(65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-40)
    Sec. 11-74.6-40. Equalized assessed value determination; property tax extension.
    (a) If a municipality by ordinance provides for tax increment allocation financing under Section 11-74.6-35, the county clerk immediately thereafter:
        (1) shall determine the initial equalized assessed value of each parcel of real property
in the redevelopment project area, which is the most recently established equalized assessed value of each lot, block, tract or parcel of taxable real property within the redevelopment project area, minus the homestead exemptions under Article 15 of the Property Tax Code; and
        (2) shall certify to the municipality the total initial equalized assessed value of all
taxable real property within the redevelopment project area.
    (b) Any municipality that has established a vacant industrial buildings conservation area may, by ordinance passed after the adoption of tax increment allocation financing, provide that the county clerk immediately thereafter shall again determine:
        (1) the updated initial equalized assessed value of each lot, block, tract or parcel of
real property, which is the most recently ascertained equalized assessed value of each lot, block, tract or parcel of real property within the vacant industrial buildings conservation area; and
        (2) the total updated initial equalized assessed value of all taxable real property
within the redevelopment project area, which is the total of the updated initial equalized assessed value of all taxable real property within the vacant industrial buildings conservation area.
    The county clerk shall certify to the municipality the total updated initial equalized assessed value of all taxable real property within the industrial buildings conservation area.
    (c) After the county clerk has certified the total initial equalized assessed value or the total updated initial equalized assessed value of the taxable real property in the area, for each taxing district in which a redevelopment project area is situated, the county clerk or any other official required by law to determine the amount of the equalized assessed value of all taxable property within the district for the purpose of computing the percentage rate of tax to be extended upon taxable property within the district, shall in every year that tax increment allocation financing is in effect determine the total equalized assessed value of taxable property in a redevelopment project area by including in that amount the lower of the current equalized assessed value or the certified total initial equalized assessed value or, if the total of updated equalized assessed value has been certified, the total updated initial equalized assessed value of all taxable real property in the redevelopment project area. After he has certified the total initial equalized assessed value he shall in the year of that certification, if tax rates have not been extended, and in every subsequent year that tax increment allocation financing is in effect, determine the amount of equalized assessed value of taxable property in a redevelopment project area by including in that amount the lower of the current total equalized assessed value or the certified total initial equalized assessed value or, if the total of updated initial equalized assessed values have been certified, the total updated initial equalized assessed value of all taxable real property in the redevelopment project area.
    (d) The percentage rate of tax determined shall be extended on the current equalized assessed value of all property in the redevelopment project area in the same manner as the rate per cent of tax is extended to all other taxable property in the taxing district. The method of extending taxes established under this Section shall terminate when the municipality adopts an ordinance dissolving the special tax allocation fund for the redevelopment project area. This Law shall not be construed as relieving property owners within a redevelopment project area from paying a uniform rate of taxes upon the current equalized assessed value of their taxable property as provided in the Property Tax Code.
(Source: P.A. 95-644, eff. 10-12-07.)