(105 ILCS 5/26A-40) (This Section may contain text from a Public Act with a delayed effective date) Sec. 26A-40. Support and services. (a) To facilitate the full participation of students who are parents, expectant parents, or victims of domestic or sexual violence, each school district must provide those students with in-school support services and information regarding nonschool-based support services, and the ability to make up work missed on account of circumstances related to the student's status as a parent, expectant parent, or victim of domestic or sexual violence. Victims of domestic or sexual violence must have access to those supports and services regardless of when or where the violence for which they are seeking supports and services occurred. All supports and services must be offered for as long as necessary to maintain the mental and physical well-being and safety of the student. Schools may periodically check on students receiving supports and services to determine whether each support and service continues to be necessary to maintain the mental and physical well-being and safety of the student or whether termination is appropriate. (b) Supports provided under subsection (a) shall include, but are not limited to (i) the provision of sufficiently private settings to ensure confidentiality and time off from class for meetings with counselors or other service providers, (ii) assisting the student with a student success plan, (iii) transferring a victim of domestic or sexual violence or the student perpetrator to a different classroom or school, if available, (iv) changing a seating assignment, (v) implementing in-school, school grounds, and bus safety procedures, (vi) honoring court orders, including orders of protection and no-contact orders to the fullest extent possible, and (vii) providing any other supports that may facilitate the full participation in the regular education program of students who are parents, expectant parents, or victims of domestic or sexual violence. (c) If a student who is a parent, expectant parent, or victim of domestic or sexual violence is a student at risk of academic failure or displays poor academic performance, the student or the student's parent or guardian may request that the school district provide the student with or refer the student to education and support services designed to assist the student in meeting State learning standards. A school district may either provide education or support services directly or may collaborate with public or private State, local, or community-based organizations or agencies that provide these services. A school district must also inform those students about support services of nonschool-based organizations and agencies from which those students typically receive services in the community. (d) Any student who is unable, because of circumstances related to the student's status as a parent, expectant parent, or victim of domestic or sexual violence, to participate in classes on a particular day or days or at the particular time of day must be excused in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Code. Upon student or parent or guardian's request, the teachers and of the school administrative personnel and officials shall make available to each student who is unable to participate because of circumstances related to the student's status as a parent, expectant parent, or victim of domestic or sexual violence a meaningful opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirement that the student has missed because of the inability to participate on any particular day or days or at any particular time of day. For a student receiving homebound instruction, it is the responsibility of the student and parent to work with the school or school district to meet academic standards for matriculation, as defined by school district policy. Costs assessed by the school district on the student for participation in those activities shall be considered waivable fees for any student whose parent or guardian is unable to afford them, consistent with Section 10-20.13. Each school district must adopt written policies for waiver of those fees in accordance with rules adopted by the State Board of Education. (e) If a school or school district employee or agent becomes aware of or suspects a student's status as a parent, expectant parent, or victim of domestic or sexual violence, it is the responsibility of the employee or agent of the school or school district to refer the student to the school district's domestic or sexual violence and parenting resource personnel set forth in Section 26A-35. A school district must make respecting a student's privacy, confidentiality, mental and physical health, and safety a paramount concern. (f) Each school must honor a student's and a parent's or guardian's decision to obtain education and support services and nonschool-based support services, to terminate the receipt of those education and support services, or nonschool-based support services, or to decline participation in those education and support services, or nonschool-based support services. No student is obligated to use education and support services, or nonschool-based support services. In developing educational support services, the privacy, mental and physical health, and safety of the student shall be of paramount concern. No adverse or prejudicial effects may result to any student because of the student's availing of or declining the provisions of this Section as long as the student is working with the school to meet academic standards for matriculation as defined by school district policy. (g) Any support services must be available in any school or by home or hospital instruction to the highest quality and fullest extent possible for the individual setting. (h) School-based counseling services, if available, must be offered to students who are parents, expectant parents, or victims of domestic or sexual violence consistent with the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code. At least once every school year, each school district must inform, in writing, all school personnel and all students 12 years of age or older of the availability of counseling without parental or guardian consent under Section 3-550 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code. This information must also be provided to students immediately after any school personnel becomes aware that a student is a parent, expectant parent, or victim of domestic or sexual violence. (i) All domestic or sexual violence organizations and their staff and any other nonschool organization and its staff shall maintain confidentiality under federal and State laws and their professional ethics policies regardless of when or where information, advice, counseling, or any other interaction with students takes place. A school or school district may not request or require those organizations or individuals to breach confidentiality. (Source: P.A. 102-466, eff. 7-1-25; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.) |