eff. 12-16-97; 91-50, eff. 6-30-99.)