(35 ILCS 200/21-90)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-555)
    Sec. 21-90. Purchase and sale by county; distribution of proceeds. When any property is delinquent, or is forfeited for each of 2 or more years, and is offered for sale under any of the provisions of this Code, the County Board of the County in which the property is located, in its discretion, may bid, or, in the case of forfeited property, may apply to purchase it, in the name of the County as trustee for all taxing districts having an interest in the property's taxes or special assessments for the nonpayment of which the property is sold. The presiding officer of the county board, with the advice and consent of the Board, may appoint on its behalf some officer or person to attend such sales and bid or, in the case of forfeited property, to apply to the county clerk to purchase. The County shall apply on the bid or purchase the unpaid taxes and special assessments due upon the property. No cash need be paid. The County may take steps necessary to acquire title to the property and may manage and operate the property, including, but not limited to, mowing of grass, removal of nuisance greenery, removal of garbage, waste, debris or other materials, or the demolition, repair, or remediation of unsafe structures. When a county, or other taxing district within the county, is a petitioner for a tax deed, no filing fee shall be required. When a county or other taxing district within the county is the petitioner for a tax deed, one petition may be filed including all parcels that are tax delinquent within the county or taxing district, and any publication made under Section 22-20 of this Code may combine all such parcels within a single notice. The notice shall list the street or common address, if known, of the parcels for informational purposes. The county, as tax creditor and as trustee for other tax creditors, or other taxing district within the county, shall not be required to allege and prove that all taxes and special assessments which become due and payable after the sale to the county have been paid nor shall the county be required to pay the subsequently accruing taxes or special assessments at any time. The county board or its designee may prohibit the county collector from including the property in the tax sale of one or more subsequent years. The lien of taxes and special assessments which become due and payable after a sale to a county shall merge in the fee title of the county, or other taxing district within the county, on the issuance of a deed.
    The County may sell or assign the property so acquired, or the certificate of purchase to it, to any party, including taxing districts. The proceeds of that sale or assignment, less all costs of the county incurred in the acquisition, operation, maintenance, and sale or assignment of the property, including all costs associated with county staff and overhead used to perform the duties of the trustee set forth in this Section, shall be distributed to the taxing districts in proportion to their respective interests therein.
    Under Sections 21-110, 21-115, 21-120 and 21-405, a County may bid or purchase only in the absence of other bidders.
(Source: P.A. 102-363, eff. 1-1-22.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-555)
    Sec. 21-90. Purchase and sale by county; distribution of proceeds.
    (a) When any property is offered for sale under any of the provisions of this Code, the county board of the county in which the property is located, in its discretion, may bid, or, in the case of forfeited property, may apply to purchase it or otherwise acquire the tax lien or certificate in the name of the county as trustee for all taxing districts having an interest in the property's taxes or special assessments for the nonpayment of which the property is sold. The presiding officer of the county board, with the advice and consent of the board, may appoint on its behalf some officer, person, or entity to attend such sales, bid on tax liens or certificates, and act on behalf of the county when exercising its authority under this Section . The county shall apply on the bid or purchase the unpaid taxes and special assessments due upon the property. No cash need be paid.
    (b) The county, as trustee for all taxing districts having an interest in the property's taxes or special assessments, shall be the designated holder of all tax liens or certificates that are forfeited to the State or county. No cash need be paid for the forfeited tax lien or certificate.
    (c) For any tax lien or certificate acquired under subsection (a) or (b) of this Section, the county may take steps necessary to acquire title to the property and may manage and operate the property, including, but not limited to, mowing of grass, removal of nuisance greenery, removal of garbage, waste, debris or other materials, or the demolition, repair, or remediation of unsafe structures. When a county, or other taxing district within the county, is a petitioner for a tax deed, no filing fee shall be required. When a county or other taxing district within the county is the petitioner for a tax deed, one petition may be filed including all parcels that are tax delinquent within the county or taxing district, and any publication made under Section 22-20 of this Code may combine all such parcels within a single notice. The notice may include the street address as listed on the most recent available tax bills, if available, and shall list the Property Index Number of the parcels for informational purposes. The county, as tax creditor and as trustee for other tax creditors, or other taxing district within the county, shall not be required to allege and prove that all taxes and special assessments which become due and payable after the sale or forfeiture to the county have been paid nor shall the county be required to pay the subsequently accruing taxes or special assessments at any time. The county board or its designee may prohibit the county collector from including the property in the tax sale of one or more subsequent years. The lien of taxes and special assessments which become due and payable after a sale to a county shall merge in the fee title of the county, or other taxing district within the county, on the issuance of a deed.
    The county may sell any property acquired with authority provided in this Section, or assign any tax certificate to any party, including, but not limited to, taxing districts, municipalities, land banks created pursuant to Illinois law, or non-profit developers focused on constructing affordable housing.
    The assigned tax certificate shall be void with no further rights given to the assignee, including no right to refund or reimbursement, if a tax deed has not been recorded within 4 years after the date of the assignment unless a court extends the assignment period as provided in this Section. Upon a motion by the assignee, a court may toll the 4-year deadline for a specified period of time if the court finds the assignee is prevented from obtaining or recording a deed by injunction or order of any court, by the refusal or inability of any court to act upon the application for a tax deed, by a municipality's refusal to issue necessary transfer stamps or approvals for recording, or by the refusal of the clerk to execute the deed. If an assigned tax certificate is void under this Section, it shall be forfeited to the county and held as a valid certificate of sale in the county's name pursuant to this Section 21-90. The proceeds of any sale or assignment under this Section, less all costs of the county incurred in the acquisition, operation, maintenance, and sale of the property or assignment of the tax certificate, including all costs associated with county staff and overhead used to perform the duties of the trustee set forth in this Section, shall be distributed to the taxing districts in proportion to their respective interests therein.
    Under Sections 21-110, 21-115, 21-120, and 21-190, a county may bid or purchase only in the absence of other bidders.
(Source: P.A. 102-363, eff. 1-1-22; 103-555, eff. 1-1-24.)