(65 ILCS 5/11-12-13)
    Sec. 11-12-13. Joint plan commissions. Whenever the corporate authorities of 2 or more municipalities having a population less than 500,000 determine that unincorporated land and territory lying adjacent to any one or more of such municipalities, or land and territory comprising a portion of such municipalities, or land and territory both lying adjacent to such municipalities and being a part of such municipalities forms a contiguous region and such land and territory (i) is or was formerly owned by the United States of America or any department thereof, (ii) is located entirely within a county having a population of not less than 500,000 nor more than 1,000,000 persons, (iii) has been annexed or is intended to be annexed to one or more of such municipalities, and (iv) comprises not less than 500 nor more than 800 acres, the said corporate authorities are hereby empowered, by intergovernmental agreement between or among the municipalities, to define the boundaries of such region and to create a joint plan commission having one, some, or all of the powers set forth in this Section.
    (1) Membership of joint plan commissions. The joint plan commission shall consist of such number of persons known as "members" as shall be set forth in the intergovernmental agreement. The parties, acting by and through their mayors or village presidents with the advice and consent of each of their respective corporate authorities, shall appoint the members who shall hold office as set forth in such intergovernmental agreement. If authorized to do so by such intergovernmental agreement, the joint plan commission may employ a staff to assist in the administration and enforcement of zoning and building codes or ordinances throughout the region.
    (2) Powers and duties of joint plan commissions. The corporate authorities by such intergovernmental agreement may provide for the joint plan commission to have all or some of the functions, powers and duties contained in Divisions 12, 13, 14, and 15 of this Article 11 of this Code.
        (a) The joint plan commission shall be a recommendatory body only and all
recommendations thereof shall be advisory to all of the corporate authorities of the municipalities which have entered into such intergovernmental agreement and affect only that incorporated land and territory of the region lying within the corporate limits of such municipalities.
        (b) Such intergovernmental agreement may further authorize such joint plan commission
exclusive jurisdiction to apply and enforce the respective zoning and building codes and other applicable codes of each municipality concerning the land within the region lying within the respective corporate limits of such municipality and may provide for immediate removal of such region from the jurisdiction of such municipalities' plan commissions, zoning boards of appeal, and other bodies or officials authorized to exercise such powers and duties.
        (c) Such intergovernmental agreement may authorize such joint plan commission to
establish rules and procedures consistent with this Section as may be necessary to carry out the terms of such intergovernmental agreement.
    (3) Conflict resolution.
            (a) In order to become effective in matters within its jurisdiction, a
recommendation of any such joint plan commission pursuant to this Section shall require the approval set forth in the intergovernmental agreement. The intergovernmental agreement creating a joint plan commission shall establish procedures for the consideration and approval or disapproval by such municipalities of the joint plan commission's recommendation, and for the resolution between or among the municipalities of disputes or differences arising from any recommendation of the joint plan commission. Once effective, any such recommendation regarding rezoning, variations, or special uses shall require the adoption of a suitable ordinance by the corporate authorities of only that municipality within whose corporate limits lies the land and territory which is the subject of such recommendation.
            (b) Any party to such intergovernmental agreement may by civil action, mandamus,
injunction or other proceeding, enforce and compel performance of the agreement.
    This amendatory Act of 1996 shall not be a limitation on home rule powers.
(Source: P.A. 89-666, eff. 8-14-96.)