(220 ILCS 5/10-101.1)
    Sec. 10-101.1. Mediation; arbitration; case management.
    (a) It is the intent of the General Assembly that proceedings before the Commission shall be concluded as expeditiously as is possible consistent with the right of the parties to the due process of law and protection of the public interest. It is further the intent of the General Assembly to permit and encourage voluntary mediation and voluntary binding arbitration of disputes arising under this Act.
    (b) Nothing in this Act shall prevent parties to contested cases brought before the Commission from resolving those cases, or other disputes arising under this Act, in part or in their entirety, by agreement of all parties, by compromise and settlement, or by voluntary mediation; provided, however, that nothing in this Section shall limit the Commission's authority to conduct such investigations and enter such orders as it shall deem necessary to enforce the provisions of this Act or otherwise protect the public interest. Evidence of conduct or statements made by a party in furtherance of voluntary mediation or in compromise negotiations is not admissible as evidence should the matter subsequently be heard by the Commission; provided, however that evidence otherwise discoverable is not excluded or deemed inadmissible merely because it is presented in the course of voluntary mediation or compromise negotiations. No civil penalty shall be imposed upon parties that reach an agreement pursuant to the mediation procedures in this Section.
    (c) The Commission shall prescribe by rule such procedures and facilities as are necessary to permit parties to resolve disputes through voluntary mediation prior to the filing of, or at any point during, the pendency of a contested matter. Parties to disputes arising under this Act are encouraged to submit disputes to the Commission for voluntary mediation, which shall not be binding upon the parties. Submission of a dispute to voluntary mediation shall not compromise the right of any party to bring action under this Act.
    (d) In any contested case before the Commission, at the Commission's or administrative law judge's direction or on motion of any party, a case management conference may be held at such time in the proceeding prior to evidentiary hearing as the administrative law judge deems proper. Prior to the conference, when directed to do so, all parties shall file a case management memorandum that addresses items (1) through (9) as directed by the administrative law judge. At the conference, the following shall be considered:
        (1) the identification and simplification of the issues; provided, however, that the
identification of issues by a party shall not foreclose that party from raising such other meritorious issues as that party might subsequently identify;
        (2) amendments to the pleadings;
        (3) the possibility of obtaining admissions of fact and of documents which will avoid
unnecessary proof;
        (4) limitations on discovery including:
            (A) the area of expertise and the number of witnesses who will likely be called;
provided, however, that the identification of witnesses by a party shall not foreclose that party from producing such other witnesses as that party might subsequently identify; and
            (B) schedules for responses to and completion of discovery; provided, however, that
such responses shall under no circumstances be provided later than 28 days after such discovery or requests are served, unless the administrative law judge shall order or the parties agree to some other time period for response;
        (5) the possibility of settlement and scheduling of a settlement conference;
        (6) the advisability of alternative dispute resolution including, but not limited to,
mediation or arbitration;
        (7) the date on which the matter should be ready for evidentiary hearing and the likely
duration of the hearing;
        (8) the advisability of holding subsequent case management conferences; and
        (9) any other matters that may aid in the disposition of the action.
    (e) The Commission is hereby authorized, if requested by all parties to any complaint brought under this Act, to arbitrate the complaint and to enter a binding arbitration award disposing of the complaint. The Commission shall prescribe by rule procedures for arbitration.
(Source: P.A. 100-840, eff. 8-13-18.)