(220 ILCS 5/13-801) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 13-801)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2026)
    Sec. 13-801. Incumbent local exchange carrier obligations.
    (a) This Section provides additional State requirements contemplated by, but not inconsistent with, Section 261(c) of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, and not preempted by orders of the Federal Communications Commission. A telecommunications carrier not subject to regulation under an alternative regulation plan pursuant to Section 13-506.1 of this Act shall not be subject to the provisions of this Section, to the extent that this Section imposes requirements or obligations upon the telecommunications carrier that exceed or are more stringent than those obligations imposed by Section 251 of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 and regulations promulgated thereunder.
    An incumbent local exchange carrier shall provide a requesting telecommunications carrier with interconnection, collocation, network elements, and access to operations support systems on just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory rates, terms, and conditions to enable the provision of any and all existing and new telecommunications services within the LATA, including, but not limited to, local exchange and exchange access. The Commission shall require the incumbent local exchange carrier to provide interconnection, collocation, and network elements in any manner technically feasible to the fullest extent possible to implement the maximum development of competitive telecommunications services offerings. As used in this Section, to the extent that interconnection, collocation, or network elements have been deployed for or by the incumbent local exchange carrier or one of its wireline local exchange affiliates in any jurisdiction, it shall be presumed that such is technically feasible in Illinois.
    (b) Interconnection.
        (1) An incumbent local exchange carrier shall provide for the facilities and equipment
of any requesting telecommunications carrier's interconnection with the incumbent local exchange carrier's network on just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory rates, terms, and conditions:
            (A) for the transmission and routing of local exchange, and exchange access
telecommunications services;
            (B) at any technically feasible point within the incumbent local exchange carrier's
network; however, the incumbent local exchange carrier may not require the requesting carrier to interconnect at more than one technically feasible point within a LATA; and
            (C) that is at least equal in quality and functionality to that provided by the
incumbent local exchange carrier to itself or to any subsidiary, affiliate, or any other party to which the incumbent local exchange carrier provides interconnection.
        (2) An incumbent local exchange carrier shall make available to any requesting
telecommunications carrier, to the extent technically feasible, those services, facilities, or interconnection agreements or arrangements that the incumbent local exchange carrier or any of its incumbent local exchange subsidiaries or affiliates offers in another state under the terms and conditions, but not the stated rates, negotiated pursuant to Section 252 of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996. Rates shall be established in accordance with the requirements of subsection (g) of this Section. An incumbent local exchange carrier shall also make available to any requesting telecommunications carrier, to the extent technically feasible, and subject to the unbundling provisions of Section 251(d)(2) of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, those unbundled network element or interconnection agreements or arrangements that a local exchange carrier affiliate of the incumbent local exchange carrier obtains in another state from the incumbent local exchange carrier in that state, under the terms and conditions, but not the stated rates, obtained through negotiation, or through an arbitration initiated by the affiliate, pursuant to Section 252 of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996. Rates shall be established in accordance with the requirements of subsection (g) of this Section.
    (c) Collocation. An incumbent local exchange carrier shall provide for physical or virtual collocation of any type of equipment for interconnection or access to network elements at the premises of the incumbent local exchange carrier on just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory rates, terms, and conditions. The equipment shall include, but is not limited to, optical transmission equipment, multiplexers, remote switching modules, and cross-connects between the facilities or equipment of other collocated carriers. The equipment shall also include microwave transmission facilities on the exterior and interior of the incumbent local exchange carrier's premises used for interconnection to, or for access to network elements of, the incumbent local exchange carrier or a collocated carrier, unless the incumbent local exchange carrier demonstrates to the Commission that it is not practical due to technical reasons or space limitations. An incumbent local exchange carrier shall allow, and provide for, the most reasonably direct and efficient cross-connects, that are consistent with safety and network reliability standards, between the facilities of collocated carriers. An incumbent local exchange carrier shall also allow, and provide for, cross connects between a noncollocated telecommunications carrier's network elements platform, or a noncollocated telecommunications carrier's transport facilities, and the facilities of any collocated carrier, consistent with safety and network reliability standards.
    (d) Network elements. The incumbent local exchange carrier shall provide to any requesting telecommunications carrier, for the provision of an existing or a new telecommunications service, nondiscriminatory access to network elements on any unbundled or bundled basis, as requested, at any technically feasible point on just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory rates, terms, and conditions.
        (1) An incumbent local exchange carrier shall provide unbundled network elements in a
manner that allows requesting telecommunications carriers to combine those network elements to provide a telecommunications service.
        (2) An incumbent local exchange carrier shall not separate network elements that are
currently combined, except at the explicit direction of the requesting carrier.
        (3) Upon request, an incumbent local exchange carrier shall combine any sequence of
unbundled network elements that it ordinarily combines for itself, including but not limited to, unbundled network elements identified in The Draft of the Proposed Ameritech Illinois 271 Amendment (I2A) found in Schedule SJA-4 attached to Exhibit 3.1 filed by Illinois Bell Telephone Company on or about March 28, 2001 with the Illinois Commerce Commission under Illinois Commerce Commission Docket Number 00-0700. The Commission shall determine those network elements the incumbent local exchange carrier ordinarily combines for itself if there is a dispute between the incumbent local exchange carrier and the requesting telecommunications carrier under this subdivision of this Section of this Act.
        The incumbent local exchange carrier shall be entitled to recover from the requesting
telecommunications carrier any just and reasonable special construction costs incurred in combining such unbundled network elements (i) if such costs are not already included in the established price of providing the network elements, (ii) if the incumbent local exchange carrier charges such costs to its retail telecommunications end users, and (iii) if fully disclosed in advance to the requesting telecommunications carrier. The Commission shall determine whether the incumbent local exchange carrier is entitled to any special construction costs if there is a dispute between the incumbent local exchange carrier and the requesting telecommunications carrier under this subdivision of this Section of this Act.
        (4) A telecommunications carrier may use a network elements platform consisting solely
of combined network elements of the incumbent local exchange carrier to provide end to end telecommunications service for the provision of existing and new local exchange, interexchange that includes local, local toll, and intraLATA toll, and exchange access telecommunications services within the LATA to its end users or payphone service providers without the requesting telecommunications carrier's provision or use of any other facilities or functionalities.
        (5) The Commission shall establish maximum time periods for the incumbent local exchange
carrier's provision of network elements. The maximum time period shall be no longer than the time period for the incumbent local exchange carrier's provision of comparable retail telecommunications services utilizing those network elements. The Commission may establish a maximum time period for a particular network element that is shorter than for a comparable retail telecommunications service offered by the incumbent local exchange carrier if a requesting telecommunications carrier establishes that it shall perform other functions or activities after receipt of the particular network element to provide telecommunications services to end users. The burden of proof for establishing a maximum time period for a particular network element that is shorter than for a comparable retail telecommunications service offered by the incumbent local exchange carrier shall be on the requesting telecommunications carrier. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, unless and until the Commission establishes by rule or order a different specific maximum time interval, the maximum time intervals shall not exceed 5 business days for the provision of unbundled loops, both digital and analog, 10 business days for the conditioning of unbundled loops or for existing combinations of network elements for an end user that has existing local exchange telecommunications service, and one business day for the provision of the high frequency portion of the loop (line-sharing) for at least 95% of the requests of each requesting telecommunications carrier for each month.
        In measuring the incumbent local exchange carrier's actual performance, the Commission
shall ensure that occurrences beyond the control of the incumbent local exchange carrier that adversely affect the incumbent local exchange carrier's performance are excluded when determining actual performance levels. Such occurrences shall be determined by the Commission, but at a minimum must include work stoppage or other labor actions and acts of war. Exclusions shall also be made for performance that is governed by agreements approved by the Commission and containing timeframes for the same or similar measures or for when a requesting telecommunications carrier requests a longer time interval.
        (6) When a telecommunications carrier requests a network elements platform referred to
in subdivision (d)(4) of this Section, without the need for field work outside of the central office, for an end user that has existing local exchange telecommunications service provided by an incumbent local exchange carrier, or by another telecommunications carrier through the incumbent local exchange carrier's network elements platform, unless otherwise agreed by the telecommunications carriers, the incumbent local exchange carrier shall provide the requesting telecommunications carrier with the requested network elements platform within 3 business days for at least 95% of the requests for each requesting telecommunications carrier for each month. A requesting telecommunications carrier may order the network elements platform as is for an end user that has such existing local exchange service without changing any of the features previously selected by the end user. The incumbent local exchange carrier shall provide the requested network elements platform without any disruption to the end user's services.
        Absent a contrary agreement between the telecommunications carriers entered into after
the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly, as of 12:01 a.m. on the third business day after placing the order for a network elements platform, the requesting telecommunications carrier shall be the presubscribed primary local exchange carrier for that end user line and shall be entitled to receive, or to direct the disposition of, all revenues for all services utilizing the network elements in the platform, unless it is established that the end user of the existing local exchange service did not authorize the requesting telecommunications carrier to make the request.
    (e) Operations support systems. The Commission shall establish minimum standards with just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory rates, terms, and conditions for the preordering, ordering, provisioning, maintenance and repair, and billing functions of the incumbent local exchange carrier's operations support systems provided to other telecommunications carriers.
    (f) Resale. An incumbent local exchange carrier shall offer all retail telecommunications services, that the incumbent local exchange carrier provides at retail to subscribers who are not telecommunications carriers, within the LATA, together with each applicable optional feature or functionality, subject to resale at wholesale rates without imposing any unreasonable or discriminatory conditions or limitations. Wholesale rates shall be based on the retail rates charged to end users for the telecommunications service requested, excluding the portion thereof attributable to any marketing, billing, collection, and other costs avoided by the local exchange carrier. The Commission may determine under Article IX of this Act that certain noncompetitive services, together with each applicable optional feature or functionality, that are offered to residence customers under different rates, charges, terms, or conditions than to other customers should not be subject to resale under the rates, charges, terms, or conditions available only to residence customers.
    (g) Cost based rates. Interconnection, collocation, network elements, and operations support systems shall be provided by the incumbent local exchange carrier to requesting telecommunications carriers at cost based rates. The immediate implementation and provisioning of interconnection, collocation, network elements, and operations support systems shall not be delayed due to any lack of determination by the Commission as to the cost based rates. When cost based rates have not been established, within 30 days after the filing of a petition for the setting of interim rates, or after the Commission's own motion, the Commission shall provide for interim rates that shall remain in full force and effect until the cost based rate determination is made, or the interim rate is modified, by the Commission.
    (h) Rural exemption. This Section does not apply to certain rural telephone companies as described in 47 U.S.C. 251(f).
    (i) Schedule of rates. A telecommunications carrier may request the incumbent local exchange carrier to provide a schedule of rates listing each of the rate elements of the incumbent local exchange carrier that pertains to a proposed order identified by the requesting telecommunications carrier for any of the matters covered in this Section. The incumbent local exchange carrier shall deliver the requested schedule of rates to the requesting telecommunications carrier within 2 business days for 95% of the requests for each requesting carrier
    (j) Special access circuits. Other than as provided in subdivision (d)(4) of this Section for the network elements platform described in that subdivision, nothing in this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly is intended to require or prohibit the substitution of switched or special access services by or with a combination of network elements nor address the Illinois Commerce Commission's jurisdiction or authority in this area.
    (k) The Commission shall determine any matters in dispute between the incumbent local exchange carrier and the requesting carrier pursuant to Section 13-515 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 100-20, eff. 7-1-17.)