(65 ILCS 5/11-1.5-15)
    (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2029)
    Sec. 11-1.5-15. Duties. The duties of the unit include, but are not limited to:
        (1) Serving as a resource to a department's community to identify and coordinate the
social services available to residents who are victims of criminal acts.
        (2) Networking with area social service agencies to develop a community-mutual resource
system and wrap-around services (a team-based, collaborative case management approach) for victims in need of social service assistance; and fostering relationships with community organizations not limited to area hospitals, school districts, juvenile justice system, and various community groups.
        (3) Employing social workers of the unit who shall:
            (A) Upon request, provide community presentations on an array of social service
            (B) Assist individuals in diversion from the criminal justice system by addressing
problems or concerns through therapeutic intervention.
            (C) Facilitate follow-up treatment or referral to the appropriate community
resource organization.
            (D) When requested, assist department employees in securing services for those in
need and provide educational information to help the employee better understand the circumstances or the community concern.
            (E) Meet with walk-ins requesting information or assistance.
            (F) Protect the interest, confidentiality, and civil rights of the client.
            (G) Train social work interns who may be working within the unit.
            (H) Be on-call after regular business hours, as needed.
            (I) Inform clients, prior to providing services under this Division, what
communications are confidential pursuant to applicable provisions of State or federal law, rule, or regulation and what may be shared with the social worker's employer.
            (J) Consult on all cases as needed by the department.
            (K) Perform other functions as provided in Section 11-1.5-20 or otherwise needed by
a department.
        (4) Employing social workers who shall work with victims of crimes as follows:
            (A) Review police reports to identify known victims and contact them to offer direct
and referred services.
            (B) Assist victims with filing police reports and victim compensation forms.
            (C) Provide safety planning services to victims.
            (D) Provide crisis counseling services to victims and their families.
            (E) Conduct home visits with victims in conjunction with police backup, when needed.
            (F) Assist victims in obtaining orders of protection. A social worker, in the
performance of his or her duties under this subparagraph, is an advocate, as that term is defined in Section 112A-3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963.
            (G) Facilitate court advocacy services for victims, including arranging for
transportation to and from court.
            (H) Maintain confidential case files which include social history, diagnosis,
formulation of treatment, and documentation of services.
            (I) Perform miscellaneous personal advocacy tasks for victims, as needed.
            (J) Oversee activities to ensure those victims with the most urgent needs are given
the highest priority for services.
            (K) Provide status updates on the progress of a victim's case.
        (5) Adhering to and understanding the applicable policies, procedures, and orders of a
        (6) Attaining department-established unit goals.
        (7) Maintaining a positive relationship with co-workers, as well as the investigators
from area police departments and facilitating the exchange of information and resources pertaining to investigations that would not violate confidentiality as protected pursuant to applicable provisions of State or federal law, rule, or regulation.
        (8) Keeping informed on crime trends within the City.
        (9) Remaining obedient and responsive to all lawful verbal and written orders issued by
        (10) Completing police reports and other required documentation.
        (11) Performing such other duties as may be required by State law, city ordinance, and
department policy or as may be assigned by a sworn supervisor.
(Source: P.A. 102-756, eff. 5-10-22.)