(105 ILCS 5/27A-7) Sec. 27A-7. Charter submission. (a) A proposal to establish a charter school shall be submitted to the local school board and the State Board for certification under Section 27A-6 of this Code in the form of a proposed contract entered into between the local school board and the governing body of a proposed charter school. The charter school proposal shall include: (1) The name of the proposed charter school, which must include the words "Charter |
(2) The age or grade range, areas of focus, minimum and maximum numbers of pupils to be
| enrolled in the charter school, and any other admission criteria that would be legal if used by a school district.
(3) A description of and address for the physical plant in which the charter school will
| be located; provided that nothing in the Article shall be deemed to justify delaying or withholding favorable action on or approval of a charter school proposal because the building or buildings in which the charter school is to be located have not been acquired or rented at the time a charter school proposal is submitted or approved or a charter school contract is entered into or submitted for certification or certified, so long as the proposal or submission identifies and names at least 2 sites that are potentially available as a charter school facility by the time the charter school is to open.
(4) The mission statement of the charter school, which must be consistent with the
| General Assembly's declared purposes; provided that nothing in this Article shall be construed to require that, in order to receive favorable consideration and approval, a charter school proposal demonstrate unequivocally that the charter school will be able to meet each of those declared purposes, it being the intention of the Charter Schools Law that those purposes be recognized as goals that charter schools must aspire to attain.
(5) The goals, objectives, and pupil performance standards to be achieved by the charter
(6) In the case of a proposal to establish a charter school by converting an existing
| public school or attendance center to charter school status, evidence that the proposed formation of the charter school has received the approval of certified teachers, parents and guardians, and, if applicable, a local school council as provided in subsection (b) of Section 27A-8.
(7) A description of the charter school's educational program, pupil performance
| standards, curriculum, school year, school days, and hours of operation.
(8) A description of the charter school's plan for evaluating pupil performance, the
| types of assessments that will be used to measure pupil progress toward achievement of the school's pupil performance standards, the timeline for achievement of those standards, and the procedures for taking corrective action in the event that pupil performance at the charter school falls below those standards.
(9) Evidence that the terms of the charter as proposed are economically sound for both
| the charter school and the school district, a proposed budget for the term of the charter, a description of the manner in which an annual audit of the financial and administrative operations of the charter school, including any services provided by the school district, are to be conducted, and a plan for the displacement of pupils, teachers, and other employees who will not attend or be employed in the charter school.
(10) A description of the governance and operation of the charter school, including the
| nature and extent of parental, professional educator, and community involvement in the governance and operation of the charter school.
(11) An explanation of the relationship that will exist between the charter school and
| its employees, including evidence that the terms and conditions of employment have been addressed with affected employees and their recognized representative, if any. However, a bargaining unit of charter school employees shall be separate and distinct from any bargaining units formed from employees of a school district in which the charter school is located.
(12) An agreement between the parties regarding their respective legal liability and
| applicable insurance coverage.
(13) A description of how the charter school plans to meet the transportation needs of
| its pupils, and a plan for addressing the transportation needs of low-income and at-risk pupils.
(14) The proposed effective date and term of the charter; provided that the first day of
| the first academic year shall be no earlier than August 15 and no later than September 15 of a calendar year, and the first day of the fiscal year shall be July 1.
(14.5) Disclosure of any known active civil or criminal investigation by a local, state,
| or federal law enforcement agency into an organization submitting the charter school proposal or a criminal investigation by a local, state, or federal law enforcement agency into any member of the governing body of that organization. For the purposes of this subdivision (14.5), a known investigation means a request for an interview by a law enforcement agency, a subpoena, an arrest, or an indictment. Such disclosure is required for a period from the initial application submission through 10 business days prior to the authorizer's scheduled decision date.
(14.7) A union neutrality clause.
(15) Any other information reasonably required by the State Board.
(b) A proposal to establish a charter school may be initiated by individuals or organizations that will have majority representation on the board of directors or other governing body of the corporation or other discrete legal entity that is to be established to operate the proposed charter school, by a board of education or an intergovernmental agreement between or among boards of education, or by the board of directors or other governing body of a discrete legal entity already existing or established to operate the proposed charter school. The individuals or organizations referred to in this subsection may be school teachers, school administrators, local school councils, colleges or universities or their faculty members, public community colleges or their instructors or other representatives, corporations, or other entities or their representatives. The proposal shall be submitted to the local school board for consideration and, if appropriate, for development of a proposed contract to be submitted to the State Board for certification under Section 27A-6.
(c) The local school board may not without the consent of the governing body of the charter school condition its approval of a charter school proposal on acceptance of an agreement to operate under State laws and regulations and local school board policies from which the charter school is otherwise exempted under this Article.
(Source: P.A. 103-175, eff. 6-30-23; 103-416, eff. 8-4-23; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)