(215 ILCS 5/123C-23)
    Sec. 123C-23. Approval of captive reinsurance pools. Before determining whether to approve a captive insurance company's participation in a captive reinsurance pool under Section 123C-13 of this Code, the Director may:
        (1) require the captive insurance company provide to the Director evidence that the
captive reinsurance pool:
            (a) is composed only of other captive insurance companies holding a certificate
of authority under this Article or a similar law of another jurisdiction; and
            (b) will be able to meet the pool's financial obligations; and
        (2) impose any other limitation or requirement on the captive insurance company that is
necessary and proper to provide adequate security for the captive insurance company.
(Source: P.A. 100-1118, eff. 11-27-18.)