(220 ILCS 5/13-506.1) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 13-506.1)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2026)
    Sec. 13-506.1. Alternative forms of regulation for noncompetitive services.
    (a) Notwithstanding any of the ratemaking provisions of this Article or Article IX that are deemed to require rate of return regulation, the Commission may implement alternative forms of regulation in order to establish just and reasonable rates for noncompetitive telecommunications services including, but not limited to, price regulation, earnings sharing, rate moratoria, or a network modernization plan. The Commission is authorized to adopt different forms of regulation to fit the particular characteristics of different telecommunications carriers and their service areas.
    In addition to the public policy goals declared in Section 13-103, the Commission shall consider, in determining the appropriateness of any alternative form of regulation, whether it will:
        (1) reduce regulatory delay and costs over time;
        (2) encourage innovation in services;
        (3) promote efficiency;
        (4) facilitate the broad dissemination of technical improvements to all classes of
        (5) enhance economic development of the State; and
        (6) provide for fair, just, and reasonable rates.
    (b) A telecommunications carrier providing noncompetitive telecommunications services may petition the Commission to regulate the rates or charges of its noncompetitive services under an alternative form of regulation. The telecommunications carrier shall submit with its petition its plan for an alternative form of regulation. The Commission shall review and may modify or reject the carrier's proposed plan. The Commission also may initiate consideration of alternative forms of regulation for a telecommunications carrier on its own motion. The Commission may approve the plan or modified plan and authorize its implementation only if it finds, after notice and hearing, that the plan or modified plan at a minimum:
        (1) is in the public interest;
        (2) will produce fair, just, and reasonable rates for telecommunications services;
        (3) responds to changes in technology and the structure of the telecommunications
industry that are, in fact, occurring;
        (4) constitutes a more appropriate form of regulation based on the Commission's overall
consideration of the policy goals set forth in Section 13-103 and this Section;
        (5) specifically identifies how ratepayers will benefit from any efficiency gains, cost
savings arising out of the regulatory change, and improvements in productivity due to technological change;
        (6) will maintain the quality and availability of telecommunications services; and
        (7) will not unduly or unreasonably prejudice or disadvantage any particular customer
class, including telecommunications carriers.
    (c) An alternative regulation plan approved under this Section shall provide, as a condition for Commission approval of the plan, that for the first 3 years the plan is in effect, basic residence service rates shall be no higher than those rates in effect 180 days before the filing of the plan. This provision shall not be used as a justification or rationale for an increase in basic service rates for any other customer class. For purposes of this Section, "basic residence service rates" shall mean monthly recurring charges for the telecommunications carrier's lowest priced primary residence network access lines, along with any associated untimed or flat rate local usage charges. Nothing in this subsection (c) shall preclude the Commission from approving an alternative regulation plan that results in rate reductions provided all the requirements of subsection (b) are satisfied by the plan.
    (d) Any alternative form of regulation granted for a multi-year period under this Section shall provide for annual or more frequent reporting to the Commission to document that the requirements of the plan are being properly implemented.
    (e) Upon petition by the telecommunications carrier or any other person or upon its own motion, the Commission may rescind its approval of an alternative form of regulation if, after notice and hearing, it finds that the conditions set forth in subsection (b) of this Section can no longer be satisfied. Any person may file a complaint alleging that the rates charged by a telecommunications carrier under an alternative form of regulation are unfair, unjust, unreasonable, unduly discriminatory, or are otherwise not consistent with the requirements of this Article; provided, that the complainant shall bear the burden of proving the allegations in the complaint.
    (f) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize the Commission to render Sections 9-241, 9-250, and 13-505.2 inapplicable to noncompetitive services.
(Source: P.A. 100-20, eff. 7-1-17.)