(65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-22)
    Sec. 11-74.6-22. Adoption of ordinance; requirements; changes.
    (a) Before adoption of an ordinance proposing the designation of a redevelopment planning area or a redevelopment project area, or both, or approving a redevelopment plan or redevelopment project, the municipality or commission designated pursuant to subsection (l) of Section 11-74.6-15 shall fix by ordinance or resolution a time and place for public hearing. Prior to the adoption of the ordinance or resolution establishing the time and place for the public hearing, the municipality shall make available for public inspection a redevelopment plan or a report that provides in sufficient detail, the basis for the eligibility of the redevelopment project area. The report along with the name of a person to contact for further information shall be sent to the affected taxing district by certified mail within a reasonable time following the adoption of the ordinance or resolution establishing the time and place for the public hearing.
    At the public hearing any interested person or affected taxing district may file with the municipal clerk written objections to the ordinance and may be heard orally on any issues that are the subject of the hearing. The municipality shall hear and determine all alternate proposals or bids for any proposed conveyance, lease, mortgage or other disposition of land and all protests and objections at the hearing and the hearing may be adjourned to another date without further notice other than a motion to be entered upon the minutes fixing the time and place of the later hearing. At the public hearing or at any time prior to the adoption by the municipality of an ordinance approving a redevelopment plan, the municipality may make changes in the redevelopment plan. Changes which (1) add additional parcels of property to the proposed redevelopment project area, (2) substantially affect the general land uses proposed in the redevelopment plan, or (3) substantially change the nature of or extend the life of the redevelopment project shall be made only after the municipality gives notice, convenes a joint review board, and conducts a public hearing pursuant to the procedures set forth in this Section and in Section 11-74.6-25. Changes which do not (1) add additional parcels of property to the proposed redevelopment project area, (2) substantially affect the general land uses proposed in the redevelopment plan, or (3) substantially change the nature of or extend the life of the redevelopment project may be made without further hearing, provided that the municipality shall give notice of any such changes by mail to each affected taxing district and by publication once in a newspaper of general circulation within the affected taxing district. Such notice by mail and by publication shall each occur not later than 10 days following the adoption by ordinance of such changes.
    (b) Before adoption of an ordinance proposing the designation of a redevelopment planning area or a redevelopment project area, or both, or amending the boundaries of an existing redevelopment project area or redevelopment planning area, or both, the municipality shall convene a joint review board to consider the proposal. The board shall consist of a representative selected by each taxing district that has authority to levy real property taxes on the property within the proposed redevelopment project area and that has at least 5% of its total equalized assessed value located within the proposed redevelopment project area, a representative selected by the municipality and a public member. The public member and the board's chairperson shall be selected by a majority of other board members.
    All board members shall be appointed and the first board meeting held within 14 days following the notice by the municipality to all the taxing districts as required by subsection (c) of Section 11-74.6-25. The notice shall also advise the taxing bodies represented on the joint review board of the time and place of the first meeting of the board. Additional meetings of the board shall be held upon the call of any 2 members. The municipality seeking designation of the redevelopment project area may provide administrative support to the board.
    The board shall review the public record, planning documents and proposed ordinances approving the redevelopment plan and project to be adopted by the municipality. As part of its deliberations, the board may hold additional hearings on the proposal. A board's recommendation, if any, shall be a written recommendation adopted by a majority vote of the board and submitted to the municipality within 30 days after the board convenes. A board's recommendation shall be binding upon the municipality. Failure of the board to submit its recommendation on a timely basis shall not be cause to delay the public hearing or the process of establishing or amending the redevelopment project area. The board's recommendation on the proposal shall be based upon the area satisfying the applicable eligibility criteria defined in Section 11-74.6-10 and whether there is a basis for the municipal findings set forth in the redevelopment plan as required by this Act. If the board does not file a recommendation it shall be presumed that the board has found that the redevelopment project area satisfies the eligibility criteria.
    (c) After a municipality has by ordinance approved a redevelopment plan and designated a redevelopment planning area or a redevelopment project area, or both, the plan may be amended and additional properties may be added to the redevelopment project area only as herein provided. Amendments which (1) add additional parcels of property to the proposed redevelopment project area, (2) substantially affect the general land uses proposed in the redevelopment plan, (3) substantially change the nature of the redevelopment project, (4) increase the total estimated redevelopment project costs set out in the redevelopment plan by more than 5% after adjustment for inflation from the date the plan was adopted, or (5) add additional redevelopment project costs to the itemized list of redevelopment project costs set out in the redevelopment plan shall be made only after the municipality gives notice, convenes a joint review board, and conducts a public hearing pursuant to the procedures set forth in this Section and in Section 11-74.6-25. Changes which do not (1) add additional parcels of property to the proposed redevelopment project area, (2) substantially affect the general land uses proposed in the redevelopment plan, (3) substantially change the nature of the redevelopment project, (4) increase the total estimated redevelopment project cost set out in the redevelopment plan by more than 5% after adjustment for inflation from the date the plan was adopted, or (5) add additional redevelopment project costs to the itemized list of redevelopment project costs set out in the redevelopment plan may be made without further hearing, provided that the municipality shall give notice of any such changes by mail to each affected taxing district and by publication once in a newspaper of general circulation within the affected taxing district. Such notice by mail and by publication shall each occur not later than 10 days following the adoption by ordinance of such changes.
    Notwithstanding Section 11-74.6-50, the redevelopment project area established by an ordinance adopted in its final form on December 19, 2011 by the City of Loves Park may be expanded by the adoption of an ordinance to that effect without further hearing or notice to include land that (i) is at least in part contiguous to the existing redevelopment project area, (ii) does not exceed approximately 16.56 acres, (iii) at the time of the establishment of the redevelopment project area would have been otherwise eligible for inclusion in the redevelopment project area, and (iv) is zoned so as to comply with this Act prior to its inclusion in the redevelopment project area.
    (d) After the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, a municipality shall submit the following information for each redevelopment project area (i) to the State Comptroller under Section 8-8-3.5 of the Illinois Municipal Code, subject to any extensions or exemptions provided at the Comptroller's discretion under that Section, and (ii) to all taxing districts overlapping the redevelopment project area no later than 180 days after the close of each municipal fiscal year or as soon thereafter as the audited financial statements become available and, in any case, shall be submitted before the annual meeting of the joint review board to each of the taxing districts that overlap the redevelopment project area:
        (1) Any amendments to the redevelopment plan, or the redevelopment project area.
        (1.5) A list of the redevelopment project areas administered by the municipality and, if
applicable, the date each redevelopment project area was designated or terminated by the municipality.
        (2) Audited financial statements of the special tax allocation fund once a cumulative
total of $100,000 of tax increment revenues has been deposited in the fund.
        (3) Certification of the Chief Executive Officer of the municipality that the
municipality has complied with all of the requirements of this Act during the preceding fiscal year.
        (4) An opinion of legal counsel that the municipality is in compliance with this Act.
        (5) An analysis of the special tax allocation fund which sets forth:
            (A) the balance in the special tax allocation fund at the beginning of the fiscal
            (B) all amounts deposited in the special tax allocation fund by source;
            (C) an itemized list of all expenditures from the special tax allocation fund by
category of permissible redevelopment project cost; and
            (D) the balance in the special tax allocation fund at the end of the fiscal year
including a breakdown of that balance by source and a breakdown of that balance identifying any portion of the balance that is required, pledged, earmarked, or otherwise designated for payment of or securing of obligations and anticipated redevelopment project costs. Any portion of such ending balance that has not been identified or is not identified as being required, pledged, earmarked, or otherwise designated for payment of or securing of obligations or anticipated redevelopment project costs shall be designated as surplus as set forth in Section 11-74.6-30 hereof.
        (6) A description of all property purchased by the municipality within the redevelopment
project area including:
            (A) Street address.
            (B) Approximate size or description of property.
            (C) Purchase price.
            (D) Seller of property.
        (7) A statement setting forth all activities undertaken in furtherance of the objectives
of the redevelopment plan, including:
            (A) Any project implemented in the preceding fiscal year.
            (B) A description of the redevelopment activities undertaken.
            (C) A description of any agreements entered into by the municipality with regard to
the disposition or redevelopment of any property within the redevelopment project area.
            (D) Additional information on the use of all funds received under this Division and
steps taken by the municipality to achieve the objectives of the redevelopment plan.
            (E) Information regarding contracts that the municipality's tax increment advisors
or consultants have entered into with entities or persons that have received, or are receiving, payments financed by tax increment revenues produced by the same redevelopment project area.
            (F) Any reports submitted to the municipality by the joint review board.
            (G) A review of public and, to the extent possible, private investment actually
undertaken to date after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly and estimated to be undertaken during the following year. This review shall, on a project-by-project basis, set forth the estimated amounts of public and private investment incurred after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly and provide the ratio of private investment to public investment to the date of the report and as estimated to the completion of the redevelopment project.
        (8) With regard to any obligations issued by the municipality:
            (A) copies of any official statements; and
            (B) an analysis prepared by financial advisor or underwriter, chosen by the
municipality, setting forth: (i) nature and term of obligation; (ii) projected debt service including required reserves and debt coverage; and (iii) actual debt service.
        (9) For special tax allocation funds that have received cumulative deposits of
incremental tax revenues of $100,000 or more, a certified audit report reviewing compliance with this Act performed by an independent public accountant certified and licensed by the authority of the State of Illinois. The financial portion of the audit must be conducted in accordance with Standards for Audits of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities, and Functions adopted by the Comptroller General of the United States (1981), as amended, or the standards specified by Section 8-8-5 of the Illinois Municipal Auditing Law of the Illinois Municipal Code. The audit report shall contain a letter from the independent certified public accountant indicating compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of subsection (o) of Section 11-74.6-10.
    In addition to information required to be reported under this Section, for Fiscal Year 2022 and each fiscal year thereafter, reporting municipalities shall also report to the Comptroller annually in a manner and format prescribed by the Comptroller: (1) the number of jobs, if any, projected to be created for each redevelopment project area at the time of approval of the redevelopment agreement; (2) the number of jobs, if any, created as a result of the development to date for that reporting period under the same guidelines and assumptions as was used for the projections used at the time of approval of the redevelopment agreement; (3) the amount of increment projected to be created at the time of approval of the redevelopment agreement for each redevelopment project area; (4) the amount of increment created as a result of the development to date for that reporting period using the same assumptions as was used for the projections used at the time of the approval of the redevelopment agreement; and (5) the stated rate of return identified by the developer to the municipality for each redevelopment project area, if any. Stated rates of return required to be reported in item (5) shall be independently verified by a third party chosen by the municipality. Reporting municipalities shall also report to the Comptroller a copy of the redevelopment plan each time the redevelopment plan is enacted, amended, or extended in a manner and format prescribed by the Comptroller. These requirements shall only apply to redevelopment projects beginning in or after Fiscal Year 2022.
    (e) The joint review board shall meet annually 180 days after the close of the municipal fiscal year or as soon as the redevelopment project audit for that fiscal year becomes available to review the effectiveness and status of the redevelopment project area up to that date.
(Source: P.A. 102-127, eff. 7-23-21.)