(215 ILCS 5/409) (from Ch. 73, par. 1021)
    Sec. 409. Annual privilege tax payable by companies.
    (1) As of January 1, 1999 for all health maintenance organization premiums written; as of July 1, 1998 for all premiums written as accident and health business, voluntary health service plan business, dental service plan business, or limited health service organization business; and as of January 1, 1998 for all other types of insurance premiums written, every company doing any form of insurance business in this State, including, but not limited to, every risk retention group, and excluding all fraternal benefit societies, all farm mutual companies, all religious charitable risk pooling trusts, and excluding all statutory residual market and special purpose entities in which companies are statutorily required to participate, whether incorporated or otherwise, shall pay, for the privilege of doing business in this State, to the Director for the State treasury a State tax equal to 0.5% of the net taxable premium written, together with any amounts due under Section 444 of this Code, except that the tax to be paid on any premium derived from any accident and health insurance or on any insurance business written by any company operating as a health maintenance organization, voluntary health service plan, dental service plan, or limited health service organization shall be equal to 0.4% of such net taxable premium written, together with any amounts due under Section 444. Upon the failure of any company to pay any such tax due, the Director may, by order, revoke or suspend the company's certificate of authority after giving 20 days written notice to the company, or commence proceedings for the suspension of business in this State under the procedures set forth by Section 401.1 of this Code. The gross taxable premium written shall be the gross amount of premiums received on direct business during the calendar year on contracts covering risks in this State, except premiums on annuities, premiums on which State premium taxes are prohibited by federal law, premiums paid by the State for health care coverage for Medicaid eligible insureds as described in Section 5-2 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, premiums paid for health care services included as an element of tuition charges at any university or college owned and operated by the State of Illinois, premiums on group insurance contracts under the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971, and except premiums for deferred compensation plans for employees of the State, units of local government, or school districts. The net taxable premium shall be the gross taxable premium written reduced only by the following:
        (a) the amount of premiums returned thereon which shall be limited to premiums returned
during the same preceding calendar year and shall not include the return of cash surrender values or death benefits on life policies including annuities;
        (b) dividends on such direct business that have been paid in cash, applied in reduction
of premiums or left to accumulate to the credit of policyholders or annuitants. In the case of life insurance, no deduction shall be made for the payment of deferred dividends paid in cash to policyholders on maturing policies; dividends left to accumulate to the credit of policyholders or annuitants shall be included as gross taxable premium written when such dividend accumulations are applied to purchase paid-up insurance or to shorten the endowment or premium paying period.
    (2) The annual privilege tax payment due from a company under subsection (4) of this Section may be reduced by: (a) the excess amount, if any, by which the aggregate income taxes paid by the company, on a cash basis, for the preceding calendar year under Sections 601 and 803 of the Illinois Income Tax Act exceed 1.5% of the company's net taxable premium written for that prior calendar year, as determined under subsection (1) of this Section; and (b) the amount of any fire department taxes paid by the company during the preceding calendar year under Section 11-10-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code. Any deductible amount or offset allowed under items (a) and (b) of this subsection for any calendar year will not be allowed as a deduction or offset against the company's privilege tax liability for any other taxing period or calendar year.
    (3) If a company survives or was formed by a merger, consolidation, reorganization, or reincorporation, the premiums received and amounts returned or paid by all companies party to the merger, consolidation, reorganization, or reincorporation shall, for purposes of determining the amount of the tax imposed by this Section, be regarded as received, returned, or paid by the surviving or new company.
    (4)(a) All companies subject to the provisions of this Section shall make an annual return for the preceding calendar year on or before March 15 setting forth such information on such forms as the Director may reasonably require. Payments of quarterly installments of the taxpayer's total estimated tax for the current calendar year shall be due on or before April 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15 of such year, except that all companies transacting insurance in this State whose annual tax for the immediately preceding calendar year was less than $5,000 shall make only an annual return. Failure of a company to make the annual payment, or to make the quarterly payments, if required, of at least 25% of either (i) the total tax paid during the previous calendar year or (ii) 80% of the actual tax for the current calendar year shall subject it to the penalty provisions set forth in Section 412 of this Code.
    (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, no annual return shall be required or made on March 15, 1998, under this subsection. For the calendar year 1998:
        (i) each health maintenance organization shall have no estimated tax installments;
        (ii) all companies subject to the tax as of July 1, 1998 as set forth in subsection (1)
shall have estimated tax installments due on September 15 and December 15 of 1998 which installments shall each amount to no less than one-half of 80% of the actual tax on its net taxable premium written during the period July 1, 1998, through December 31, 1998; and
        (iii) all other companies shall have estimated tax installments due on June 15,
September 15, and December 15 of 1998 which installments shall each amount to no less than one-third of 80% of the actual tax on its net taxable premium written during the calendar year 1998.
    In the year 1999 and thereafter all companies shall make annual and quarterly installments of their estimated tax as provided by paragraph (a) of this subsection.
    (5) In addition to the authority specifically granted under Article XXV of this Code, the Director shall have such authority to adopt rules and establish forms as may be reasonably necessary for purposes of determining the allocation of Illinois corporate income taxes paid under subsections (a) through (d) of Section 201 of the Illinois Income Tax Act amongst members of a business group that files an Illinois corporate income tax return on a unitary basis, for purposes of regulating the amendment of tax returns, for purposes of defining terms, and for purposes of enforcing the provisions of Article XXV of this Code. The Director shall also have authority to defer, waive, or abate the tax imposed by this Section if in his opinion the company's solvency and ability to meet its insured obligations would be immediately threatened by payment of the tax due.
    (6) This Section is subject to the provisions of Section 10 of the New Markets Development Program Act.
(Source: P.A. 97-813, eff. 7-13-12; 98-1169, eff. 1-9-15.)