(35 ILCS 638/25)
    Sec. 25. Provision of electronic database.
    (a) The State may provide an electronic database to a home service provider or, if the State does not provide such an electronic database to home service providers, then the designated database provider may provide an electronic database to a home service provider.
    (b) The electronic database, whether provided by the State or the designated database provider, shall:
        (1) be provided in a format approved by the American National Standards Institute's
Accredited Standards Committee X12, that, allowing for de minimis deviations, designates for each street address in the State, including to the extent practical, any multiple postal street addresses applicable to one street location, the appropriate taxing jurisdictions, and the appropriate code for each taxing jurisdiction, for each level of taxing jurisdiction, identified by one nationwide standard numeric code described in subsection (c); and
        (2) also provide the appropriate code for each street address with respect to political
subdivisions that are not taxing jurisdictions when reasonably needed to determine the proper taxing jurisdiction.
    (c) The nationwide standard numeric codes shall contain the same number of numeric digits with each digit or combination of digits referring to the same level of taxing jurisdiction throughout the United States using a format similar to FIPS 55-3 or other appropriate standard approved by the Federation of Tax Administrators and the Multistate Tax Commission, or their successors. Each address shall be provided in standard postal format.
(Source: P.A. 92-474, eff. 8-1-02.)